After-Death Communication (ADC) is a communication between the living and the deceased. Also, as indicated in the name, it implies that the deceased are not really dead, as we know it, but living somewhere in another realm without their physical body.
An ADC is a lifeline that can give so much comfort and peace to a grieving heart and mind. May this knowledge calm our hearts and minds. May it uplift our spirits that we find peace. And… may we trust and believe what our human senses can’t begin to understand or comprehend.
This page is dedicated to information about ADC’s, including real life stories.
After-death Communication and Signs
I’m Just A Room Away
Kevin’s Journey Into the Light
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.. The Mysterious Case of Mr. Schwarz
Grandpa’s Three Visitors
Phone Call From Heaven
Christian’s Visit
Free as a Bird
Tattoo with a Message
Dennis Returns to say “Hi!”
The Dream That Paid Cash
Christian on Safari
Hector’s Healing Dream
Still Rambling On…
Simple Pleasures
Still Here…
The Mysterious Singing Bird
Love Continues On…
Signaling the End of Grief
“I’m Not So Far Away!”
Business As Usual
Healing From Death
“There’s Nothing to Fear”
Justin’s Note
Those Yellow Trunks!
Together Again!
Ryan’s Scent
A Sign Of True Love
“It’s Okay to Heal”
Still Connected
“Everything’s Okay”
Be Happy Again
My Heart’s With You
The Pact
Vicky’s Glimpse
The Gift
Mimi’s Heaven
Love Never Dies
Just Beyond this Realm
Guardian of the Galaxy
Best of Buddies
The Particular Butterfly
“Don’t Worry Mama”
My Friend, the Honeyeater
I’m Closer Than Ever, Mom
Just Passing By...
Head’s Up! I’m Here!
The Terrifying Last 18 Days
“Durell’s Here!”
Hold Me Again
This is NOT a Dream
May I Have This Dance?
Mommy’s Little Angel
You’ll Never Walk Alone
With the Wind at his Face
The Doings of Darla
Staring Her in the Face
However Near or Far…
“Hello Mom!”
“Stop Crying. SEE? I’m Still with YOU!”
“Life’s Going to be Alright!”
Flying Formation
“Don’t Worry. Everything is Okay.”
Experiencing Is Believing
Messages From the Moth
“It Will Be Okay.”
That’s What LOVE Does
“No Son. I’m Alive”
Spirit Sensitivity: Gift or Curse?
“It’s Safe to Believe”
100% Positively Jan
Still Alive and 25!
Roses, My Love?
Still By Your Side
Lights Out!
Another Dustin Moment
Dustin Is At It Again!
The Present
An Unexpected Visit
Is Suicide the Answer?
The Gifts They Leave Behind
The Gifts They Give Through Others
“Hi” From Heaven
Mary Ann’s Flying Orb
Benny’s Spirit
Knock It Off!
Amy’s Coin Collection
Dustin’s Popping Pills
Messages Through Meditation
Still Here… 40 Years Later!
They Really Do Hear Us
The Wonder Of It All
Soul Mates
Spirit Hugs
Feathers From Our Angels
Music As A Medium
Shedding a Tear
Angels of Heaven and Earth
Heavenly Signs
Dustin’s Batting a Thousand
Consolation of Loss
Flies Are People Too!
Bridgette’s Orbs
Moving Forward After Loss
Life’s Unusual Circumstances
A Pet Visitation… That Wet Dog Smell
Another Pet Visitation- Remi Again!
Can Spirit’s Affect Electricity?
Are Orbs Real?
Coincidence or Synchronicity?
The Scent of our Departed
An Afterlife?
Spiritual Fingerprints
A Date From Heaven (Literally)
Unexplainable Gust of Wind
Telepathic Guidance- Hear Voices in Your Head?
Blaring Her in the Face
Spiritual Guidance
Please feel free to make a comment to any post. Your contribution is appreciated.
If you have a question to ask, please send an email to Just write “Question” in the subject line so I don’t confuse your email with spam.
Or… if you want to know more about private grief recovery sessions with me, chick here to find out more.
Thank you!
My mother passed away. My whole life she promised she would always be with me. She visits me in my dreams, she shows me where to find gifts, she’s left me letters, jewelry, books. I smell her, I hear her. I see flashes of light after she told me to look for her in the stars. I saw falling stars she showed me from heaven. I am blessed- truly I am. She’s never left me.⭐️❤️⭐️
I felt her leave this planet. I physically felt her pass and she was with me always, and is still. I get numbers, touch, smell, shadows, music, my cats react, electrical stuff, lights, and things fall off the walls.
You have so many signs that she is near. That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing about it. Hugs! 🙂
Hi, my name is maya and I’m only 9 years old. My Grammys husband/second husband passed away a year ago. But my moms Grammy died too and today my cousins uncle died though I never knew who he was but today I was home alone and a mirror fell off of the wall all of a sudden and I was scared at first, but when I went back in the house I was fine and I lates back down in the living room, about 10 mins later I looked at my TV set and on the shelf below I saw a photo of my moms dog major who passed away before I was born and it was on its side. I am home alone with my mom at work and I have my dog here as well but if you know what is happening please respond to this
I would say that the message is… That you are not alone. No need to be afraid though. 😊
Are Imaginary Friends Actually Visits From Deceased Loved Ones?
