In this after-communication, Dustin learns a new trick of popping pills to get his mother’s attention and show her that he is still with her.
Pat writes:
“Friday, as I was sitting at the kitchen table, a roll of paper towels fell off a shelf in the breeze way. I had not been back there all morning. I thought it just was not stacked right.”
“Then, as I was cleaning off the table, I tossed my husband’s vitamin pill bottle into his bin. 3 white pills fell out. I picked up the bottle and checked. The lid was screwed on tight and there were no holes in the bottle. I opened the bottle to see if the pills matched. Yep…they were all white.”
“I went out to run an errand. When I came back…there were 2 brown pills in the same spot where the white ones had been on the floor. I opened the bottle and yep…now there were brown pills in there also. Go figure.”
“My sister said he was saying Happy St. Patrick’s Day to me. Both paper towels and pills start with the letter P.”
“Not to mention the blizzard that was supposed to come our way but didn’t. All day Monday I was worried due to Aaron, (my autistic child) freaks out with snow. I saw numbers associated with Dustin, D44 and K44 …15 times while out for an hour. All within a 1/2 mile. I think Dustin was telling me that he had my back. Well…Tuesday came and all we had here was rain at the Shore.”
“”Way to go Dustin!” He keeps finding new ways to get my attention.”
Commentary- I’m very happy for Pat. When I first came in contact with her, she was frustrated that many of the other people in her life who knew her son, Dustin, were receiving after-death communications, but not her. (Her neighbor, her sister, her Autistic son, Aaron, Dustin’s friends, and even people who did not know Dustin got them). To ease her frustration, she told me that she thought it was because she was always too busy to receive them.
While I could empathize with Pat, I told her that the story she was telling herself and others wasn’t a very good one to tell if she wanted to get after-death communications for herself, since her ‘story’ was very limiting to her actually experiencing them in her world. (Her senses)
Although being busy can be a small factor, even busy people receive after-death communications, as do those who are grief-stricken, though some have the belief they don’t, which is another thing people believe, that is not completely true.
In any case, I’m so glad Pat is now recognizing the after-death communications happening around her as her own. Although they may be different types of after-death communications than the ones that others have, what Pat experiences are uniquely hers.
Moving an object around in ways that can’t be easily explained, is a technique used by the departed to get our attention and let us know they are with us and support us. When this happens, it can be startling. How on Earth Dustin got both sets of pills out of the pill bottles will have to remain a mystery, but he did. I see that Dustin is becoming more advanced in his after-death communication skills. Or… perhaps, Pat is getting more advanced at spotting them- busy or not.
Pat once told me that her adult autistic son, Aaron, never asked about where Dustin was after his passing, even though Dustin was constantly helping his mother with Aaron while he was alive. Perhaps it’s because, for Aaron… Dustin never left. The world our loved ones cross over to is very close to us. Being the sensitive person that Aaron is, I’m sure he is very aware of this already.

I have no doubt that, like Dustin, who makes constant appearances in the lives of his loved ones, our departed loved ones make appearances in our lives, too. It’s just about tuning in and noticing them. This is something everyone can do for themselves with a little conscious awareness, as being part spiritual to our physical being is part of who we actually are. And… this is exactly our connection to the “other side.”
How wonderful for Pat! I still have to remind myself to look, feel, pay very close attention to signs my mom, dad, sister & husband all leave for me. My sister & my husbands deaths are still recent, so I really have to pay attention & sometimes don’t realize it was ‘them’ for a couple days!
I’m just very happy Pat is getting signs, it somehow eases the heart, for me anyway.
God Bless…
This is so true. I know that when my mind is occupied I forget to look for signs. We have to keep reminding ourselves. The signs are all around us. And yes,it does ease our hearts when we see them. It always brings a smile to me to know Dustin has my back and is with me always.
I think Dustin is spreading his wings. The week before I was writing information down with a pen that was a sky blue color ink. The ink color suddenly changed to black. I never put the pen down. I know that was Dustin too. I now smile and say…is that you Dustin? Good one….to him. I think he is trying new ways because a lot of times when something goes missing and shows up later or something falls I just think it is my old age or our cat knocked it off. So he is going the extra mile to say…no mom…it is me Dustin. I also know he is with me because our cat, Eddie, will sit and stare often times at something beyond. Eddie and Dustin were close. It is so easy when your mind is busy worrying or running around putting out fires not to notice signs. Sometimes we need a jolt to stop and notice. I don’t believe in coincidence anymore. It takes a lot of energy for them to get our attention. It must be frustrating for them when we do not see all the signs they are sending saying …”I am here with you”. Thanks for posting, Jade. I know Dustin was bugging you to get this up. Cute title.
So welcome, Pat. Dustin wants to make you happy and see you smile. I think that’s why he is so persuasive for me to get his new adc’s up quickly.😃
Way to go Pat (And Dustin). I’m happy to hear you’ve been getting communications. Keep up the sensitivity.
I love the new tricks he has been trying on me. Can hardly wait for the next one.
Happy for you, Pat, that you are receiving these messages from Dustin in various forms. Glad he is getting your attention more and more. Thank you, Jade, for all you do to help other recognize the continued connection they share with their loved ones.
Sure, thanks for reading and commenting.😃 That too supports people getting and recognizing adc’s.
Thanks, Crystal. Dustin continues to amaze me.