In (Part one), Survivor’s Guilt was defined, common symptoms of Survivor’s Guilt were revealed, along with some ways to understand it. In this post (Part two), I will go deeper into the dynamics of Survivor’s Guilt and why you are actually innocent, but thinking that you are not. Continue reading
Category Archives: suicide
Spirit Hugs
Have you ever felt an actual spirit hug before? Ann sure did in this beautiful after-death communication from Rebecca, Ann’s beloved sister, from beyond.
Ann writes:
“My sister, Rebecca, died a horrific, heart-wrenching death at age 49. I’m an ICU nurse and understand death very well. However, it was how she died that was just killing me. I think part of my desire to continue to hear from Rebecca is that her death was the result of an unsuccessful suicide attempt in which her mouth and teeth were blown off. The failed attempt left Rebecca and her family to live with the aftermath of her choice for the next 6 months until Rebecca’s eventual passing.”
“What happened was so terrible and left Rebecca quite disfigured. After seeing her photo, I’m sure you will get it. She was beautiful. I still cannot think about Rebecca without thinking about how horrid and unsettling her death was.” Continue reading
Soul Mates
Lee loses her closest friend and soul mate, Mike, through suicide. However, despite her great loss, Lee is comforted to know that they are still connected.
Lee writes:
“I had only one friend I was very close to growing up. The way we met made me know right from the start that he was going to be important to me.”
“The night before I met Mike, I felt done, and just couldn’t go on anymore. I talked myself down and told myself to go one more day, that maybe it would get better. The next day was the school dance. I walked into the cafeteria to get a drink and everything in the room stopped. At the time it really freaked me out. I couldn’t hear anything… everything had just stopped! I looked across the room and there he was waving to me. We didn’t say a word to each other; no names, nothing until the next day. We both talked about how everything had stopped and talked about how weird it all was. We were inseparable from that point on. We were very close without trying.” Continue reading
Is Suicide the Answer?
Since Raj’s tragic passing, Archana has been devastated enough to consider suicide. But this time, Raj asks her to promise to serve out her purpose without him.
Archana writes:
“Yesterday when I got up, I stood in front of God’s photo and said, “It’s enough, and I’m tired. Please take me back to you!”
“Even while talking to a friend at another time, I said, “I have no intention of living. Every day, I wake up hoping it should be the last day. But somehow, death is not ready for me yet.”

Godavari River. Across the river where Raj drown.
“Well, last night, I had a dream where I was at the river bank where Raj tragically drowned. In my dream, I was talking to a friend about how the tragedy happened. Then, to my surprise, Raj came walking up in the sand and sat down next to me. I smiled at him and asked, “When is my turn? I want to be with you.” He took my hand in his and said, “Promise me that you’ll not commit suicide.”
“I don’t remember what happened after that, but it felt good to know that Raj was listening to my words. Still… it’s really tough to take so much pain in one life.” Continue reading
Taking Control of the Holidays
I know experiencing the holiday season without our loved ones can bring up a lot of emotional stuff. That’s bound to happen. But just a few quick ideas about how to navigate the holiday season to make sure that YOU are powerfully in charge.

Customarily, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and to show our gratitude. I recommend taking some quiet time during the day to write a letter to your loved one. In it, you could express your gratitude for them and what they contributed to your life. You might even place a token or offering (something meaningful) for them with your letter as you put it in a special place; a self-made altar, a drawer or decorative box that holds the things of theirs that you treasure. Oh sure, you may have a good cry, but let it all out. Crying is the body’s natural way to release pain and the process of letting the tears out creates brain chemicals that will help us to feel better each and every time we cry. Crying won’t hurt you, it will heal you. So don’t be afraid of those tears, or even those emotions that are causing those tears. Feel what there is to feel. It’s okay. Continue reading
Connect With Your Departed? Tele-class

The “Being Your Own Medium” Tele-class Series
Want to learn to connect and communicate with your loved ones on the “other side? “Being Your Own Medium” (An ongoing class series, offered every few months).
*See “upcoming classes” for next available dates and times.
In “Being Your Own Medium,” you will learn the following:
- Explore and discover what stands in the way of connecting with the “other side.”