‘Thirty something’ years ago, when my kids made comments about their ‘imaginary friends’ – making visits, having conversations, joining us on outings – we accepted them as exactly that; imaginary friends dreamed up in their vivid, child-like imaginations. But our knowledge and experience about so many things has changed since then. Children are now raised with differing and different messages about health and wellness, sexuality, bullying, safety, technology, and . . . thanks to many movies and TV shows, psychic-mediumship; the presence of loved ones in spirit, and the ability to communicate with them.
While logic and reason say otherwise, I now have to believe that those imaginary friends were actually visits from my deceased loved ones – now known as after-death communication, or ADC. An ADC occurs as a visit between a family member or friend who is dead and someone who is alive, without the help or involvement of a psychic-medium or ritual. Far from imaginary, this is a genuine encounter.
I have met with psychic-mediums and I have received astonishing messages from my deceased family members – information that was private, detailed and accurate. Those life-changing visits validated what I had often wondered about – the on-going presence of my family on the ‘other side’.
But none of the visits to the medium can compare to the experiences I am currently having with my almost three-year-old grandson.
Any drop of skepticism has now diminished. G.O.N.E.
“The lady told me to be careful not fall out of my bed,” my young grandson, Ben, told my daughter, Rebecca, the morning after she took the rails off his bed.
“What lady?”
“The lady who was in my room.”
My daughter called me later that day to tell me what had happened, but knowing that Ben commonly remembers his dreams, we assumed it was just a dream.
And then ‘the lady’ came up again as he was sitting and eating breakfast with Rebecca a few days later.
With his spoon in the air, he asked “What did the lady just say?”
He then looked around, seemingly puzzled. “Where did she go?”
“What lady?” my daughter asked.
“The lady who comes to my room. She was just here.”
My daughter and I discussed this later on the phone. Who is this lady he keeps referring to?
Ben was at my house on Friday night, and we were reading a book in the family room. About halfway through the book, he casually got up and walked over to the wall of old photos.
“That’s the lady who comes to see me in my room,” he said, pointing to a photo of my late mother (1930-1970). “She comes to my room in her rocket ship!”
Incredible and credible.
I was absolutely speechless.
It is truly impossible to describe the emotions I felt when he made that statement – a totally genuine, innocent comment that reassured me that this ‘lady’ was not just in Ben’s imagination. He knew exactly who she was – my mom, who I lost in a plane crash in 1970, when I was 13 years old.
I went on to ask him if he knew anyone else in the pictures. “Nope,” he said, and then casually walked back to the couch and picked up the book so we could continue reading.
The on-going exposure to psychic-mediums in the media has successfully increased awareness and acceptance of the ability to connect with the deceased. Many people are finally starting to believe in the ability to communicate with spirits.
For me, it is incredibly comforting and validating, knowing that our loved ones never really leave us.
That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I have some psychic and medium ability and have been really grateful for the dreams I’ve had connected to deceased family members. You definitely live on after “death”.
One of my favorites was that my brother came back in a dream, we were sitting together in a big garden. He told me he was happy and was getting married. Now in life, he died at age 19 without ever having a serious relationship. He’d been lonely. I woke up from this dream knowing he HAD found love in the spirit world, and that he really is happy now. It was very poignant. I;m sure their marriages are somewhat different in the spirit world but I have no doubt they happen.
Thanks for sharing Lorri. It’s nice to know that our deceased loved ones, not only live on, but are happy in another place; a place where we will be united together in. I’m sure that was an amazing experience for you to talk to your brother again.
Wow! That’s incredible!!
My sister passed away 2 yrs ago in the house I live in from cancer. I too have those music, whispering in my hear, I feel cold and it feels like someone is lying next to me holding me and my hands for comfort. I have seen her with Jesus smiling. I have had conversations with her, as well. When things go wrong it seems like she’s there to pull me through, i don’t know, but thought I was going crazy. Glad I have found this site. It has helped me to see what it means n going on thank u. Makes me feel better, but still miss her lots.
Hi Deanna, Thanks for writing. 🙂 My condolences to you. Hugs. That’s awesome about your ADC’s. And… I’m glad you have found out that you are not crazy. 😉 If so, there are sure a lot of us out there. 🙂 Best wishes to you in your healing journey.
Thank u
Hi my dad died in may 2015 of a burst blood clot. He phoned me and i dashed there, he had just passed. My mum died 5 years ago. They were married 42 years. I found a pic of them one night. I saw it light up. My mum was calling me and my dad was patting his chest smiling like he was ok. Then, he walked around in the photo, healthy. The tree was blowing in the photo. Then he walked over to my mum and they hugged, then the photo went back to being a still photo of them hugging. If u could tell me anything about this I would be very grateful.
Hi Tracey! Thanks for writing in and sharing your amazing ADC! Your ADC is like that of a seer stone, mirror or window, serving as a view into the other side, often called a portal. That is very cool. You actually got to see them, just like being on skype! 🙂 I’m so happy for you. Thanks for sharing. This adc is not a common one, but it does happen.
