While meditating, Karen receives the image of a tannish-brown Canadian leaf and wonders how this sign will stand out among the other leaves of the fall season.
Karen writes:
“The other day I was meditating and trying to connect with my departed loved one, Marcus. Sometimes I will do this, and ask for a sign, and sometimes an image will appear in my mind. This particular morning, the sign that appeared was a leaf, like the shape of the Canadian Leaf. It was not red, but more of a tannish brown. I thought it was unusual and took it for what it was. I also thought it was funny because it was getting towards the end of summer and early fall, so leaves were pretty abundant. I was even joking with myself, “Yeah, that’s a good one; think of a leaf as a sign you’re going to see leaves everywhere. Pretty funny eh?”

Pandora Leaf
“Later that morning, I took my dog on a walk, and my Pandora suddenly opened automatically on my phone. I looked down to see a beautiful nature music song playing, and on the cover of the album of the song was the same looking leaf that I had just envisioned. That was pretty amazing!”
“Even more amazing: later that week, I spoke with Jade on the phone and told her about the really cool sign that I had with the leaf. That afternoon, I took a walk with my son and my dog. We were walking down the street, and behind us we could hear this loud, almost scraping noise. I tuned around and something was somersaulting behind us…

Karen’s Leaf
It was this big leaf, the same shape of the leaf that was in my vision and Pandora. Really, the only leaf in sight was literally chasing us down the street. It was so amazing!”
Commentary- Meditation is a powerful medium through which the body and mind can be healed from the trauma caused by everyday living. Through this practice, stress and anxiety can be easily calmed. Although these are just a few benefits of many that meditation has to offer, there is the one that Karen has shared… meditation for receiving guidance and signs from beyond.
But first… really. Anyone who meditates knows how simple this process can be. Basically, it’s just about setting aside the time to do so, and having the patience to sit still long enough during that time, to actually clear your mind. Bare minimum- just hang out with yourself and breathe deeply for awhile. It’s easier if you don’t make it so complicated. It’s just about changing your state of mind. That’s it.
In Karen’s meditation, she focuses on her Beloved and asks him for a sign that could be general or even specific. She invites an image and waits for one to appear in her mind’s eye. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn’t. BUT… regardless, Karen still gets the benefits from her altered brainwaves, resulting in greater peacefulness and awareness.
The first rule to becoming more intuitive through meditation is to be patient. You may experience something profound or you may get something that is subtle. You may even get what you think is nothing at all. But… I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s never just nothing.
To increase your awareness is to believe in the images you get from this powerful brain state. You may even get a symbol or an outright message. There may even be that part of you that will want to question and/or dismiss what you’ve received as the product of an active imagination or just wishful thinking. Think about it. If you do this, how are you ever going to make significant progress when you don’t realize what is given you?
Sure. At first, you may be wrong at interpreting what you get, but that doesn’t mean the message, image, sign or symbol you got was wrong. It just means that you are new to understanding this form of communication. Persevere with practice and patience. Your intuition only grows from each experience you have.
Even after getting an image in your mind’s eye, you might wonder about how your transmission will manifest, as Karen did when she chuckled to herself about receiving the sign of a leaf in the fall season, when leaves are known to cover the ground. But Karen’s sign came through in a way she had not anticipated… on her phone! Who would have thought?
Karen is very intuitive and she is a believer, too. This gives her an advantage over a doubter who will look for any other other explanation, even if it is far-fetched, to doubt the validity of an obvious sign. But even being a believer, sometimes we may question how our signs will materialize. Be we don’t need to. It’s not for us to manifest signs, it is only for us to receive them and smile when they come. And, smile we do.
As if one leaf was not enough for the day, later, Karen received another leaf sign, which she saw in her vision. Marcus must have had a good time shooing that big lone Canadian-looking leaf after his beloved, Karen. Surely she got the message loud and clear, that he was with her, as this leaf was literally chasing down the road after her. So funny. Now, I wonder… how is it that during the time when there should have been many leaves on the ground, that there was only this one?
You see, once we request a sign, there is nothing for us to do but notice. The signs are all around us, just hoping we will open up our eyes, see and notice them. Some signs are subtle and some signs are downright obvious, but they are always there, just waiting like treasures for us to find.
There is little doubt, if any, in Karen’s mind that her departed loved one, Marcus, watches over her and makes his presence known from time to time. Signs are very reassuring and let us know that we are neither insignificant nor walking through this world alone. We are dearly loved by the heavens who show us through signs like rainbows, winged ones, and other messages, even leaves… that we are heard and guided from beyond.
Living in this life may seem very difficult sometimes, and although it may seem to the contrary at times, please remember that this life is only momentary and that you are never really ever alone. The practice of meditation is a great tool and medium to come to the actual knowledge of this.

Shadow heart
On one of her walks, Karen also captured this shadow heart and took it as a sign from her loved one, Marcus, on the other side.
To me, this image resembles a heart with an arrow through it, implying that the sender, Marcus, is madly in love with the heart (Karen’s) he hopes is still his.
one must be open to signs given to us.
thank you Dear Jade
aga/ Mary Ann
Loved reading this story 🙂 Thank you for sharing Karen and Jade!
Than you for reading this story:)
Good reminder to take time for meditation. Thank you for your story Karen.
I find it fascinating when they open up a program on our devices and play a particular song. With the vision of the leaf already in your mind you were sure to notice.
Thanks for your story.
Thank you!
Karen xo
Very cool what can happen when you are open and paying attention. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading my story
Awesome. Thank you!