When Carol wonders if the conversations she is having in her head with her departed son, Kyle, are real… she puts it to the test.
Carol writes:
My son, Kyle, passed in May of 2020 at the age of 40 from an accidental overdose. I began having “conversations” in my mind with him a few months later. I was skeptical though, and wondered if it weren’t just my wishful thinking.
So one night I said to him: “Kyle, if it’s really you, send me a different sign right now – that will make me laugh and will be unmistakably you!” No more than a second later, my phone dinged – it was a text from the next door neighbor.
Now, first of all, I never get texts from her – let alone at 10PM! Second, she had been a very nasty neighbor. Kyle, his dad, and I used to joke about misfortune befalling her, e.g. “I hope her tree blows down”, I hope her roof leaks” etc. We would never actually do anything but we did joke about it a lot.
So here’s her text: “I just wanted to let you know someone let their dog poop on the sidewalk in front of your house and I just stepped in it and ruined my brand new running shoes!”
I just shook my head, looked up to the ceiling and said “Bingo, Kyle! You crushed it baby!” Just another example of spirits using other people to get a message to you!
Commentary- When our loved one passes away, it doesn’t mean our relationship with them goes away too. On the contrary, although things are much different now and there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made, our relationship still exists and continues.
When telling one of my college teachers about not being able to talk with my mom because she died when I was 13, he said, “She can hear you better than ever now.” I’ve often thought about that throughout the years. Although it made a certain amount of sense, could it be true?
It wasn’t until after Christian passed that I realized this was so. After many times of asking him for help and what not… and him responding accordingly, I had no doubt left how well our departed loved ones can hear us. Over the years of running GriefandMourning.com, I’ve heard it several times from others as well.
The Filters of Communication

Communication is a two way street Photo Credit: Alexas_Fotos
Normally, when you think about communication in the physical world, you think about at least two people taking turns speaking and listening. Of course, one would hope that they are speaking to each other, instead of at each other. Unfortunately, many times, it is our own filters we speak and listen through. Knowing that our own interpretation of what is actually being said is a huge part of that filter, it’s a wonder we have any successful communication to speak of.
The Capacity to Hear
There is another thing to consider. It is the capacity to actually hear what is being said. This might look like-
- Looking like we are hearing but blocking something we perceive to be psychologically or emotionally threatening.
- Perhaps our physical hearing is not so good anymore. Many people with hearing loss pretend to understand what has been said to avoid having to repeatedly ask.
- Or maybe it’s a language barrier of some sort.
As you can see, there are many ways to not hear effectively.
Hearing in a Different Way
Now, let’s talk about Kyle and his mom, Carol. First of all, let me clarify what it means for our departed loved ones to “hear” us. When we think of hearing, we think about a variety of sounds that can be heard and even organized into a pattern so the human brain/ear can make sense of them. But my point is… you need to have human brain/ears to hear that, right?
While Kyle doesn’t hear the same as he used to, he hears much better than before. And now, in a way, so does Carol. Wondering if she was just imagining her conversations with Kyle, she put it to the test. She quickly found out just how well both could hear when Kyle delivered with a hilarious example for his mom to know for sure. She found out that Kyle was close enough to still in communication with her.
If there is any confusion at this point, I will add that there are more ways than one to hear. We are used to the ideal of hearing out of our ears because that is what we use mostly to hear sound. Even in the physical realm we often don’t think about hearing with our other physical senses such as our sight, touch, taste and smell… but we do.
But even more, being a spiritual being in a human body, we can also tap into our spiritual senses. That’s what Kyle and Carol did. Our spiritual senses are far superior to that of our physical ones. Being on this plane though and trying to survive it, we have learned to focus more on physical senses to navigate our day to day physical existence.