My grandpa died when I was around about 3. I have felt cold air when he was around. I “talked” to him on my toy phone. And today it said his name and it was ringing on my grandmas phone. It said his name and my grandma changed the caller id. I will sometimes see shadows and her voices
Nice, Amber! Thanks for sharing.:)
Hi my husband passed away august 20 and I have been trying everything to make contact with him I’m having such a hard time he died very suddenly and was only 31 years old sometimes I feel like he is right here but I’m not sure if it’s just in my head is there anything I can do to make contact with him I also have been looking for a medium any reccomendations please I really need this closer just to talk to him one more time thank u
Hi Christina. So sorry that happened. Hugs. You said that you feel like he is “right here.” Trust that. This is not your imagination, even though you might think this is wishful thinking. This is the first step in having more communication with him. Another step- Take some quiet time to yourself. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Talk to him from your heart. Literally, from your heart. Then pause and listen into the silence for him with your heart. It’s a little different than with your head. You may get words. You may get images. You may get an intuition of something. You may get your heads thoughts. You may get silence. And, you may get emotions. This is all good. Practice this and you are on your way to, not only connecting, but to knowing that you are never far apart. For this is what’s painful. I am a medium, but I encourage people to learn to connect to their loved ones through themselves, if possible, so they know for a certainty that their loved one still lives and that they can always be connected. It’s just on the horizon, Christina. 🙂 Here is another post that might help you. It can be used for those still living in this realm, or those who have left it for another. 🙂
Hi! My aunt who was very closed to me passed away seven years ago. She visits my dreams occasionally. Last night she clearly indicated of her arrival on 24th without mentioning name of the month. I am wondering about the significance of the dream. Please help.
Hi Navneet! If I understand your question correctly, it seems that she is giving you a head’s up, that she will be in for a visit. I would suspect October 24th. I’m not sure if that means anything to you or her. I think she is just coming for a visit to see you. 🙂 So be ready.
My Mum passed in June I have been waiting for a sign . One of my sisters has had a couple of dreams but so far I have had nothing and I have been looking and waiting. I am worried I have upset Mum because when she was first diagnosed 3 years earlier I arrived very early at hospital Mum was just waking and she was upset by a dream she had just had. Which was not like Mum. Mum said she saw all of us kids standing in backyard with her sister (she lives far away) and she was waving at us and we all ignored her. Mum started to cry. Was an overwhelming time and it upset me but I sort of forgot about Mums dream ( thankfully I had mentioned it to 2 of my sisters) Three years on Mum’s funeral back at Dads and highly unlikely that we would be downstairs for a start but we were all in backyard with Auntie and I did not wave at back patio. It was my first waking thought the next morning.
I am so upset with myself I just did not remember. It makes me so sad remembering how upset Mum was telling me about the dream. Why did remember the next morning not a day earlier.? that’s why I desperately want a sign . thanks for listening
Hi Tess. I’m sorry for the loss of your Mum. Hugs.
If I am understanding you correctly, it seems that this dream was one of two things, or both. In your Mum’s dream she was waving and you all didn’t respond. It could be your Mum’s own insecurities about if she made a positive difference in your lives; if she would be loved or missed. Or this could have been a premonition that she would be separated from you all, and that hurt. In other words, that she would pass into the next world as a spirit, and because of this, you simply didn’t see her which made her feel sad to not be seen. I would not take it hard. You Mum is fine. She loves you as always. You will receive a sign from her if you allow your guilt and regret to go. These kinds of emotions tend to squelch the possibility for having an after-death communication. Allow yourself to see her wave to you now. 🙂
Thanks so much Jade for your comforting words . I have been a wreck thinking about Mums premonition type dream and me not remembering at the right time . it was a very traumatic three years but Mum got her wish to leave from home. One thing that did happen was because there is 5 of us, we always taped every drs visit so that everyone was on the same page. About one month after Mum left, we all got recordings sent from back in March. It was very upsetting and I tried to listen to see if there was a hidden msg, but it was all about palliative care and Mum was her usual sweet quiet self and accepting. It came from my baby sister’s email and she was so distraught because she definitely did not send it, but it happened @ 2.30 am the first time and 2.45am the next night . could that be something? I will let you know if I get any signs. Thank you :))
Hi Tess. Yes it could. 🙂
Hi there
Anyone who has experience with your loved one who passed away sending you emails? I got these emails and tried to find out who is the owner but no luck. The message seems to come from my loved one. I enjoy it and thinking he is trying to let me know that he loves me. but I am skeptical if a spirit can do that. Please share your experience or what you think. Thanks,
Personally, I would go with the optimistic part of your thinking, rather than the skeptical part. You might get more after-death communications in being open to it. And it’s a whole lot sexier! 🙂
Yes, a spirit can do that because a spirit is energy and uses energy to make those amazing things happen. Stranger things have happened before. Just because the brain doesn’t understand it, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Keep enjoying and know your loved one is connecting to you with the message that he loves you.:)
I lost my husband January 2,2015 due to a traffic accident, a semi trailer not him and he was killed instantly. He was on us way home to take me and two of our boys to breakfast and was killed on the highway about a mile away from home but he was picking a family member up from dialysis first. He called me and was aggravated from how long the person was taking and all the stuff he had to do after and while on the phone became angry and had got a little hateful about breakfast not being served so I got a little hateful back on the phone. I think my husband is with me and in my house but I think most of the time he is angry and making bad things happen but on other hand a few times on my darkest days I can lay on my bed turn off the light, close my eyes as I drift closer to sleep I can feel someone sit on the bed and I feel the most wonderful calm peaceful feeling and feel the heaviness of arms around my shoulders and arms and I quickly drift off to sleep but most of the time I feel anger unstable thoughts and just feel the most saddness and dreary, unable to function feelings I ever have felt before . Can a spirit be angry with you and cause you to make horrible decisions. And cause deeply sad feeling and very bad things to happen to you in your life? Like can they cause bad things to happen to you and tear you family apart? Where everyone is angry and hurt each other?