- Learn what you need to know on “this side” to connect with the “other side.”
- I show you the reasons “why” learning how to connect is important to bringing Heaven on Earth.
- Learn why it’s not so much “how” to connect with your deceased loved ones, as it is “where” to connect with them.
- Exponentially increase your chances for direct connection and communication.
- Decode the mysteries of Mediumship
- Develop your innate gifts and abilities
- Upgrade yourself to a “4D being.”
- Learn a variety of ways to connect to your loved one, as well as, learn what Christian taught me, with “Christian’s Light Point.”
- Bonus at the end of each class- Hypnosis, Guided Imagery and/or Relaxation Techniques for increased success.
Stuck in His Own Private Hell
When Laura happens onto an after-death communication gathering, through a psychic medium, Laura’s father attempts to claim his mistakes and begs her forgiveness.
Laura writes:
“My dad took his life 8 years ago. When he was living, we did not have much of a relationship. He was a mean alcoholic and a son of a bitch. He was an OBGYN as well. I survived a lot of trauma from him through my years; physical and mental abuse.”
“As I grew up and moved away, I really didn’t have much to do with him. I always, though, had a feeling I was molested somehow or that he “did” something to me. But, because I had no memory of it, I could not be sure.”
“At age 48, I went to a ADC gathering with a very powerful medium, named Celena. At this gathering, as she got to me, she gave me a lot of great guidance from my angels/guides. But then she said that my dad needed to say something. I told her “no.” And then my grandmother came through (my dad’s mom), and I asked her to tell me. She said, “It is not to be said in this room of people.” Yikes! I thought!” Continue reading
50 Shades of Grief (Process)- Explained
“50 Shade of Grief (Process) Explained”, is a detailed explanation of the gradual evolution of the many emotional and mental states we have the possibility of passing through, as we travel on the road to grief recovery. Keep in mind, no two grievers are the same; some will visit all of these stops, while other grievers will experience just some of them.
Grieving is a very personal journey. It is also wise to mention, that although there is an order of emotional and mental states to experience, grief can happen in any order. What is common though, is that the first part of this chart is experienced before the last part of the chart.
In the end… this chart represents a successfully completed, grief recovery journey; starting from entering into the long tunnel of darkness… and exiting out the other end; into the light. Continue reading
Eternal Valentines
In this after-death communication, Deena receives comfort in many different forms, allowing her to know that her eternal Valentine, John, is still taking care of her… and the cats too!
Deena writes:
“I have lost John, my boyfriend, of over 14 years to cancer. He passed away on December 2 , 2015, shortly after he was diagnosed. I am madly, deeply in love with him even though we didn’t have the smoothest of relationships. People referred to us as Taylor & Burton (Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton) as we were always falling out, but we had a passion that everyone saw. We were never apart in all those years.” Continue reading
Messages From the Moth
In a series of after-death communications, Lucas visits his grieving mother in a variety of different ways – letting her know that her son is still around, being his usual self.
Lillie writes:
“I was reading an after-death communication article on your website; specifically physical phenomena. My son, Lucas, died in his bedroom on August 1st, 2015. He was 26 years old. Unfortunately, he died of a drug overdose – he supposedly bought heroin but it was fentanyl and procaine mixed together instead.”
“I was totally shocked when I read it on his cell phone in a text message, because he didn’t do heroin. His friends were shocked too. I guess he was really struggling. His girlfriend broke up with him in June. He became very depressed over that and started acting very strange in July. The doctor had put him on an anti-depressant called Paxil. I thought that was what was making him so strange. I don’t know if the Paxil gave him suicidal thoughts – he was only on it for a month.” Continue reading
Experiencing Is Believing
In this after-death communication and out-of-body experience, Linda becomes a believer in the “afterlife” when her son, Erik, meets his mother in another dimension to reassure her of his continued love AND life.
Linda writes-
“Let me first say that before I had this experience, I would not have believed it truly could happen. I had really never heard of such a thing before this.”