Thought Perception
Have you even noticed when people meet up with their departed loved one, whether in a dream state or not? They always notice that the communication they have with that loved one is telepathic. In other words, their mouth didn’t move throughout the whole communication. Some people don’t notice it until it’s pointed out because on a spiritual level we already know that as spirits we communicate like this. To the spiritual part of ourselves that we don’t normally tune into, it is natural. We even use it to silently pray.
Thought perception is a pure form of communication. It is superior to what we have on this earthly plane. It cuts through all the misunderstandings of not knowing what to say or how to say it, of not being able to hear or not wanting to hear it. It breaks through the many types of language barriers that divide us as well as our many interpretations as what is being said moves through our filters. There is so much between us all the time. With pure spiritual perception, there are no more filters, no non-sense, just clear, direct, simple and honest communication.
When communication doesn’t happen…
Of course, there are those times where we ask, even beg for communication with our loved one and it seems to go unheard, even unanswered. I’ve had this experience too. I don’t always understand why this is. When this happens it can make us feel sad and insecure. We may be left wondering, “Why doesn’t it happen for me like that?” It makes no sense and can leave us doubting.
Hang in there though, your relationship did not just end when they left the physical dimension. It continues on. But like I said, and what was demonstrated in this post, it helps to expand beyond the physical senses in whatever way you can. It helps to have a positive attitude and be confident that it will happen eventually.
Honestly, there is no time limit for them to communicate. Sometimes, they communicate in different ways. They communicate through songs, other people, dreams, signs, symbols, just to name a few. It takes listening differently to catch those communications.
Addressing a Misconception
There are those in the after-death communication community who believe our departed loved ones are only with us for a short while after their passing. Then, they leave us by going off somewhere over there. How cruel this belief is. When we need them the most they leave? When we are at the peak of our pain, they are gone? Really? I have found this to be simply untrue.
Where are they going? Where is more important to be than with us, assisting us from beyond? Where is “over there” when it’s really just one big thing and one big ball of consciousness?
It has been reported that a departed loved one can communicate immediately after passing or decades later. The frequency of these communications can be a lot or a little. What I’ve found is that many times we miss communications because either, they aren’t so obvious to us or we are listening for something else to occur. Again. It’s really about the listening. Our listening and how well we listen for them to communicate.
Our loved ones deeply care about us, they hear our thoughts and feel our pain. The want nothing more than for us to heal. Our departed loved ones are with us in ways we can’t explain, don’t understand and could never comprehend at this point. They are aware of us our whole lives until we are reunited. What else would love do? I hope that clears that up.
So next time you think you may be having a conversation in your head with your departed loved one, don’t immediately doubt it and brush it away. Put it to the test as Carol did when she just had to know. When she did… with the old familiarity of Kyle’s sense of humor, she got her answer! It is completely possible that you could get an answer too.
For more after-death communications- https://griefandmourning.com/afterdeath-communication
Great article! I’ve had ongoing dream visits with my husband and dad since they passed, but not yet with my mom, who died a little over a year ago. It was heartening to read what you said about timing….that sometimes we may hear from them immediately, but sometimes it may be decades. As close a relationship as Mom and I had, I’m surprised that I haven’t heard from her yet. I am assuming it will be dream communication since that’s how I keep in touch with Dad and Rusty, but now I will open my mind and heart to other ways Mom might communicate with me. And I’ll sit back and give her all the time she needs. Thanks for that, Jade.
Thanks for reading. 🙂 Same here, Claudia. There are some people in my life, my mom included, who I haven’t heard from. Maybe I have though. Maybe it’s the silent ones who are with us that keep us safe. xo
Thank you Jade. One of the things I have loved the most about your postings is the variety of experiences and communications people have. It reminds me how important it is to trust and to stay open and receptive to all the ways we are connected to our loved ones. Sounds like Kyle has a real sense of humor.
What a great message.
As usual, I love reading these things.
It’s all gone very quite on the message front in my life. I miss them.
That is a so funny and amazing at the same time, kyle delivered on that one. Great story Carol. Thank you for your clarity and details, Jade, good work.