Yes, I believe some can. But I would not think this was your husband and father of your sons. Sometimes fear and anger can attract unwanted entities. I believe the one who comforts and loves you is him. People get snippy to each other from time to time. The accident just happened at the time. So sorry that happened. I’m sure you are experiencing a range of emotions and thoughts at this time. From my experience, if something undesirable happens or you feel bugged by something, just love it away to the light. Thanks for sharing Staci. Hugs.
My hubby died this week November 24th 2015 at 9:40 pm from stage 4 lung cancer we have 5 children how do I know if he’s near? I miss and love him so much
So sorry that happened. Hugs to you and yours. The short answer is to not doubt your perception. Most people think signs are just their imagination, especially at first when things are very fresh. They always wonder when something strange happens, if it is just “wishful thinking.” When stuff happens, write it down so you remember, then you will always have it to decide whether it was an authentic sign later on. Assume everything is a sign. Dreams are probably one of the clearest ways they come to us, but they come to us in many ways. So often they are with us after their passing, but we miss that and think we are just thinking of the past when they were alive and it makes us feel even worse, so they try to find ways that won’t add to our pain. Trust me, he’s with you. 🙂 Let me know how it goes.
so i came across this and thought maybe it was worth speaking on. Last year the day after christmas my best friend who was 19 years old was murdered by a 14 year old. i find myself still trying to cope and come to reality that its real, that hes really gone, we was so close. i seen him a few days before it happend. we got into a disagreement about dating again. i find myself always wanting to call him. i see him everywhere i look, at work, here at home, out and about. i ask people did you see someone there? they look at me like im crazy. i wish there was some way to reach out to him and communicate. my heart breaks daily. i only wish i knew why i see him when not even his family does.
Sorry for you loss, Shay. I’m sure it is very traumatic. You can communicate with him just by talking to him, whether it is out loud or in you mind. He can perceive your thoughts and feelings. It sounds like you are really seeing him. There are many people who do after their loved one has crossed over. If you ask people about it, who do not see him, of course, they are going to think you are just imagining it because of your grief. So don’t ask them, it may cause you to doubt. Just smile knowing that you can see him. 🙂 Perhaps you are more sensitive to such things than his family. Hugs.
I have lost many people in the last 5 years; all close relatives and two best friends. It is very often that I experience their presence, whether it be through smell, songs on the radio, or simply feeling them. None of them are scary; they all feel very peaceful. However, while laying in the living room with my daughter late one night, my eyes were closed and I was talking her to sleep. Then I heard light footsteps. I assumed it was my husband so I didn’t open my eyes. The next thing I felt was a hand over my mouth. Not an aggressive tough, just a soft touch. I opened my eyes and no one was there. I checked on my husband and he was sound asleep. In the morning I asked my daughter if she had seen or heard anyone in the living room, and she said no. This is very confusing to me and I’m not sure what to think of it. Any answers or suggestions are more than appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Catherine.
It was definitely someone who wanted you to know they were there, as you not only heard them, but felt them. Perhaps one of your loved ones trying to get your attention to say “Hi” or to let you know that they are with you. 🙂 My guess is that it is someone who would do something like this in life. Any ideas from all of the people you’ve lost?
If it wasn’t scary or aggressive, there is no reason to think that this had anything to do with negative energy.
Thanks for writing and reading. 🙂
My dad died 3 weeks ago. I keep seeing him in my mirror he died in my arms I kept telling him to go to sleep.. when am woke up in in night it’s me layed there but my dad’s face asleep.. I was scared last night as I no it wasn’t a dream
So sorry about the loss of you Father. Hugs.
Mirrors are powerful portals, so it’s no surprise that you would see him there. Also, as far as your last experience, when someone we love dies, a part of us feels like it does too. Just remember though, in the big picture, death is only an illusion. Your father is very much alive and loving you from beyond. Take care, Mandy. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
My sister was murdered by her husband in April, he beat her, strangled her then threw her into a 20 foot well, my grief is immeasurable, she left behind an 11 year old son who has now lost both parents. I had a few experiences while I was planning the funeral, only one that was so in my face I couldn’t ignore it, a song that played at the exact right time that answered my questions I had been screaming while driving down the road..Songs title…’I will trust in you’…not the answer I was looking for but it was what I needed and just vague enough that I knew it was her. I’ve had a few dreams of her fishing and ice skating on a well..I think maybe it was her telling me to stop dwelling on the well part, that it didn’t bother her. It bothers me though, I’ve since developed claustrophobia and have been on 3 anxiety medications. The other day while ugly crying in my living room the chandelier next to me (has a dimmer) started going from bright to dim over and over until I flipped on the big light and ran for it. These don’t compare to what my step sister is going through, she dreams that she’s taking me to my sister often and in the past few days has experienced some very alarming things…electronics that aren’t easily reachable have been unplugged, irons and lamps moved, things flipped over. It seems like frustration and it breaks my heart to think that my sister might have something important to say but can’t. Am I so distracted by my own grief that she feels she can’t reach out to me? I’m overwhelmed and not sure how to fix it.
