Rising Above it All- A powerful but simple tool of perception designed to give one clarity, direction, freedom and peace of mind.
Have you ever been stuck in a hazy fog of non-clarity that is so thick that you can’t see the best way to proceed? Have you ever struggled for understanding and wisdom?
Unclear and confused as to what to think, what to do… or which way to go, can be very frustrating. And, of course, the last thing we want is to further complicate the situation by bad thoughts and decisions that only serves to make matters worse, as this adds even more anxiety to the equation.
We get so used to seeing something with the same limited perspective that we always see things from, that we forget there is any other way to see and understand the situation. This is what it means to get stuck. We are stuck in our point of view because we don’t yet realize that the perspective we are seeing things from is, in fact, limited. We get so stuck in our same old, same old point of view that we don’t realize that there are other ways.
The good news is that you do have another option. The key is, you just have to remember this when you become stuck in a limited perspective.
I call this simple and powerful perspective tool, Rising Above it All. Because we are humans that walk upright, we are so used to going through this life with a horizontal point of view. But now, I’m going to ask you to be a bird for a change to see your situation from an aerial point of view.
- Think of a situation in your life in which you need clarity. Notice your horizontal point of view.
- Now, with eyes closed, imaging raising your perspective several feet about the earth. Like a bird perched on a very tall tree, look down into your life. See yourself. See your situation and the players involved.
- Spend some time from this perspective. Notice that your consciousness has shifted and you can see yourself, your life and the people in it from a different and more elevated perspective.
- Using this point of view, see what there is to see. Ask what there is to ask. Understand what there is to understand. Know what there is to know. Having this new perspective may become so easy for you that you may even begin to see things in terms of players and situations on a game board.
Use this tool often. It is simple yet so powerful. In using this technique, you will find many insights revealed. Rising above it all, you will get a bird’s eye view and will discover newfound clarity. From this place of perspective, you become unstuck and begin to find a path to freedom and peace. But, just remember to come back!

Bird’s Eye View
Thank you Jade, I like this perspective and tool. You always have great insight. Xo
Thank Karen. xo
Imagining the physical separation really helps you to emotionally separate. Really works. I love that technique. Thanks Jade.
Another excellent point, in doing this technique, the emotional charge is removed so one can see clearly. Thanks for your comment.
Never thought of it that way. Great point!
This technique is so difficult for me, as you know, Jade! Thank you for the reminder. I do better with remembering that I have the choice to think or react in a certain way, which is also a shift in perspective. Much love to you!
Hi Joanna! If you are not a strong visual person, it could be more difficult than being a kinesthetic or auditory person. You would do this technique differently depending on where you are strongest. New post idea! Thanks Joanna. 🙂 You do a great job remembering that you have a choice, and you are right… that does amount to a shift in perspective. Thanks for your comment.
Much love to you. xo 🙂
Thanks! Great tool to get unstuck and closer to the truth or truths of the matter. Love when you share your insights, Jade.
This is something I will try. Seems like something I need in this time of my life.
I have a special guy with so much love for me.
I love him but am not in love. Does that make sense? I have grown used to my independent and more capable life and don’t feel like or want to give this up. I will be 82 next month!
There’s more to this than I can go into.
But, I will try this technique.
Such find memories of our sharing time together ….
That’s great. 🙂 It’s nice to share life and have companionship.
I completely understand Mary Ann. You’ve learned so much. You are an independent woman! Good for you!
You don’t look even close to 82 years old. You are forever Young, beautiful and kind. Love you. Glad we met and will know each other always. Xo