In (Part one), Survivor’s Guilt was defined, common symptoms of Survivor’s Guilt were revealed, along with some ways to understand it. In this post (Part two), I will go deeper into the dynamics of Survivor’s Guilt and why you are actually innocent, but thinking that you are not. Continue reading
Category Archives: AllPosts
Survivor’s Guilt (Part One)
In light of recent media attention surrounding Survivor’s Guilt, caused by the increase of mass shootings, we have become more aware of this phenomenon. However, although we hear so much about it now, it’s not a new thing. Survivor’s Guilt has existed in many ways since the dawning of civilization. Continue reading
The Serenity Prayer as a Tool
“God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.”
The Serenity Prayer was originally written by theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, in the early 1930’s. This first verse captured the message Alcoholics Anonymous found helpful to adopt, it continues to be used to this very day as a familiar source of empowerment. Continue reading
Thought Perception
In this after-death communication, Ken receives help from his departed loved one, Jon, while making a batch of cookies.
Ken writes:
I have been feeling Jon near me lately. Funny thing is, I was getting out ingredients from a cabinet to bake cookies. I kept digging around for the brown sugar. I couldn’t remember if I used it all or put it somewhere else, so I decided to bake another kind. Continue reading
A Promise to Heal
While deep in grief over the loss of her beloved partner, Marcus, Karen receives a sign of hope in the form of a dream that shows her a brighter future.
Karen writes:
“Many times, I just want to go to the spirit world because I miss my loved one so much. Of course, since I have two sons, I feel very guilty about even thinking this. I don’t have any suicidal tendencies or plans, but I will talk to God and say, “I am ready anytime” or… I simply relish in the fact that every day is a day closer to getting to go to heaven. I love my family and my life, but as you know, it is just that painful of a loss to lose a soulmate.” Continue reading
A Legacy Worth Leaving
As I watched the televised funeral of President George Herbert Walker Bush, and also with the recent passing of my Aunt Catherine, I was reminded about what matters most in life. No matter who a person is, whether it is someone you know from afar, like President Bush, or someone that you have known and loved your whole life, like my Aunt Catherine, in the end… it’s not about how successful one was. It’s not about how much money one had. It’s not about how many material possessions one had accumulated in a lifetime.
Continue readingCan Spirits Affect Electricity?
Maybe you’ve noticed flickering lights at interesting moments? Have you had electrical issues that don’t make sense? Can spirits actually affect electricity in order to communicate with us? Quantum Physics have proven time after time that, at the most fundamental level, everything is made up of energy. This includes everything… the physical and non-physical. Continue reading
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Grief Isolation
Grief isolation is an extremely painful part of the Grief Process. This post distinguishes important things to know about grief isolation, ways to deal with it, and how to avoid a common pitfall of making an already devastating situation of loneliness even worse. Continue reading
Am I Grieving Right?
Grievers, who now find themselves in a powerful mix of new and devastating emotions, might wonder how they should be proceeding through their grief process. The concern of “grieving right” is just one more thing grievers find themselves heaping on top of an already heavy burden. Unfortunately, if you are experiencing profound shock, sadness, confusion and pain, just to name a few of those devastating emotions, then, you are in the right place. Continue reading
Are Orbs Real?
Orbs can mysteriously appear in our photographic images. Sometimes they are obvious, sometimes they are inconspicuous. Some people say they are actual spiritual energy, some people say they are nothing more than backscatter and wishful thinking. But the final word of truth, in the debate over these interesting orb light shows, might really exist within. Continue reading
An Afterlife?
In this after-death communication, Karen’s family receives confirmation via Grandpa, that there actually really is an afterlife.
Karen writes:
“My Grandpa was a hard core scientist. He only believed in facts that he could prove. He believed that we die and nothing lives on after the body goes. He was a self-proclaimed atheist.” Continue reading
There Is No Place That God Is Not
Souci’s account of the 1996 traumatic event that catapulted her into a heavenly Out-Of-Body experience. There, in God’s arms, she was healed from her deeply rooted pain, as she received God’s love. Then, after gaining some perspective, a renewed Souci was sent back to her body and life with an important realization that, there is no place that God is not.
The year was 1996. Souci had just left a Jazz Concert with her husband, Dave. Experiencing some on-going differences in their marriage, Souci was still trying to make it work. But, as an argument quickly escalated in the car, in minutes, things went from bad to worse. It became all too clear that the relationship was on the brink of complete failure, leaving Souci deeply distraught. Continue reading
Coincidence or Synchronicity?
Karen has an odd experience that makes her wonder if the signs she experienced, while at the movies, were some kind of synchronistic message for her from her beloved, Marcus, or just a coincidence. Continue reading
Grief and Out of Body Experiences
While in deep grief, Joanna is energetically propelled into an Out of Body Experience, where she sees her departed husband, Michel, quickly appear with a concerned look on his face as he responds to her surprise of seeing him.
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Guilt and Grieving
Too often, the experience of guilt is a part of one’s own Grief Process. To makes sense of this devastating experience in which one’s loved one is taken from their lives, they look to blame what or who they can. Sometimes, in their pain, they blame others for contributing to their loss and look to punish and condemn them. For these people, it is easier to look outward, rather than within. Continue reading