Hi Beth. So sorry to hear about your sister and that these horrible things even happen. I can understand why you are so anxious. This type of thing is not supposed to happen and when it does, it shakes one to the core.
If your sister is trying to tell you something, she will keep trying, but my feeling is that she is just trying to tell you all that she still exists and is with you.
I don’t think there is anything to fix. You are in grief and that’s completely where you need to be, overwhelmed and all. It sounds like your sister is already reaching out to you in quieter ways. Blessings for some peace and healing. Again, so sorry for your loss. Hugs. Thanks for sharing.
My sister passed away in 2013 ,I was in my kitchen getting ready to bake a Christmas cake and she appeared to me .She looked the same as I remember her but younger .She was wearing a dress something I had never seen her ware in life .She didn’t speak she was crying i could see the tears running down her cheeks ,I said her name and she just disappeared.Was she trying to tell me something?
I’m not sure. I don’t have enough information to interpret your experience. What does it feel like to you? How did she pass? Did she have unfinished business?
My wife passed away 2 years ago. Shortly after I started experiencing unexplainable signs. While participating in a bereavement group I discovered that many others had the same experience. But I also learned that many relatives and friends were skeptics, often causing them to shut down on talking about their experiences. Recently, I have been in a life assessment class that includes doing a volunteer community service project. I set up a very short online web survey to collect data on the frequency of these unexpected experiences. The only goal is to inform survivors that they are not alone and many others have similar experiences frequently. The current results can be seen instantly in real time. I am posting the link here to get more unsolicited data to inform survivors. Here is the link: Thank you
My mother died just weeks ago after struggling in and out of the hospital for the last 2 years. I was blessed to have the opportunity to take care of her for 7 months in her and my father’s home. At the burial, distraught with grief, I saw sparks falling from the bottom of her casket which at first I thought was the sun shining on spiderwebs but then realized they had just put the casket there -not enough time for a spider to spin a web. 2 days later my father said he had just woke up getting dressed and as loud and clear as if my mom was in the same room heard her voice call his name. A week later, returning to my home in California my husband and I had been out of town for 2 days & when we got home our Spanish gates were open ( we never leave those gates open). Bringing our stuff from the car I noticed a “pyramid silk” black tea bag in the middle of the kitchen counter. My husband and I don’t drink tea but I did have a collection of tea bags stored away (couldn’t even remember where I had stored them). I kept asking my husband if he had put it there which he said no, we don’t drink tea. My mother asked me for black tea with honey often when I was taking care of her. The next day husband went to Home Depot and changed all the locks as he thought someone had been in the house. 2 nights late I fell asleep on the couch and had set my glasses on the coffee table. The next morning a bag of crackers that had been in the cabinet were thrown in the middle of the room and my glasses were on the kitchen floor snapped in half. I suddenly remembered that when I was taking care of my mom those 7 months she had repeatedly told me she did not like those glasses on me— always usually wore contacts but due to stress of 24 hour caring for mom just started wearing those old glasses. I know it sounds weird/a stretch but these things are unexplainable.
Hi Rachel. I’m sorry for your loss. Those are great after-death communications. I’m glad she has let you know she has been around. I love the Sparks adc by her casket. Actually, I love all of them. They are all very clear transmissions. 😊 Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful experiences.
Many years ago, my baby sister passed away (1962), I was 8. I was awaken and remember sitting up in bed, and watching a GIANT Angel with a toddler in her arms, passing thru my window and heading to the stars, like a movie. A few years later I hear a voice say, I know you back hurts, but it’s really going to hurt. A few years later (age 16) I was in a car accident and broke my back (which I dreamt of before it happened – and told my parents about, they laughed at me).
In 1981, my GrandMother was hospitalized (again), and in the middle of the night the phone rang and we spoke. She told how much she loved me, and would never leave me. I was speaking but not using my lips. Than her voice trailed off. The next morning I got the call she was gone, I already knew, and had told my husband it wigged him out.
In 1984 my Father passed away, and he visited me. He was floating about 2 feet up in the air and was dressed in jeans, and talking to me, but we spoke with out minds, no lips moving. He told me he loved me and was very sorry. As we were estranged. The next day, I received the call that he was gone.
1998, I was separated from my husband, and we were at odds, not talking. I was getting a manicure, and all of a sudden I heard sirens, and such loud noise of emergency vehicles. I even asked the person doing my nails, “wonder what is going on”, they thought I was nuts for hearing things. My husband had a massive heart attack and had passed… About a month later I kept praying and asking him for one more kiss. He came to me, in a bluish light and kissed me. Told me he loved me, and was so sorry. He turned and walked away into what looked like a blu mist.
Now, I’m finding that I get messages, of things going to happen. A Celebrity death, a local death. I can see someone in a store, and if they look ill, I’m worried they are headed for their grave.. Sometimes, even big things, like crash or accidents.
