Cat experiences several after-death communications for a variety of reasons, but mainly to urgently warn of impending hereditary heart disease in the family.
Catherine writes:
“In 2017, my fiancee, Robert, died in my car in a tragic accident, after which I got several very clear after-death communications.”
Right after his accident- “This photo was taken by a local news agency reporting on the accident. Robert was driving my car when it flipped over. You can see the image of an angel above the tree as Robert lay under the car below.”

Local news image of crash

Angel, closer view
“Below is the field behind the tree where the angel was seen as proof there was nothing there.”

Field behind the trees
The day after his passing- “I went to our house to get some clothes to stay somewhere else. In our home, and especially on the patio was this heavy fog. It was like he was there. Everywhere! I told those with me that I had to go. I just left without my clothes.”

Mysterious Test Message
The day of the funeral- “After I got home, I called Robert’s mom to check on her. I thanked her for making my family feel so welcome. The last thing I said before we hung up was, “Robert would have been smiling down on us, helping each other get through the hardest day of our lives.” 7 minutes after we hung up, ( my birthday is 7/7) a text message came through. The text was almost a direct quote of what I said to her. And, no one calls me Cathy but Robert. Everyone else calls me Cat. The text read, “Cathy, my mom cannot stop smiling, certainly a day we will not forget.” I googled the strange number- it was from NORTH BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. ALL THREE DATED AND TIME STAMPED.”

Time stamp

Time stamp
“At first, I thought of hackers on my phone, messing with my grief, except the number that clearly came from North Bethlehem was from a different region and the website is non-existent. The phone number on top is the one I googled. The website doesn’t exist. Now when you google it, it’s a different town in Pennsylvania. But on that day, it was the name of the town where Jesus was born.”
“The comment in yellow is me saying, “Who is this, please?”
6 months later– “It was a Friday night and I was packing for a trip. At around 5 pm, I started to feel that same eerie, heavy presence in our house again, so much like the day after he died. Suddenly, I found my other pair of glasses on my pillow that I had slept on the night before. We had all been looking for those glasses for months.”
“The presence was so strong that Friday around 5 pm, I mentioned it to my mom on Saturday, along with finally finding my glasses. On Sunday, I opened Facebook. There was a post that Robert’s brother had been found in the woods in a duck blind, alone and had died of a fatal heart attack. He was found and pulled out on Friday around 5 pm.”
A year later- “It was one day before the one-year death anniversary of Robert’s passing that I took a picture with my phone. There was another angel there as beams of light emanated down where my car had been crashed.” (See the light beams that have become the angels dress flowing down on the accident’s site below. You can see the whole angel, wings and all. Also see the darker image beside it).

Fully Fledged Angel in the Sky

darker filter of angel
Random after-death communication moments- “Since Robert’s passing, I’ve had many after-death communications letting me know that he is near. A picture of us that was very secure just fell off the wall for no reason. My friend was there at the time and cleaned up the glass. That day, she felt her ponytail fling behind her as if someone else did it and was trying to get her attention.”
“There have been meaningful dreams. I found the watch I gave him for Valentine’s Day. It was on my headboard. He never took it off. I have heard his voice in a light sleep state. Robert’s mom would hear him whistle. Then, there was the time that my contact lenses in their containers fell off the sink while I was in the bath tub, while I was home alone. I was getting so freaked because nothing was scary, it was just happening a lot with little understanding. It wasn’t until after I read, Hello From Heaven, that it all made perfect sense to me.”
“So many times, I’ve read that our deceased loved one just want us to know that they are good with where they are, If Robert wanted to let me know that he is okay, he would send me a text from where Jesus was born as Christmas is my favorite holiday.”
“But, what makes the most sense of all for these after-death communications is… we still don’t know for certain whether Robert had died of a heart attack, dozed off or if liquor was involved, but I truly believe that Robert had the same heart defect as his brother, and had a heart attack that day driving.”
“Robert’s mom has buried 3 sons in 3 years and can’t bear to have to bury the other 2 of them over the same heart issue. I’m a nurse and put it together. The other 2 brothers now have a cardiologist and Robert needed me to figure it out and help prevent this from happening again. Since then, an aunt on same side of family had a major heart attack and barely survived. Neither she nor Robert’s brother saw a cardiologist, they never knew it was an issue… until it was.”
I was fortunate to have witnesses with me or screen shots for most of these after-death communications. I know some wait for them and they don’t seem to come or it’s not what they expected. I didn’t understand what he was trying to tell me or why. I think most people are scared of what’s to come, me more than most, but I think this was Robert’s way to give his brothers a chance, and also, giving me the gift of a neon sign to show that I don’t need to be afraid anymore.
Commentary- Catherine’s post speaks for itself, but there are a few points that I will make about after-death communications. They happen all the time. Not to frustrate anyone, but if you are not consciously experiencing them, it’s most likely because you are not consciously noticing them. You can’t make them happen. They seem to come easiest when you are least anxious and most relaxed, thereby not limiting their variable frequencies.
An after-death communication could look something like one of the many ones that Catherine shares here. An after-death communication can also be so subtle that we might think it our imagination when we receive one. It could be the feeling that you are not alone. You could get what might feel like an invisible hug or even tingling on the surface of your body. You might hear a song that connects you to your loved one. They may prompt you to receive some information as Catherine did. There are countless ways that after-death communications manifest. The most important things that our loved ones want us to know are-
- they still live on
- they are okay
- they care that we are okay (they give us information we need to know)
- they watch over us
- they love us
- they are always with us, and…
- we will see them again
Until we meet again, that’s all we need to know.
For many people, the next world, with our deceased loved ones in it, seems so far away, but why do we imagine it that way? Who told us it was that way when it is really so very close? It is right here. Always here with us. Right here. Even now.
I absolutely love this post. On the weekends when I am not as busy as during the week, I always feel a little down, after losing my Rich 4 years ago. This post certainly made my day and reminded me to be on the lookout for those subtle signs and communications. I feel like I am still having them, but sometimes dismiss them as imagination or wishful thinking. I’ll have to re-think that. Thank you Cat and Jade.
Thank you for reading. So glad it helped to remind you of the magic that is spiritual possibility. xo
Thank you for sharing these experiences, Cat. And thank you Jade for your commitment to helping bring these stories to all of us.
This website reminds me of why I always prioritize peace over happiness. Jade you bring me so much peace that I can’t even begin to describe it :*As for Catherine, I am glad you were able to capture all the signs. Thank you. I am beyond moved.
Thank you. 🙂 Peace is good. And… it is possible to have happiness along with peace, too. xo
Nice post, thanks Jade and Cat.
Absolutely amazing, and with phone screenshots too.
I know right. My I phone
Camera been smokin after all the shots I took. Trust me the ones that were truly from Robert. I emailed them to myself and saved them in many places.
Way to be open to seeing the signs around you.
Thank you for sharing.