“50 Shade of Grief (Process) Explained”, is a detailed explanation of the gradual evolution of the many emotional and mental states we have the possibility of passing through, as we travel on the road to grief recovery. Keep in mind, no two grievers are the same; some will visit all of these stops, while other grievers will experience just some of them.
Grieving is a very personal journey. It is also wise to mention, that although there is an order of emotional and mental states to experience, grief can happen in any order. What is common though, is that the first part of this chart is experienced before the last part of the chart.
In the end… this chart represents a successfully completed, grief recovery journey; starting from entering into the long tunnel of darkness… and exiting out the other end; into the light.
Blessings on your sacred journey. May you find peace and complete healing therein.
(Dedicated to the memory of Christian who crossed over, on March 31, 2010, just six years ago today. We love and miss you dearly.)
Companion to- 50 Shade of Grief (Process) (Click image to enlarge)

Companion to “50 Shades of Grief Process”, which documents and explains the steps of the grief process from Shock to Rebirth.

Companion to “50 Shades of Grief Process”, which documents and explains the steps of the grief process from Shock to Rebirth.
Nice way to sum it up, very thorough. Keep up the good work