In his beautifully written book, titled “Home with God… In a Life That Never Ends“, a comforting perspective is offered for your consideration.
Author and minister, Neale Donald Walsch, asks God, “What can I say to those who are dying? Until now this has always been a tough one for me. For most of us, I would imagine. What comfort can I offer them?”
God replies, “If you find people who believe that forgiveness is what is required to make them “worthy of heaven,” offer them forgiveness – and tell them that God does so also. If you find people who believe that they will be stepping right into the arms of God and their loved ones after their death, offer them confirmation – and tell them that God does so also. If you find people who believe there is no life of any kind after death, offer them an alternative idea – and tell them that God does so also. God does so through many events of life, in a thousand different voices during a hundred different moments, heard by all those who will truly listen.”
Then, a beautiful prayer is offered, that we, as God’s earthly ministers can offer up to comfort those who are dying:
The God of your understanding is with you now, even in this hour, at this precise moment. If you have no understanding of God, that will not matter. God is still here, in this place, with you right now, whispering to your soul, “You are welcome, whenever you are ready to come Home.”
You shall not be turned away, not for any cause or reason. If there be cause or reason you believe valid, God… should you want God to, in this moment erases it. God… should you want God to, in this moment makes all paths clear, all roads straight, saying, “Make way for my beloved, who chooses to be Home with God.”
This prayer if offered for you, wonderful child of the universe, as you embark on the most joyful journey you have ever taken, filled with wondrous surprises. A journey into the greatest happiness you have ever known, and the grandest experience you will ever have.
Dream now of glorious things. Dream of every fantasy come true. Dream of every pain disappearing, of everything of which time has robbed you being given back to you again. Dream of seeing loved ones once more, those who have gone before and those who will follow.
Know for a certainty that when you leave here, you will be again with all those who have held a place in your heart and have gone before. And do not worry about those you leave behind, for you will see them, too, again and again, and love them, too, again and again, through all eternity, and even in the present moment. For there can be no separation where there is love, and no waiting where there is only Now.
Smile, then, at the joyful anticipation of what is in store. These gifts have been laid up for you, and God has only been waiting for you to return Home to receive them. Peace, joy, and love are you, and are yours, now and always. So it is, and so it shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.
May you find peace and comfort as you make your journey back home.
We come from pure Love, and when we come to earth we encounter Evol(Evil)notice it is Love backwords…so we can be reminded and what we are not and thus be our true selves…and when we die we go back to pure love to enjoy the beingness. No matter how they died. Even those who commited suicide, get Purified by this pure love before they are born again. (: So I wish all of you infinite happiness. Be strong, do not get attached to the idea of death it is ONLY ILLUSION. (:
I couldn’t have said that better, Carlos. So true. Thanks for sharing that.
Why You are welcome! Glad this resonated with you..:)