Orbs can mysteriously appear in our photographic images. Sometimes they are obvious, sometimes they are inconspicuous. Some people say they are actual spiritual energy, some people say they are nothing more than backscatter and wishful thinking. But the final word of truth, in the debate over these interesting orb light shows, might really exist within.
Makenzie writes:
“I have two pictures of orbs that were taken several years ago. The one with my brother and mom was taken a few months after my dad passed.”

Orb to the right of the image
“Not sure when the one of me and two friends was taken but I know it was some time later that same year. In each situation, there were multiple pictures taken but these are the only two with the circles.”

Orb to the upper right of image
Commentary- People argue that orbs found in an image can be chalked up to backscatter. This photography phenomenon explains how the camera’s flash picks up the reflection of unfocused particles. Said particles could consist of dust, rain droplets and/or insects. According to some, a blemish on the lens of the camera, inside or out, could also be an issue.
BUT… just because backscatter can happen, and it usually does when a flash is used outside at night, especially in an environment where dirt and dust are in the air and the camera’s light reflection is easily captured, it doesn’t mean that spiritual orbs don’t exist. It also doesn’t mean spiritual orbs are not hiding within the nighttime dust particles, indeed they might. Although backscatter is real, so are spiritual orbs.
One of the things that makes these particular orbs believable is that many pictures were taken from the same camera, in the same time frame, and the orbs only appeared in these two images. If there would have been something wrong with the camera, or if there was dust kicked up in the air, wouldn’t you think the orb anomaly would show up in the other images as well?
Another thing. Orbs are commonly seen after the passing of a loved one. Makenzie’s father had recently passed. Many of the orb forms we happen to capture with our cameras are our loved ones essence or energy field, hovering around us, perhaps in hopes of being noticed.
Sometimes, these orbs can even be seen with the naked eye. Other times orbs are not seen, nevertheless, magically appear in the image captured by a camera, for us to marvel in wonder.
In the first image, the orb is faint but very large. There doesn’t appear to be any other blemishes on the image. I don’t know what particle that size, the flash of the camera could be reflecting on. This leaves me to believe that this is a bonafide orb.
It would appear that the second orb was taken in a very well lit room. The orb is strong and clear. Interestingly enough, the door behind the three sitting on the couch, is open, symbolizing that the orb came through a portal to be there- in other words… an opening (a open door) into the physical realm. Maybe a clue?
It is important to consider the circumstances surrounding photographic anomalies that can strangely appear in an image, for sometimes they are actual orbs, and sometimes they are something else. Both explanations can be true. Both could even appear in the same image.
But, if you really want to get to the bottom of it, and all other explanations for the anomaly have been exhausted – backscatter, or whatever else might attempt to answer the query, one can always turn inward to ask and listen to Spirit, who knows the truth of all physical and spiritual things. There… in the space of quiet contemplation, the authentic answer will appear… as the truth of everything can eventually be found here, in the most sacred and authentic place… the space within.
To read more after-death communications, click here.
Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
I think that explanation you made Jayde, about, if there was a fault with the camera that the orbs would show up in other photos taken in the same frame time, and not just these two is evidence enough for me.
All very interesting.
I love jade’s perspective on this. Very pragmatic and spiritual at the same time.