It doesn’t scare me any more like it did, I’m use to it…
Why, has this happened to me so often? My siblings call me a witch and don’t speak to me. Odd, when my Mother and Step Father passed, I had no idea.
In 2012, I just felt I was going to have an accident. I made preparations. Got Aflac insurance, saved my money, and waited. Even went to my doctor to get checked out, as I was afraid I had a disease. Sure enough in January, 2013 I slipped on ice and fell down a ravine and broke my body up pretty good.
So, I know we get messages, you just need to be open to them. My oldest grand Daughter seems to now be having the same things happening to her. She gets a bit raddled by it, but I assure her, its ok and that these are special times, and to listen and be aware.
Just a few months ago, I got a quick thought in my head that my Big Sis was going to pass. But she seemed fine and was planning a trip. She went to the dr. 2 weeks ago, and she passed away 3 days ago from cancer, no one knew.
Please, if nothing else, let people know this is common, it happens, and not to be afraid… It’s a blessing.
Thank you for sharing all that, Dawn. That’s wonderful about your spiritual gifts. No, nothing to be afraid of. It is a blessing. 😊
Jade, when my dad died I didn’t know what ADC S Were . And even though I didn’t know the term the 4 were so strong no way could it not be. His fav bird was a hummingbird, feeders all over our old house so I have one tattoo d on my Bach shoulder. Only one I ever got. He started calling me his little hummingbird. After he died I had first a dream he was driving a magical white ski boat in open water , standing up , mist on his face , that was his heaven and when he turns around it’s bc one of us has passed and he transports our family one by one off the dock to heaven.
Then I asked God in a prayer a sign I would KNOW it was him. Soon after a hummingbird flew in my job and would fly but come back pitched above me. The next day it was on the ground , cobwebs tangled around it. But alive. I unwrapped the webs one by one outside and when done it flew out of my hand up into the sky.
2 years later I drove in to help mom empty the house to sell it. 45 yrs was too hard on her there. In 2007 tax returns to shred, I found a typed email from dad. (He had Parkinson’s so typed). It was a letter referencing my words to him in an email I sent. It said if I forgot to say I love you yesterday today or tomorrow. I love you x 3. So then he said if I forgot to tell you I love you … I love you x 3. I keep it in bible.
The best is for last. THE DAY HE DIED I stopped in a pharmacy back home , never been there. I had red eyes and pharmacist noticed my red eyes and last name. She then says as all 4 were SOBBING, STRANGERS sobbing hands me a picture of. All 4 of them and dad in the middle. He was there everyday and a photographer they hired to do photos. This was 3 weeks before he died. A COMPLETE STRANGER HANDS ME A PIC WITH MY DAD IN IT SND SAYS I KNOW HE WOULD EANT YIU TO HAVE THIS. ITS FRAMED HERE. SO I HAVE 4 strong ones from dad. My brothers and sister both got 1 of their own. But when my fiiance died in my car in 2017 tragic accident I got 8. , 5 of them are screen shorted for evidence, other 2 were there as witnesses. I can email you all of these , 1 is an angel above the tree as he died under my car, car flipped in picture it’s off the news. A yr later. 1 day before an exact year, another angel just as clear as day. Beams of light where my car had been. The day of the funeral I got a text that repeated the last thing I said to his mom on the phone 7 mins prior. Cathy my mom cannot stop smiling , certainly a day we will not forget. I googled the strange number it was from.. NORTH BETHLEHEM PENNSYLVANIA. ALL THREE DATED AND TIME STAMPED .
A picture of us just fell off the wall, my friend there and cleaned up the glass. That day she felt her ponytail fling behind her. My sister my mom and myself all had dreams that I interpreted the meaning of each. I found his watch I gave him for Val day. On my headboard. He never took it off. I have it. I heard his voice in half awake hall asleep State. My contacts in the containers fell off the sink while I was in the bath home alone. I was getting so freaked because nothing was scary but the frequency. That’s when I read hello from heaven and it made sense. The day after he died I went to our house to get clothes to stay out. I told them with me I had to go it was like an invisible heavy smog in there and esp the patio. It was like he was there. EVERYWHERE. I DIDNT EVEN GET CLOTHES. WE STILL DONT KNOW HEART ATTACK OR DOZED OFF OR LIQUOR INVOLVED , 6 mos later his brother died heart defect. Now I think he had the same defect and all this is trying to get me to tell the other 2 boys alive to get a heart dr. His mom has buried 3 sons in 3 years. What do you think the reason is they both came so strong leaving ways I could prove it. My dad too ? What do I do with all this?
Hi Catherine. Thanks for sharing. So awesome! I would like to answer to each of these after-death communications but it is complicated because there are so many of them there. If you would like to send your strongest one first with photos, I can write each one up in a post and comment on it. I would love that. Then, we can continue to do more adc episodes if you would like to. Email episodes and images to
Thanks and I hope I hear from you. 😊 Jade
Hi Jade
Recently lost my husband in covid. He was just 53 years. Really cant put in word my feelings… Your blog posts are giving me strength and courage. Thanks.
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, Kakali. Hugs.
Thank you for reading and letting me know. Please let me know if I can help in any way or answer any questions.
May you have peace and heal well.🙂
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I had a fear of death, that there was nothing past it. The stories I’ve read here, along with pep talks from spiritualist friends of mine, have convinced me the afterlife is very real. Death isn’t the end, the spirit goes on forever. I am not afraid anymore!!! Thank you!!!
