In this after-death communication, as Reyna wonders… baby Connor lets his mother know that he is still around.
On June 1, 2015, Reyna lost her son, Connor. That was two years ago to the day. He was only 9 months old when SIDS tragically claimed his life. Reyna was 7 months pregnant with his baby sister at the time.

lost pacifier (Image: Pixabay)
About 8 months after Connor’s passing, his “it’s a boy” pacifier that Reyna previously got at a baby shower for his, then, upcoming birth, disappeared and went missing for 4 months.
Finally, on the morning of June 1, 2016, while Reyna was sitting on the bed, Connor’s blue pacifier all of the sudden resurfaced right in front of her. This was an important day, as it was the one year anniversary of Connor’s passing!
“It was weird though,” Reyna explains, “because I had lost this plastic blue pacifier from Connor’s baby shower and I was wondering where it was.”
Also, in another after-death communication about her baby, Connor, Reyna shares- “A few months ago, I was thinking of returning back to work, so I went to a meeting/training that is required before working there. Before leaving, and while I was getting ready, I was feeling sad that baby Connor wasn’t there to see me getting ready for work. I was thinking if he were alive he would be watching me get ready, and running around me, and I felt like I was missing out.”
“Then, while I was looking in the mirror doing something, I felt 2 tugs from the bottom of my shirt. I thought maybe it was my imagination and that maybe I somehow made my shirt tug down even though it has never happened before. But then, it happened again… 2 tugs. It was like a little child had grabbed the bottom of my blouse and tugged it twice allowing me to experience what he would have been doing that day, as I was getting ready to leave.”
“Now, my daughter does this when I pass her and she wants me to stay. She’ll grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it, so I guess it really is something small children do.”
Commentary- As if late stage pregnancy was not challenging enough at the time, I’m sure it was truly devastating for Reyna to lose her infant child on top of it all. My heart goes out to Reyna who, as a mother and life giver, has had to face the unthinkable throughout this whole difficult and tragic experience. Reyna is an amazing woman who is filled with commendable strength and courage.
Sometime after Connor’s blue pacifier disappeared, Reyna wondered where it was. Perhaps Connor still needed it in some way, perhaps it’s disappearance helped to set the stage for it’s reappearance. Whatever the reason for it’s disappearance and wherever it went for those 4 months, it seems like it may have magically appeared as a result of Reyna’s wonderment.
This is also demonstrated in the second example Reyna gives of wondering what it would be like or what Connor would be doing as she was preparing to leave the house for work. You’ll notice, after each of these experiences of wonderment, Reyna receives a response, specifically associated to what she was wondering about.
Why am I making a big deal about this? Why have I bolded key words in Reyna’s story about wonderment above? What exactly is the definition of wonderment, anyway? I’ll give you my definition.
To wonder is to be curious about knowing something. To wonder is to have the desire to dwell in an inquiry long enough to have the unknown, reveal itself.
I cannot tell you enough about how powerful the state of wonderment is in connecting to the unknown, and in coaxing the unknown into the realm of the known. To seriously wonder in curiosity is to ask a question to the great and infinite Universe. Unfortunately…when we put a question out there in wonderment, too often, instead of realizing the holy and amazing nature of what we are actually doing, and what is actually possible to us if we are patient… we don’t always stick around for the answer. Unaware of the magnitude of possibility, and busy as we can be at times, we move on with our daily routine without ever thinking twice about it.
Now, in Reyna’s case, she stuck around in her inquiry long enough to get a response. In the last example Reyna gave, the response was instantaneous.
Reyna also tapped into her creative mind when she thought that Connor tugging on her shirt might have only been her imagination. The only thing is… it is only through the creative mind that she would have noticed anything of a spiritual nature in the first place. My point to all those who are more than ready to discount their imaginations as false or wishful thinking… think twice, as your imagination is nothing less than the spiritual part of your brain. That’s a lot! The creative mind has great power when it comes to understanding the things of spirit and manifesting spiritual things into the physical realm.
On at least those two occasions, we have Reyna’s examples of how the unknown became known to her through the state of wonderment. And, for validations sake, a year or so later, her new baby girl gave her the experience that, yes, this is what small children really do. Whether it is our loved ones in the physical world or those in the spiritual world, this is exactly what small children really do.
I find it remarkable and telling that Connor’s blue pacifier reappeared on the first year anniversary of Connor’s passing. This shows us that Connor was not only aware of his mommy’s thoughts about him and his missing pacifier, but also, mindful of his mother’s sorrowful feelings over the loss of her beautiful infant son. The pacifier that 9-month-old Connor once needed for calming and comfort, in his own new and sometimes frightening world, was not only a very sweet sign, but was now being offered, on this very special day as a gift to his mother, who, for the last year since his passing, had deeply grieved and missed her little angel very, very much.

The Wonder of It All (Image: Pixabay)
Thank you Reyna for sharing your experiences and continued connection with you little boy with all of us. Sending love your way. And thank you Jade for the reminder to always wonder and allow that spritual and creative part of ourselves to grow.