Karen has an odd experience that makes her wonder if the signs she experienced, while at the movies, were some kind of synchronistic message for her from her beloved, Marcus, or just a coincidence.
Karen writes:
“I had an odd experience that I wanted to share with you and get your thoughts. Sadly, I lost my loved one, Marcus, on 10/11/2015. He was big into personalized license plates, and had one since his first car at the age of 16.”
“Well, me and my kids went to a movie. The protagonist in the move was named Marcus, and I noted this, as it is a sort of unusual name. Well, in the movie, there was a scene where the getaway car gets buried in the ground, like in a grave, and I notice the license plate is MG 2015. This stood out to me, as those were Marc’s initials, and of course, he passed in 2015.”
“So, I did research on the movie and found that it was dedicated to a couple who had passed in 2015, but they did not have those initials. Jade, Do you think it was a message for me somehow? Just kind of a funny joke or something? I did not know what to think… but it really stood out to me.”
Commentary- Karen asks a great question. Was her unusual experience at the movies a cosmic message? A funny joke? Or something else?
It was all of that… plus a whole lot more!

Film clapperboard
Just think of all that would have to happen in the past, with the making of that movie, then- Marcus’ initials, his year of death, his love of cars and specialized license plates, the car being plowed into the ground, symbolizing a grave, and the deceased couple for whom the movie was dedicated and yet, the specialized license plates that bore Marcus’ own initials and year of death, instead.
Now think about Karen, grieving, with her beloved’s passing still weighing heavily on her mind, choosing this movie to go to, when there are so many other choices. For that matter, she could have even chosen to stay home and watch TV. But she went… and had her experience. Was this just a coincidence? Or something else?
Some people say a coincidence is something that happens when two different events collide by sheer chance, luck or accident. For example, You might be thinking of a friend, then they miraculously call. “Whoa!” You might think, “That was weird.”
Coincidences actually happen a lot, and sometimes without any apparent meaningful reason. For example, one day a long time ago, while driving home, I was thinking that I needed to treat my lawn. As I drove down my street, there was a lawn sign in my yard to show me that the lawn treatment service had just sprayed.
So… was that a coincidence? Yes, but why did this happen? I wanted to know the reason so I could judge its supernatural validity. The thing is- It really doesn’t matter that we know the answer, our job is to keep an open mind about it and believe in connections. The meaning could reveal itself at some future time. If you brush these episodes off so easily, as meaningless, you could miss an important message that you don’t yet see.
Looking back though, and having wondered about this throughout the years, I realized that the lawn service had already sprayed and I was picking up on it psychically, making it appear as magic. The meaning I took from it? In the moment, I was tapped into the universal field of consciousness. Not too shabby! Although we might not always see or realize it, everything is connected, even beyond our own comprehension.
And then… there is synchronicity. The difference between coincidence and synchronicity, analytical psychologist, Carl Jung, says, is that synchronicity is a “meaningful coincidence.” Karen’s experience was heavily grounded in the realm of synchronicity, as it would appear that a deeper intelligence was at play.
So why does this happen? There are many reasons, but here are some examples to consider:
- It is a sign that you are on the right path and destiny
- A reminder that you are not alone
- A nudge that there is something to remember
- Giving guidance
- Giving comfort and reassurance that there is more than what we can comprehend
- Could be a cosmic joke to get us to smile
- The heavens are trying to get our attention
- The heavens are winking by helping us to realize that we are much more connected then we think. It’s all connected. And, that’s precisely why I take coincidences seriously.
- They are given to astonish and amaze us, giving us a slight glimpse into heavenly magic and miracles
In my view, coincidences are merely synchronicities that wish to remain anonymous. But, once you begin to notice them, you begin to notice more of them. It’s really about being present in life. They happen all the time. In my experience, coincidence and synchronicity are practically screaming out to be noticed. It just takes an open, willing and present mind.
Some examples of these magical events are:
- Seeing the same number or numeric sequence
- Seeing relevant initials
- Messages on billboards or signs (These are literal signs)
- Hearing the same song repeatedly or a song with special meaning
- Seeing meaningful symbol’s that catch our eye
- Finding coins (Pennies are very commonly left from our loved ones)
- Movie themes, situations or scripts that mirror something in our lives
- Power animals or winged insects and birds have specific meaning
- Having a dream that has a connection to your waking life

Parting veil – Photo credit: Pixabay
There are so many more examples, but you get the idea. All of these examples are experienced in after-death communications, as well, so it’s important to realize that these coincidences and synchronitcities appear to emerge from the magical space of the heavenly realms.