That is so great, Brenton! Thank you so much. I appreciate your commenting so much. So true! Many blessings. Jade
Driving home from shopping, I always called my husband. Last night I was saying, “That’s the store you liked, etc., ect. I first said, “Hon, I’m on my way home” and I heard his voice, he said, “Hello!” cam from over my left shoulder. Loud and clear, I put my hand behind me and asked, “Are you here, are you here? And over my left shoulder I heard, “Hello!”………could that have been him?
Yes! Of course! That’s lovely. Thanks for sharing that! So awesome.:)
In 2008 my niece that I had been separated from for years due to her inability to deal with her dad’s murder, and her drug use , called me days before she died and told me she was coming back to Arizona. She was sober she sounded like Amy she just I told her to come home she was leaving her boyfriend coming home and then Christmas Day I got a call from her mother, she was dead. Supposedly she had taken overdose of heroin and cocaine or something and they found her sitting up in her kitchen her chair dead and yet her boyfriend erased all her phone calls and numbers etc off her phone and when I went to her funeral I met him and he made me anything I didn’t like them. Fast forward, 8 years later my niece came back to me and what seemed like a dream but it wasn’t it was real she showed me how he did it why he killed her because she was leaving them how he did it how he got away with it and how he was going to kill himself but coward out checking out whatever she came back and showed me the whole picture but she said she was happy where she was at cuz she was home with her dad he gave me peace knowing that she was happy again but also seeing the picture of what her boyfriend did to her gave me relief cuz I know she didn’t kill herself and she didn’t know d Amy was to healthy and positive sounding and was coming home for the first time in years and that’s why he killed her. Gives me great comfort to know that she’s okay with where she’s at and that she’s with my brother but at the same time I wish somehow some way the boyfriend that actually killed her could be found liable and held responsible. Yes I do see spirits quite often but I wondered why it took her 8 years to tell me..
Wow. That’s really cool. Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you got that closure and that she is with her dad.
I guess you could talk to the police where she died? They might roll their eyes but it might check out if someone takes it seriously.
The eight years. It does happen like that sometimes. It doesn’t always make sense to us here on Earth. I think it is a time/no time thing. It might have not seemed very long to her. Either way, I’m so glad she showed you this. That she did was probably more about completing this mystery for you and putting you at ease, and less about trying to get even with him. He will eventually face the consequences of his own making. It’s just a matter of time… or no time. 🙂
I’d love to post your experience on my site and comment on it. Would that be okay with you?
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My loss for a man I was falling in love with goes back over 61 years. He phoned me and said “Judy, I love you.” We made plans for a date that same night. Tragically, he was killed before we could keep our date. All these years later I hear music that I believe he is sending to me. Sometimes I am with other people and I am the only one who can hear the music. Usually “Judy, I Love you” is part of the music, although the tunes can be different, sometimes very fast and sometimes slow. He has also sent these songs: Pretty Woman, The Long and Winding Road, and Love Me Tender. I wanted to share this with anyone interested that may have had the same or similar experience.
That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂 I’d love to share that in a post with a comment, if you are good with that? I don’t have an after-death communication quite like that and I’d like to explore it in the comments.
Thank you Jade! I would love for you to share my post.
Great! Thank you! xo
Not sure if you got my reply, Jade. I am sending it again so that you can share it. I am definitely good with that! Thanks for your interest. His name is Don. 🙂 Also, I would welcome any questions about my experience. I am hearing music now, as I do every day.
I just did. I’ve been out of town.
Thank you for your generosity. This will help others. I’ve got a few before you. I will let you know when I am ready with it. Heads up. I do have a vacation coming up in less than 2 weeks. For sure, it won’t be until after that and then some. You can check in with me any time. xo
Thanks, Jade, for keeping me so well informed. I hope you enjoy your vacation which I am sure is very well deserved! I know you are busy and I will patiently wait my turn. 🙂 Take care.
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My case is very recent.
My father-in-law passed away on September 29, 2024 in Caracas, Venezuela and we live in Madrid, Spain. Both ADC cases have a scientific, verifiable part, although the bottom line is definitely not. My wife received an SMS on her cell phone on October 12, 2024 at 17:34 from an old copper landline phone from her parents’ house in Venezuela. Just at that time her Catholic family was doing the last farewell prayer in a nearby church, so there was no one in that house at that time. 24 minutes later my wife received another SMS, on October 12, 2024 at 17:58 from her father’s cell phone, a phone that was totally discharged and unused for more than six months. These are the two scientific, measurable and verifiable facts. The questions that arise are: How is it possible that an SMS came from that cell phone turned off and with the battery completely discharged? How is it possible that an SMS came from a fixed number with old technology? This reinforces the idea that there was some kind of ADC from my father-in-law’s to my wife.
Absolutely that happens. I’ve heard of that before. I don’t know how but it does. Awesome! Sorry for your loss.
Thanks for sharing that. Very cool!