“My 24 year-old son, Erik, passed away over 2 years ago. Not long after he died, when my husband and I were deeply grieving, Erik came to me in a dream. I saw him standing there and held out my arms to him expecting him to disappear, but he didn’t! I told him I love him so much and hugged him. It felt like I was actually hugging him! There was a light around him as if he was standing in a soft spotlight. We talked for a short time, but unfortunately, I am not sure of our exact words, although it felt comforting, I do remember that as we were talking, I was rubbing my thumb softly against his cheek and I still remember the sensation of it. He then said he had to go. Before he disappeared, I asked him if it was nice where he was. He smiled a little smile, as if he knew something I didn’t, and said, “Yes, it’s nice. It’s very nice.” Then the dream was over.”
What is it Like to Lose a Child?
In this heart-wrenching post, Rebecca answers this unthinkable question, What is it like to lose a child? After having him for 23 years, Rebecca lost Kenny on July 6, 2012. She has been working through her grief ever since. One day last summer, she found the website, Quora, and saw, of all questions in front of her… this one. There it was… Rebecca’s invitation to share her most private and deepest thoughts and feelings with all the world.
Quora asks: What is it like to lose a child?
“This is a tough question to answer as it brings all the pain I try to push back (he’s just on a long vacation; he’s busy with work, etc., AKA denial) with as much force as I can muster, until I’m lying in bed alone with my thoughts, trying to hold on to every detail I can about him. The fear of forgetting his voice one day drives me insane.”
Grief: Holidays Without Them
Oh no. Here it comes! A holiday without them. How do I deal with that?
Holidays are supposed to be joyful; a time to gather together with loved ones to share thanks and exchange gifts of love. But what happens when the upcoming holiday only serves to remind us that someone we love is sadly missing? It’s difficult to cope. If it’s the first year we might wonder, “How different is this year going to be. How much pain am I going to feel?”
Although it might seem strange, including your loved one in your holidays can be a great way to deal head-on with the fact that things have changed. Perhaps a new tradition or ritual can be introduced, making the upcoming holiday special. For example, you might create a special program that includes all of your loved ones, including the one who is not physically present. It is a great way to deal and heal the pain of the change of losing them. This can also include a family pet. Continue reading
The Terrifying Last 18 Days
Keisha shares the last terrifying days of her mother’s life and the comfort she received along the way.
Keisha writes:
“Hi jade, this is my experience with my mom. Sorry it’s so long, but it tells the whole story of the terrifying last 18 days of her life. Since I wrote this, I also have been experiencing repeating numbers such as 1:11, 11:11, 4:44 and I even unplugged my ihome and the screen was blank all except “11” blinking. When I plugged it back in it went away.”
“My mom passed away on June 29th, 2015. This is by far the worst heartache I have ever experienced. It was a long journey; 18 days in critical care, ups and downs, a complete roller coaster ride of pure hell and emotions that I have never felt in my life before. If you’ve ever been there, you will know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Continue reading
Hope After Suicide
Wendy shares about a painful time in her life; the time her mother ended her own life. Wendy was only twelve and the oldest of five children.
It was an early morning on April 16, 1975, when Wally found his beloved 31 year-old wife, Linda, dead in a pool of her own blood. He screamed, then closed and locked the bathroom door behind him, trying to hide the scene from their young five children. Frantically pacing the floor, Wally asked his daughter, Wendy, to watch the kids and not to let anyone, under any conditions, open the bathroom door. While in his pajamas, Wally ran quickly to his Bishops house down the street to get help.
Shortly, after Wally and his Bishop returned, Marjean, the Bishop’s wife, swooped up the children to take them safely to her home. Wendy was just twelve years old. She was her mother’s right arm in taking care of her ten year-old brother, Cary, seven year-old sister, Marie, four year-old brother, Drew, and her baby sister, Annie, barely one year old.
Just six months earlier, Linda had suffered cardiac arrest and had been recovering from it ever since. At first, it was easy to infer that their mother died of a heart attack, certainly it was more humane to those who could not understand. But it wasn’t too long before one of the kids, the Police chief’s son, told Wendy what really happened. “She shot herself,” Brad said authoritatively, to which Wendy angrily countered, “No, she had a heart attack!” Then, Wendy went home to find out the painful truth.
Continue reading