In this after-death communication, Lisa’s parents come for an interesting visit that leaves no doubt of their spiritual visitation into her realm.
Lisa writes:
“I’d love to share a wonderful visitation dream I had back in June of 2022. It was extra special because this time, both my mom and dad visited me in my dream. The dream took place in our country home where we once lived together. We hugged and kissed one another. The love was such a comfort to me. I was so happy to see them both together.”
“Lately, I had been cleaning out a storage unit in which I kept the contents of my parents’ home. In the visitation, they both knew this and actually told me that they knew I’d been sorting through things to sell at a yard sale. My mother was thrilled about this. She had always told me not to keep everything.”
The White and Fluffy Veil

Lisa’s family
“My dad was so happy to visit me as well. He explained to me that my mom talked about going through the veil between heaven and earth. Since they went through this veil together, it was thicker than if you go through it one at a time.”
“I even asked my Dad what it was like. He told me it wasn’t painful, however, my mom had complained that it’s white and fluffy on the other side, but as they passed through to this side it’s clear and almost like spider web material, then, a clear gel-like texture. She mentioned to my dad that she didn’t want to appear messy when I saw her. “I think that is amazing”, I said to my dad.”
“My dad told me that there’s many different things in their bodies now than when they were alive. That, because their souls are most important. Because of these changes, they don’t have to eat, or use the bathroom and that their spiritual bodies were pure. He even joked to me it was so much easier, as he smiled and hugged me.”
“By this time, my mom had gone into the other room, telling me she wanted me to sell certain things and had began searching for them in our old country house that looked exactly the same. My parents were so happy and excited that I was finally able to part with their many possessions. My mom said I didn’t need all these material things, to have a yard sale make some money. There was no need of these earthly items anymore.”
The Sewing Box
“I went into the room in which mom had found her sewing basket. She told me she hardly ever used it because of her hands. My mom was damaged while still in my grandmother’s womb, before her birth. My grandmother was involved in a car accident when the vehicle crashed into a model T car.”
“My mom’s spine was affected, which caused damage to her hands and fingers. As I sat and talked to my mom, I noticed her hands. I held her hands in mine, amazed that they were whole, I kissed them, hugged and kissed her. I cried out of happiness for her as she said that God had made her perfect. She handed me her sewing basket and told me to sell it.”
Remember When You Wake
“Before I was to awaken from this dream visitation, my mom admonished me to remember something very important and that was this. “Before you sell the sewing basket, look inside it. There is a written letter for you that I had and also some good luck for your yard sale.”
“I was just overjoyed seeing them both, knowing they were together and still watching over me. They held me and smiled as they express their love and how proud of me they were. I didn’t want to let them go. I deeply took in their familiar scent again and still longing for more hugs and kisses. “This is not goodbye. We will always watch over you, Lisa.”
“With that beautiful visit, and all the love, reassurance, comfort, hugs and kisses, they signaled the need to get back. However, not without the reminder of the sewing box. Holding my hands with my mother’s now perfect hands, my mother said, “Baby, wake up now.”
“As I woke up, tears of joy were running down my face. My heart filled with love and joy, knowing that they were still 100% always with me. I immediately said a prayer to God and Jesus for blessing me with their special visit.”
The Visitation Was As Real As It Gets

The letter and “good luck” charm in the sewing box
“When I got up, I went to my garage where I’d been sorting through everything. I found her sewing basket. As I sat down and opened it, sure enough, just as she said, I found a letter from my my mother that she had forgotten to send as well as a ten dollar bill for luck at my yard sale.”
Commentary- It makes sense that this visitation took place in their old country home where they lived happily together. The country home is also the setting which demonstrates the main mission for Lisa’s parents’ visitation.
Strangely, while this after-death communication uses a location from the past, it takes place in the present. Also, Lisa’s parents already knew that Lisa was ready and considering selling some of the things in the storage unit when they came.
Besides visiting Lisa, the main mission for this visitation was to give permission to let go of her parents’ belongings. But the sewing box in particular held significant meaning.
- There was something precious inside. A message for Lisa that might have been completely missed.
- When Lisa’s mother was explaining why her old sewing box was like new, the sudden realization in Lisa that her mother’s hands were whole and perfect now.
