In a very special lucid dream, Makenzie’s recently departed loved one, Michael, comes for a date all dressed up as Makenzie’s favorite rapper, Eminem. I mean, he actually showed up as Eminem!
Makenzie writes:
A few weeks ago, I had a dream about my love, Michael. A little different than I have had before but very interesting. In my dream, I was in a relationship with Eminem – yes, the rapper. (Side note: Eminem is one of my favorite rappers and Michael knew it. He even sent me a country song that had a lyric “I love it when she raps to an Eminem song…that’s my girl”)
In my dream, Eminem and I were laughing, talking, playful, and so in love. We even kissed and I just melted. I remember feeling so happy and couldn’t stop smiling. When I looked at him, he couldn’t stop smiling either. However, throughout the dream, I kept thinking to myself “this is how I felt and things I did with Michael” “this is what it felt like to kiss Michael” but Eminem was in front of me. Even when I woke up, the feelings from the dream were still so strong – how happy and in love I felt. These feelings were for Michael though, not Eminem.
Commentary- One night, sometime before Michael’s passing, Makenzie was excitedly talking to Michael about Eminem and his new album that was coming out. Michael, amazed by her excitement over him, and also a little perplexed, as Makenzie didn’t strike him as the Eminem rapper type, jokingly asked her, “Is this thing serious between you and Eminem?”
When Michael would call while she was driving, he would ask what she was doing? “I’m rapping out” she would sometimes say, then proceed to joke with him that she should go on tour with Eminem because of her rapping skills. Michael would just laugh and say, “Okay baby.” He liked this about her- he would always tell her that she was a beautiful, yet down to earth southern girl who was more intelligent that any woman he knew. She was always happy and smiling and also had this rapping side, that no one would have ever guessed. And this paradox… only added to his ever-growing love and attraction to her.
Still showing his sense of humor in the afterlife, and remembering just how much Eminem made Makenzie smile, Michael thought it would be a fun date to literally dress up as the rapper for their lucid dream date together. Although Michael didn’t understand her excitement for Eminem (they didn’t even look alike), he sure was a good sport about dressing up as him.

lucid dreaming
Maybe something like this has happened to you. If you have ever been aware that your departed loved one has come for a date with you in a lucid dream, sometimes they look a little different. It’s common for them to appear younger, healthier, fuller or some other way they would choose to appear. As you see by Makenzie’s experience, it’s even possible that they can morph enough to look like someone else. If this ever happens, you might wonder, “It felt like my loved one, but it didn’t look quite like them. Was it my loved one?” Or it could be that it looked like them but their essence didn’t feel like them. The key in knowing whether it is truly your loved one is the feel of their essence. If it doesn’t feel like them at their core, then it’s not really them making their appearance. If you are just dreaming, the quality of the experience doesn’t necessarily feel real, but rather, more like the routine brain maintenance, processing and healing of the events and situations of everyday life. Regular dreaming occurs as parts and pieces that don’t often flow or make complete sense.
While Michael did appear exactly like Eminem, it was obvious to Makenzie by the feel of him, that it was truly Michael himself. Perhaps he was showing his lady just how versatile and resourceful he could still be. Talk about role-playing skills! Impressive, huh?
Michael’s after-death communication to Makenzie, was to show her that he is still trying to make her smile from the other side, even in her grief. Michael appeared in a fun way that demonstrated his desire to still fulfill her dreams, even though things have changed. But, Michael is making the best of it- in what was literally a date from heaven, that not only made her smile, but beam with joy.
For more after-death communications, click here.
I am waiting for a date with Carl 🙂
They come often in our dream state. It’s remembering it that’s the problem. 🙂
Love this! Thanks for sharing! xo
What a great way for him to show up. Love this. Thanks 🙂
That’s awesome, I like this one.