As I sat down to write this post, I had my own set of coincidence and synchronicity. Struggling with what I was actually going to be writing about and its title, I asked for heavenly guidance. Nothing came immediately, but I felt it should be called, Coincidence? But that was all I got, so I went off to do something else.
Not more than an hour or two later, my friend, Pat, who is a reader of my site, had “a feeling” to send me an email. As I glanced at the page she sent, my eye was drawn to a psychic medium’s blog post named, “The Hidden Meaning of Coincidences and Synchronicities.” Then, I realized…
I just knew it! It was so synchronistic and I was on the right track! It was a little later on that I realized I had only gotten the title half right. Like the title of his article, it was supposed to be, “Coincidence or Synchronicity?”
Some heavenly being, watching my struggle, was trying to help me in that moment. I believe this was Dustin, Pat’s son, who lost his life in an accident several years ago. Dustin is no stranger to me. He has chimed in on many occasions with his after-death communications, bugging me to post them quickly. He has made special appearances in my online classes, and has just generally helped me at other times. We all love Dustin!
In this case, Dustin told his mom to help me by sending something to give me a clue. Coincidence? Synchronicity? But, to me, they are close to the same, each of them ways to catch a glimpse into the mysteries of heavenly unknowns. Thank you Dustin and Pat for listening.
What Karen experienced that day at the movies was nothing less than most, if not all of the bullet points above, as to why synchronicity happens. Marcus was trying to reach her for sure. Above all, he was letting her know that, even beyond the grave, they were still connected in their love.
Now how did Marcus appear in this movie? And what was the magic behind it? Well, that’s for another post. In the meantime…next time you experience just a “coincidence” or “synchronicity”, stop, pay attention and know, the heavens have just parted the veil for you. It’s a gift, and you just might experience the profound experience of being astonished. That’s really cool, too.
To read more after-death communications, read here.
Good post Jade. I have been getting emails from that medium ever since I went to a group reading of his. I must be on his hit list. I normally glance over them and then delete them. This time I felt maybe there was something there you could use on your site so sent it. Little did I know you were having a writing block…but Dustin knew. Once again Dustin comes through to help.
Way neat about those initials in the movie, Karen. It was a message from your loved one. He is letting you know he is around.
So amazing. Thank you!
Constantly amazed by these posts. Thank you Karen and Jade.
Thank you Kathy, thank you Jade!
You are so intuitive and I appreciate you telling this story. Thank you! Love never dies.
Thank you, Karen. No, love never dies. Marcus is with you more than you realize. Thanks for sharing your experience and being patient for me to post it. I hope it came at a good time. Xo
Thank you Jade! Yes, always good timing and I appreciate you!
You’re very welcome, Karen. I’m glad.😊xo
Such an amazing post. Thank you Karen for sharing this. I believe that our loved ones reach out to us in this way. Super cool for you!!!
Thanks for sharing your experience Karen. So glad you picked up on this one.
And thanks Jade. I really liked this “”coincidences are merely synchronicities that wish to remain anonymous.”. Cool what we can pick up on when we pay attention. Love that Pat and Dustin came through on this too. 🙂
Amazing moment of synchronicity for sure Karen. I love your perspective on it all jade.
Thank you, Eric. And, thanks for your comment. 🙂
Something happened to my wife and I today.
Our daughter OD’d and in all probability her husband caused her death. The same husband that neglected his son, and mostly let my daughter work, and he used her money mostly in purchasing illegal drugs like fentanyl, oxycodon, heroin and. Cocaine.
When she asked him to leave, he demanded 2 months of her salary as a. condition.
I am the grandpa and I raised the little boy until my son. In law left.
He took the child and I never saw him since January of this year.
My wife and I are agitated and devastated and we visited a Buddhist place to meditate.
All of a sudden a thought occurred to me to visit the ‘temple of medicine Buddha, and as I said this to my wife, there was a.click on my wife’s iphone and she looked at it: it was an email from the same temple of medicine Buddha that we visited 10 years ago.
I am quite certain that this is not merely a coincidence, particularly at a time we are both suffering for lack of seeing our grandson, from whom we were alienated by same said son in law.
Please comment if You could.
Wow, talk about a sign! Definitely not a coincidence. Think of the odds. It sounds like your thought of visiting the temple of medicine Buddha was verified (yes!) as the place to visit. For whatever reason, perhaps to find answers and peace. I love synchronicity when it happens. Perhaps your daughter guiding you?
Also, I’m so sorry for the pain you and your wife have had to endure. Those drugs and addiction are a terrible thing. Hugs to you both. May you and your wife find great peace of mind.
Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. jade xo