With songs from beyond, Don has begun singing daily to his sweetheart, Judy, of 61 years past, when their upcoming date was interrupted by his death.
Judy writes:
“Don, the man I was falling in love with goes back over 61 years. He last phoned me, and said, “Judy, I love you.” We made plans for a date that same night. Tragically, he was killed before we could keep our date.”
“All these years later, I hear music that I believe he is sending to me. Sometimes I am with other people, and I am the only one who can hear the music. Usually, “Judy, I Love you” is part of the music, although the tunes can be different, sometimes very fast and sometimes slow.”
“He has also sent these songs: “Pretty Woman”, “The Long and Winding Road”, “Love Me Tender” and “Hey There, Lonely Girl.” I haven’t heard some of those songs in a while.”
“But lately, in the morning when I am waking up, I have been hearing ” I Love You; I love you, Girl.” I hear a very distinctive male voice actually speaking these words until it all fades away. A chiming sound accompanies this.”
“For months now, each and every day, I have heard music of some kind, sometimes sounding like a chorus of male voices singing “Judy, I love you.” along with music. It can vary from peppy to a mournful tune.”
“I definitely hear this outside of my head. It sounds like someone is playing a recording. I have heard it here at home, at a medical appointment, miles away at a nursing facility, and sometimes it is quiet, but even then, I still hear it sometime during the day, everyday.”
“This has to be the most unusual happening of my entire life!”
“I should also mention that I talk to Don, both out loud and from my mind. I tell him that I love him and always will, and that someday we will be together. I really believe in an afterlife for sure now. It is definitely comforting.”
“I wanted to share this with anyone interested that may have had the same or similar experience.”
Commentary- Judy’s love story with Don began over 60 years ago. At first, it was marked by promise and love, then by sudden and unexpected tragedy. No doubt, the pain experienced by Judy was horrific. But, perhaps worst of all was the shattering devastation of the hopes and dreams of what might have been.
Since that tragic time in her life when all seemed lost, eventually, Judy continued to live her life without Don by her side. She has now experienced years of all the ins and outs of an ordinary life. Then, one day…quite the extraordinary thing happened. Don started singing love songs to her daily and making her smile. Judy is convinced that, had their life not been interrupted, she and Don, being the love of each other’s lives, would have been married to this day.
Spiritual Auditory Messages
There are many ways in which one could receive spiritual auditory messages.
- Telepathy- Sometimes we receive messages through thought. We don’t always think of it this way, but prayer, is a form of telepathy, whether it is in sending or receiving thought content. You may have heard of a “mind reader” before? Sometimes it is amazing that we can know each other’s thoughts, especially when we don’t know someone well. And, sometimes we do know them well. It is common to share telepathy with our departed loved ones. However, it is also common to think that their thoughts are ours.
- Channeling- This is a real interesting phenomenon. It feels quite like someone is continuously speaking a message for pen to add to paper. That’s my experience of it, at least. Some authors have even channeled books. Inventors have been given ideas. Clergy have been impressed with clarification or inspiration. This happens a lot in many different circles. It really occurs like an effortless flowing of words, information, possibilities and ideas.
- Music as a Medium- We’ve all heard about Mediums before. Whether they are believed as a connection between the physical and spiritual world, that’s up to you or the medium. There are other mediums too. Art, stories, lyrics on the television program and dreams can be mediums, too. A medium is a message between… two worlds in this case. A spiritual expression and communication. One of the most obvious mediums can be heard in music. It could be a song that plays on the radio. A song you hear inside or outside your head. People have heard music, people singing or instruments as their loved one passes from this life. This happens sometimes during a Shared-Death Experience.
61 Years Later…
All these years later, Judy hears Don’s love songs that are given just to her. He orchestrates music of love to make her smile, amuse her, affirm to her that their love story has never ended. With the variance with which it happens, he does this in the most playful and exciting way.
Also, besides all the awesome music, comfort, peace and reassurance of his love, Don has given Judy the most important gift of all. He’s given her the gift of knowing with sureness of an afterlife. To know that we continue on with our spirit, love and intelligence is everything we could ever need to know to bring us comfort.

image: chienba
Most of the time, the songs our departed send to us have a particular message, emotion or meaning. One of Don’s songs, “The Long and Winding Road” gave Judy the message that, after all the life that has passed by in 60 years, with all its twists and turns, that road is leading them together again. He is telling her that he is waiting for her, and is excited for their next date together, and is doing so in the most patient and adorable way.
Recent Update-
Just recently, Judy wrote to tell me that she had a dream with Don that made her beam with joy! In this dream, both declared their love for one another, both hugging and kissing, and Don wanting to shout out to the world. Sounds like a date to me!
Also, this recent visitation in which he professed his love for Judy, serves to validate the truth of what Judy has been hearing all along. His songs of love for her are real.
However for now, until they are reunited again, Don will continue to send his songs and music from the afterlife.
The take away in this post is, that there positively is an afterlife, our departed loved ones reach out to us, and, after 61 years, Judy has heard from Don again and their relationship is still going strong! That is quite a love story!
I love this so much!! My departed husband has visited me many times since he passed eight years ago. We shared a telepathic connection while he was alive that has continued. I’m so happy to hear about your lovely experiences, thank you for sharing.
That’s amazing, Joanne. So glad this happens. It’s a beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing.
Joanne, The power of Love is Everlasting and Beautiful. Thank you also for sharing!
Wow, amazing all the ways out loved ones can teach us. Appreciate these stories, Jade. Thanks for sharing your love story Judy…it’s beautiful.
You are very welcome, Crystal! And thank you.
I’m sure hearing music and lyrics out of no where could have been confusing at first.
However it turned into such a sweet Love story.
Thanks for sharing.
Sage, it was very puzzling at first. I wondered where the music was coming from! I was, and still am, very touched by it when I realized what was happening after such a long time. If it suddenly stops, it would be almost like losing Don again, but I would still be grateful for having experienced his messages of Love, through music. Now I know that there is definitely an Afterlife, and we will be together again. Thanks!