Maybe you’ve noticed flickering lights at interesting moments? Have you had electrical issues that don’t make sense? Can spirits actually affect electricity in order to communicate with us? Quantum Physics have proven time after time that, at the most fundamental level, everything is made up of energy. This includes everything… the physical and non-physical.
Liz writes:
“I went downstairs to make the morning cups of tea. When I put the lights on, I did a double take, as I sensed something – I wasn’t sure what. I found myself looking around, feeling a presence of some kind, but wrote that off as just wishful thinking and the fact I was a little sleepy still.”
“I went upstairs to where my partner, Billy, was having trouble with the TV in the bedroom. It said, ‘no signal- please check your cables.’ I went to check the other TV to see if there was something wrong with the outside aerial, but that TV was working fine, so it was just the one in our bedroom.”
“We checked all the cables and everything was as it should be, but the remote control wouldn’t even allow us to go into settings to troubleshoot from there.”
“Meanwhile, a message came through on Billy’s phone. As that came through, the bedroom lights began flickering. We both looked up as that has sometimes happened, downstairs before, after Billy’s mate, Stevie, passed away, two years ago. The flickering lights still happen on a regular basis and we tend to just smile at them now.”
“Billy asked me if the lights flickered upstairs before, as well. I told him they had once before, not long after Stevie’s passing while Billy was talking to Stevie’s mum on the phone about Stevie’s passing.”
“I eventually gave up on the TV, deciding we’d need to call someone out to look at it when we decided, before totally giving up, to pull everything out and put it back together again. Miraculously, it worked. I thought, “That’s strange. Why would that just happen?”
“I went for a bath and thought about that morning so far. I called Billy in and said, ‘I know this sounds strange, but I sensed something downstairs this morning. When I came upstairs the TV had no signal, I know spirits can tamper with electrical devices, then the lights flickered.’ I suggested it could have been Stevie.”
“Billy then mentioned that it was strange that I had said that because the message that came through on Billy’s phone when the lights flickered, was another friend of Billy’s and Stevie’s who had been at the benefit, the night we’d held for Stevie after his brain hemorrhage, before he died. This guy had just sent Billy a video of the speech he’d given on the benefit night.”
“I think all this seems to point to one thing. Stevie was with us that morning, and from where he is now, must have prompted the other guy to send the video nearly 18 months later.”

Commentary- When you think of it, everything is made up of energy. The sun shining upon our planet gives us its life-giving solar light. The food we eat gives us the caloric energy we need to go about our daily lives. Our body and life force is made up of an energy field. Our thoughts are the stuff made from energy. Telepathy is energy transmitted from one mind to another. Quantum physics have demonstrated time after time, that as physical beings, we are really beings of energy and vibration. Each being radiates its own unique energy signature. So, it makes sense that bodiless spirits retain their energy, as well.
As it turns out, even our homes and work places and everything in them uses a form of energy. Fundamentally, energy exists in everyone and everything. So it comes as no surprise that energy is very powerful and can affect other energy fields. As an example, there are some living people who can not wear watches, as something about their energy field makes the watch malfunction as soon as they put any of them on.
There was a time, nearly 20 years ago, that I was highly interested in the spirits, especially those who remained earthbound. I call those ones ghosts. I belonged to the local Ghost Hunting Society. We would take sensitive equipment to areas of known hauntings to see how a variety of ghost hunting equipment would respond to the ghosts at each venue, using a electro-magnetic field.
We spent the night at a renovated Bed & Breakfast Hotel in Park City, Utah, that previously was a home to an old woman who died a long time ago. Nevertheless, she was still seen at the front window of her home, from time to time. Although I tried, I didn’t see her there, sure enough, she manifested in a few different ways for me, personally.
Wondering if this home was truly haunted (as I am an open-minded skeptic- I need a certain amount of proof), when I woke from a nap, my shoes were placed straight up together, from the toe of my shoes on the floor, with the heels up and resting on the bedside table. I did not do that. Last I knew, they were left on the floor near the foot of the bed, where they were kicked off. No physical person came into my room.
Also, in all the ghost hunting fun, I lost a piece of jewelry somewhere in the big house. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was so concerned and asked for help from this kind, but very dead lady. When I got back to my room later on, my necklace was neatly placed on the bathroom counter. I thanked her, of course.
On that Ghost Hunt, we also went to a grave yard late at night with tape recorder in hand. We only listened to the tapes when we got back to the Bed and Breakfast Hotel. It is absolutely true that in listening to a repeat of the recording later on, I could hear ghostly answers to my conversation and questions to them. Ghosts and spirits can definitely be picked up on electronics, without issue. We used other equipment as well, but it was a long time ago and I couldn’t tell you what. All I know is, that the hunt for ghosts was a success! What I witnessed that weekend was not my imagination.