- Proof that this visit did occur. The sewing box with a letter and with money inside in both dream-state and in waking state were congruent.
- A message (promise) of love, hope, renewal and reunion.
So, Lisa and her parents actually met in their old country home?
While we know that it looked exactly the same as the old country home where they once lived together, it probably wasn’t the actual home. Rather, a spiritual replica of that home as if the memory of it was recorded in their souls. I say this because, for different reasons, neither Lisa, nor her parents live there anymore. Their old country home is surely occupied by different owners by now with their own possessions inside. In other words, not the sewing box.
Besides being a great setting in which to address the message of the sewing box and possessions, meeting together in the childhood home represents-
- A place of familiarity.
- A place where Lisa was comfortable.
- A place where Lisa felt immersed in love.
- A place in time that embodied all the beauty and unity of their family experiences together.
- A place on the “rainbow bridge” where it is easiest to meet with our departed loved ones, somewhere between here and there. Somewhere between states of consciousness. Somewhere between body and spirit. A place of familiarity.
On Healing
Since her parents’ passing, Lisa had healed enough to finally part with their belongings, showing that even the closest and deepest wounds can heal if we allow them. In fact, Lisa’s parents were there to encourage Lisa to move forward in life, as that is the path to travel. The path closer to peace and freedom.
While Lisa’s mom was focused on getting the treasures to Lisa in the sewing box, besides accompanying his wife for this love-fest with their daughter, Dad’s focus was to attempt to explain some of the mysteries between worlds. Her dad shares a funny moment in which Mom is concerned with looking presentable after she went through the sticky stuff associated with the veil.
The Afterlife is Real
The afterlife is real. The finding of this letter and good luck charm in the sewing box was to prove that the visitation was real. In selling the sewing box without looking inside, this message would be lost on someone else that could not know the relevance or power of this miraculous event.
Signature Scent
That Lisa could smell their scent signature points to- not only do the departed have an energetic frequency that is probably a lot like a fingerprint, but also a signature smell. Often, in after-death experiences one might experience a scent that is associated with that departed person. It might be the scent of roses or perfume or the sudden scent of cigar smoke. Whatever the scent may be, it instantly reminds them of that particular person.
Vibrational Frequency
It’s also interesting to note that, Lisa, her mom and dad were also vibrating at the same frequency, making it possible to actually hug and touch one another. It is the mis-matched frequency that makes us think our loved ones are no longer with us, when they are in the ways that they are.
Twilight Bridge
When Lisa’s mother told her to wake up now, Lisa was experiencing the “Twilight Bridge.” It is the place we often meet that is a bridge between worlds. Basically, it is also a state of mind that allows us to escape in spirit and mind to vibrationally meet in a neutral space. This state of mind is our best chance of having a spiritual experience and actually remembering it. This state tends to happen right before waking. Sometimes we remember it and sometimes we are left with the feeling that something happened while not remembering.
As Lisa came back to this frequency, state or physical reality, Lisa did remember. That’s what makes what Lisa experienced with her parents and what was communicated so miraculous. The proof that tied the two worlds together. The letter and $10 good luck charm, just as Lisa’s mother said.
All To Be Made Whole and Perfect in Heaven
But lastly, among all these miracles were Lisa’s mother’s hands. Not only was Lisa stunned by the revelation that her mother’s crippled hands were normal now, but her mother explained that through death, her hands had been made perfect and whole. The message this sends is that all is made perfect and whole in Heaven. Definitely something to look forward to.
I love Lisa’s ADC! I have had many dream visits with my dad since his passing, and many of them occurred in the “lake house,” which was their retirement home that we built together as a family. I believe that the “energetic signatures” of the family members remain in a house long after they cease to live there, even after their deaths. That is why our ADCs can happen in the “spiritual replica,” or nonphysical counterpart, of that special house. And, like Lisa’s mother, my dad’s crippledness, caused by Peripheral Neuropathy in his waning years, was gone once he crossed the veil. It’s wonderful to see the parallels between Lisa’s experience and mine because it helps to validate both of our experiences.
Lisa, I share your joy in your stunning visit with your parents! I wish you many more dream visits with them in the future.
What a wonderful experience and visit from your parents. So much love! Amazing gifts in the visit and the morning after in the sewing box. Thank you for sharing.