In this after-death communication, Karen’s family receives confirmation via Grandpa, that there actually really is an afterlife.
Karen writes:
“My Grandpa was a hard core scientist. He only believed in facts that he could prove. He believed that we die and nothing lives on after the body goes. He was a self-proclaimed atheist.”

“Well, after my Grandpa died, months later, we were at his memorial, and both his daughter and her son (grandchild) received a missed phone call on their phones. The call was from his old number!”
Commentary- Just to be clear, Karen’s Grandpa was literally sending an important message to two different people in his family. The message?
There actually is an afterlife.
Here is evidence that this After-death Experience was actually from Karen’s Grandpa:
1) The call was from the phone number he used to have.
2) The missed call was received at his memorial indicating that this was no mistake.
3) Being such a hardcore Scientist who believed that life ends in death, and finding out that it doesn’t, he was compelled to pass on the memo.
Now, whether or not this former self-proclaimed atheist has found himself in the presence of a God, we do not know. But through his unmistakable message, he does confirm that there is a part of us that moves on in an afterlife.
To read more after-death communications, click here.
So glad that you heard from Grandpa. I love how he used technology, numbers and data to communicate with you.
Thank you, it was really very cool 🙂
Wow! So amazing! Thanks for sharing!
I guess the Atheist discussion of is there a God or not, can be an intertwined or separate conversation from, what happens after we die?
A phone call after his passing, while at his memorial? That’s a little on the nose.
Thank you for sharing.
Wow! Very cool. So glad he reached out . Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful.That gave me goosebumps.
Jade, thank you for sharing this experience for me. It is very reassuring to know that we don’t die, and that love never dies. Xo
So compelling. I love these signs that are unmistakable.