Hello my ADC occurred on November 11th 2023 @ 4:23pm. My dad suffered a heart attack during the morning of November 10th. On November 9th I had discovered that I was a victim of identity theft. On the morning of November 10th I called my dad to see if he would meet me at the bank and help me get this identity theft thing figured out. He didn’t answer his cell phone so I left a message. 4 minutes later I received a call from his girlfriend. That was not an alarming because sometimes he would call me on her phone. I answered the phone expecting to hear his voice but it was not his voice. It was his girlfriend informing me that he had suffered a heart attack and he was on his way to the hospital. I was already dealing with my mom’s upcoming major surgery to remove a leiomyosarcoma tumor out of her back. All of my focus had been on my mom up until that point so when I received a call from my dad’s girlfriend informing me that he was on his way to the hospital, I literally fell out of my chair at work. My coworkers had to put my coat on me and gather up my things. My administrator drove me to the hospital and dropped me off. They performed urgery and one of his arteries was 100% blocked but there was tissue damage because of the lack of blood flow. The surgeon sounded positive and thought my dad had a relatively good chance of making a recovery. They had installed a device that helped the heart pump blood. It was to be temporary and we were aware of that. After surgery we were able to go and see my dad. He was aware of his surroundings and we got to hold hands. We talked a little bit and then he became violently ill. Since he was vomiting everywhere he told me that he would see me tomorrow and to go home and get rest. I left and went home and I slept okay.
The following day my brother got to visit with him quite a bit. He seemed to be stable. I had an online therapy appointment at 3:00 p.m. . I had told my dad’s girlfriend that if he was too tired for me to come up that I would wait until Monday to see him. My online appointment ended at 4:00 p.m. and a few minutes later my phone rang and it was my dad’s girlfriend. I assumed that she was going to tell me he was too tired. Unfortunately she told me that he was coding and then I needed to hurry. I live approximately 35 minutes from the hospital that he was at. I remember running around the house screaming and grabbing what I could. I jumped into my truck and I sped out of town. I was speeding, yelling, crying, scream crying. One of my dad’s things that he always told me was to slow down and to watch out for other vehicles. That was the furthest thing from my mind as I was racing towards the hospital. About 15 minutes from the hospital at 4:23 p.m. I felt my dad. I couldn’t see him, I couldn’t hear him, I couldn’t smell his cologne, but he was there. I knew he had passed. The sense of peace was palpable. All anxiety and fear had been removed from my body. All there was was peace. I don’t know how to put it into words. The feeling was so profound that I looked at the clock because I wanted to note that that was the time that he had probably passed. I spoke out loud to him and I told him that he did a great job being a dad and that I learned o much from him. I told him that if he needed to go to please go ahead and go and that I would be fine. I promised to slow down and to be careful because I knew he was already gone. I continued to talk to him like he was sitting next to me in the passenger seat. During this time my supervisor had returned my call and I told her that my dad was gone. She told me not to think that way but I told her no that it was okay. He came to tell me goodbye. After hanging up with her I continued my journey to the hospital. When I got to there my brother had called and was in a panic and was screaming at me to get there. I calmly walked into the hospital and calmly entered the elevator. When I got there there was a few doctors and my dad’s girlfriend and brother standing around. They were still working on my dad when I got there and I think it was for my benefit. I’ decided to go back to see him and my brother came with me because he was scared. He immediately went to Dad and I stayed back. I looked at the nurses and other medical staff that were working very hard to resuscitate him. I told them that he was already gone and that he came to say goodbye to me. I was able to say this without tears. It was so profound. I told everybody that I spoke to that evening about what had happened to me.
When I finally arrived home that evening, my boyfriend of 7 years decided that it was a good day to break up me and tell me goodbye. Of all days that a person can choose to break up with somebody that’s the day he chose. Six days later my mother had her surgery and fortunately the doctor got the cancer out. She’s extremely lucky and a miracle to boot. I believe things worked out the way they were supposed to even with the man who broke up with me. I think my dad made sure that the boyfriend was out of my life because my dad made sure that I wouldn’t have to work again if I didn’t want to. If the boyfriend would have been around then my money would have been gone. It changed my life forever. It didn’t make the grieving any easier necessarily because as I write this I am crying all over again. It is comforting though to know that this isn’t the end. Things happened the way they were supposed to happen but healing still takes a long time. I am thankful for the ADC and I try to be more aware and to listen more for ADC’s from my dad and from other loved ones. The price for loving someone is the grief that comes from losing them. I read a quote one time to that effect and it has resonated with me ever since. It is the truth though. The more you love somebody the more it hurts when they go. At least I know now that I’ll get to see my loved ones again. That there makes all the difference in the world.
Thank you for sharing that. 🙂
My son passed Oct 28th 2022. I was in bed heard him say momma I got up looking for him. I was going down the hall and my phone ring it was them tell me he had been shot . I find rocks shaped like hearts. I’ve seen him in a mirror. I’ve been touched. People hear someone knock at the door but when they go to answer it no one is there . He was 36 my only child. He shot his self my father shot himself when I was 11 and my sister hung herself. Cory is the only one that has stayed with me . My ring doorbell has even showed a picture of him on it. I love when he does these little things to let me know he’s with me.i lost my husband may 3rd 2023. Ve never been through so much pain. I love you Cory
I’m so sorry for your loss, Annette. You’ve been through so much.
I’m glad that you have gotten so many signs and after-communications from Cory. I know that helps some but never can take the place of the great loss. Hugs.
Thanks for sharing.
My best to you.