Now, in giving you these examples, I’m not recommending ghost hunts for reaching out to your deceased loved ones. I’m only mentioning my experiences here because these ghost hunts showed me, without any doubt, that spirits can communicate with us through electricity. What I strongly recommend is that you let your deceased loved ones come to you through signs and after-death communications, and for you to be ready for them when they do. There are very good reasons for doing it this way.
Although there may or may not be a real difference between a spirit and a ghost, both being an energy field minus a physical body, I use the term ghost to distinguish an energy field who spends their time in the Earthly realm, rather than a spirit who has gone on to a higher vibrational realm. There are reasons for an earthbound ghost. Here are some of them:
- They don’t know they are deceased.
- They are so physically attached to something or someone that they won’t leave.
- They may not know where else to go.
- Feeling fear or guilt, they avoid facing the light.
Either way, it breaks down to two things.
- These earthbound beings are either ready or not ready, and…
- These earthbound beings are consciously or unconsciously choosing to stay or go.
Now, just because I draw a distinction between ghosts and spirits, please don’t imagine that your loved one is still stuck on the earthly plane. Many people worry about this. There is no need for concern. Like I said before, those beings are either ready or not to move on, and they are consciously or unconsciously choosing to stay or go. It’s all good. If they are neither aware nor ready to go, they eventually will be. It’s not a race, it’s part of their soul’s experience.
Spirits, being bodiless energy forms, will often try to reach us after they pass, at least, to let us know that they are alive and well in their new realm. They may try to “chime in” in some way to say, “I’m here with you.” Because our range of frequency is less in range and lower in frequency than theirs (as they are trying to work around the denseness of the frequency made up of the 5 physical senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, in other words… what we will perceive), it could be limiting for them. This could present a challenge for them to get through to us in a way we are aware of.
But once a spirit is successful in reaching someone through an after-death connection, such as flickering lights, turning the TV on or off, that spirit tends to use the same way of communicating again. Of course, there are many spirits who use a variety of ways (that is also their energetic signature). The point is, the spirits’ intention is to remind us of them.
In Liz and Billy’s case, they have already made a connection between Stevie and the way he communicates, since a pattern has been formed showing them that it was his spirit that was present for the electrical malfunctions. And… to Billy and Liz’s credit, they are open-minded and sensitive enough to recognize Stevie’s attempts.
So, long story short… yes, spirits can affect electricity and… aware of it or not, you have most likely been visited by them!
More After Death Communications here.

Energy field Photo-Pixabay
Thanks Jayde. It’s all so very interesting. I love it.
In fact, I must tell you this little story. When I told my friend Julie about the Stevie story, she told me she’d had an “incident” just recently, also. Her husband passed just after New Year 2017 of a brain hemorrhage. He was 58. He’d never wanted a huge fuss for his 50th, but had always wanted a big party for his 60th. Of course, he never made it to 60 – sadly.
One morning, Julie had gone downstairs to make a cup of tea. She noticed the laundry door was closed when she always kept it open. She looked inside to see if her dog had gotten in, but he hadn’t. As she went back to making the tea, the laundry door began to close itself again. There were no doors or windows open to cause a breeze strong enough to do this.
Julie’s husband, Greg, was due to turn 60 that following Friday. This was the Monday. When Julie went and sat down in the living room to drink her tea, a photo of them on the sideboard fell down. She now began to listen!
She went to work, and being in school admin, she told me they have extreme firewalls in place on their computers, and never ever got spam. That morning she found an email in the spam box. And curious to see what had snuck in found the title to be “Aren’t you supposed to be organizing a big birthday party?”
Julie said she ran cold!
She arranged that day with her children, to have a darts party, as Greg played darts all the time.
When she went home that afternoon, she found the three darts that usually sat in the dartboard had all dropped out and were on the floor!
Another perfect example of messages from the world of spirits.
That is so awesome. Thanks for sharing! Xo
Super fascinating and well written (as usual)! Thanks Jade! 🙏💛
Thanks Sara! Xo
Down deep we’re all energy.
Brains use electrical impulses to process highly complex emotions and life or death descisions. Electricity is the miracle that allows cells and nerves to share signals. Logically I would say of course the soul/spirit would be made of or at least use electricity to exist. Fascinating topic, Thanks Jade.
Thanks for the additional information, Eric. 🙂 It is a fascinating topic for sure.
Thanks Jade! Very impressive how energy can travel. And thanks Liz for sharing your experiences.
I live in haunted house in Knoxville, Maryland! This is my third haunted house! My closet friend Roy Case died Saturday, September 21, 2024. Roy always believe d in ghosts! I took him to the hospital on August 21, 2024 and he died exactly a month later! Since I found out he died in Sunday September 22, 2024, more odd sounds and motions from my cameras at my house! One of the last things I texted him was were we going to communicate this way when he died! I noticed in my workshop that the lights are flickering on and off and making sounds and no one there ! My back door is opening and other things since only a few days of his passing! I am quite fascinated about death and spirits and ghosts! My house needs to be ghost haunted because there are other ghosts here and lots of other things have happened here!
Sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss. Hugs.