On two separate occasions, Kathy receives telepathic guidance from her beloved departed husband, Rich.
Kathy writes:
“After Rich died, all I did was sit and cry for hours. So, I decided to smoke a chicken, as Rich was an avid BBQ and smoker cook. I thought it would make him proud and I wanted to get acquainted with the smoker as I loved his smoked foods. It is not that hard to smoke something on an electric smoker; dry rub the chicken the night before and set the time and temperature. Then, I thought, “Instead of crying, how about going downstairs and using my Pilates machine.”
“While down there, a telepathic voice came into my head that distinctly said, “CHECK the SMOKER.” I thought, “Why? Surely it is okay.” Well, the voice kept saying, “Check the Smoker”, so I finally came up to check it, and it was off. It had popped a circuit breaker. Then, I suddenly remembered that when Rich used to smoke something, he had to run an electrical extension into the living room. So, I did that and the chicken turned out great.”
“Then, around the holidays I was depressed and crying a lot. I often go to a music box that my sister gave me after Rich died, where I keep his watch, wedding ring, glasses, and a lock of hair. When Rich was in a coma in the hospital in Nassau, the nurses gave me his watch, ring, and glasses and I put them in my purse. They stayed there in a side pocket for about 2 months, until one day I discovered them, and put them in the music box.”
“One night while holding his wedding band, the telepathic voice said, “Look at the watch.” I was like looking at it while it was in the box. The voice was insistent, stating, “Look at the Watch.” Finally, I picked it up and looked at the time. It was the time of his death! I don’t know when the watch stopped, but it stopped at his time of death. I am not sure what kind of sign that was, but I know it was some kind of communication.”
Commentary- The type of communication Kathy received from Rich is called mental telepathy. Not to be confused with the hallucinations of mental health issues, this type of communication is literally about hearing a voice in your head.
“Am I going crazy?” I hear this often as concerned grievers write to ask this question. “No. You are not going crazy.” Some people have a higher awareness level, naturally. And some… because of the very rude awakening caused by the death of their loved one, are now hyper-aware, causing them to function outside of one’s normal programming. Although those who are living use it all the time, mental telepathy is commonly used by our departed loved ones, to continue communication with us.
The voice one hears could occur as being heard inside or outside one’s own head. In either example, the voice could vary as to the degree of loudness. For instance, there is that gentle nudging voice that whispers, “Maybe you should call (fill in the blank)” – only to call and find out that person really needed someone to talk to. Then, there is the very loud voice that screams, “Move over to the next lane, NOW!” In this real case, the driver did quickly move and avoided the large boulders she could have been crushed with, as they were falling off the mountain in that very moment.
Now, before you non-believers go rolling your eyes at hearing voices in your head, please know that when it happens in an unmistakable way, like… your life is spared because of this voice, you will know that it’s a real thing to respect.
While Rich’s voice was not saying anything life-saving in Kathy’s head, it did greatly comfort her in her grief. And, just as if Rich was there, with his telepathic guidance, he helped her to make a great chicken!
Kathy wondered what kind of sign he was giving to her? Rich was definitely demonstrating that he is always with her – even in those seemingly day to day mundane moments.
With his watch set to the exact time of his passing, Rich was saying something to this effect, “Don’t forget about me in time. I won’t forget about you ever. You are not alone. I’m with you always. In all ways… even when it comes to smoking a chicken.”
To read more about Kathy’s after-death communications with Rich- Music as a Medium Used by our Departed

Rich and Kathy
I believe in Telepath messages! N. Hickenlooper
They happen all the time.😊
Beautiful. How wonderful to know he’s helping you from the other side.
Loved this story-so beautiful! Thanks for sharing! 🦋✨
Even though I haven’t had any telepathic messages. I still see license plates with my husband’s initials from time to time and I take it as a message😊
Beautiful story…thank you 🙂
Thank you, very sweet. Love this. <3
“Dry rub the chicken the night before” sounds good, made me hungry. Thanks Kathy, Rich and great commentary jade. Nice post
Thanks Eric!