In this after-death communication, Dick visits me with “Happiness!”

Happiness Box
Yesterday, when I was walking through a store, a bright pink decorative box caught my attention! As I looked a little closer at it, and simply because I love the color pink, I saw the word, “Happiness” written on the beautiful box that was bedazzling me at the time.
“Well, that’s funny!” I thought, as I took a closer look. “That reminds me of what Dick used to write at the end of his emails to me, just before signing off by writing his name.
Then, I remembered! It was only one short year ago when I met Dick on a European River Cruise that I was on at the time. He was sitting across and one seat over from me at the breakfast table I was seated at. As I looked at him, I noticed that there was this light around him, and a tender kindness that ran deep as his soul. Our eyes met, like we had always known each other, and he wished me a ‘good morning’ before excusing himself from the table, for a full day of sight-seeing.

Dick, Jade and chair/cane
Every day since that morning, Dick had become a permanent fixture in our “5 Musketeers” pod that consisted of others I felt a strong connection to- Mary Ann, Marian, Keith and myself, that embarked daily, off the boat and onto the shore of yet, another beautiful and foreign land. And, I must say, that although, Dick was well into his eighties and walking with a chair cane, (which, wanting to sit down a time or two, I eye-balled pretty hard at times), he kept up pretty well with us spring chickens and the one spring rooster in our group.
As Dick and I got to know one another, I told him about, and all of the after-death communications posted on my site that I was honored to collect and comment on. Not even realizing that it was an after-death communication at the time, Dick recounted an amazing memory of his, which came to be called, The Doings Of Darla! As I heard his account, I pointed out the obvious, saying, “Dick! You had one! That’s an awesome after-death communication! How did you not see that?” Beaming about this, Dick went one step further. With a twinkle in his eye, Dick said, “When I pass away, I will come and visit you!”
It was on June 15, 2016, that my dear friend Dick crossed over to meet his beloved wife and companion, Darla. And although Dick is missed, and will continue to be missed by those whose lives he so lovingly touched. Now… Heaven is even brighter because of his light.
Though this after-death communication may seem subtle or small to the reader, the reason this after-death communication is so very meaningful to me is because of what Dick shared with me in a correspondence email, shortly after arriving home from our European trip. And, something I just remembered and had to find in my emails with him, to tell the full story.
Dick wrote:
“I said a little prater asking the good Lord to look over you and allow you to achieve all the goals you set for yourself on this adventure ( You are an amazing young lady that has gotten me to think about spiritual things; something I never did over the past, at least, forty years.”
“Love your stories, your attitude, your generosity towards others and their needs, during crucial times of their lives, your kindness, and your just being you.”
“During my sixty years in management positions I always closed my correspondence with the word “Happiness.” Since retirement, my letters and emails have been cut way back and for some reason, I dropped my closing “happiness” thought. It was amazing how many positive comments I received about it, and in meeting people for the first time after corresponding, how they remembered and commented on it. Your spirit has awakened the message in me that desires that all people enjoy happiness in their lives. So I am going to start it up again with this email.”
“Thank you for all that you had done for me. You have rekindled the spirit of life in me and I am enjoying it tremendously. May the good Lord bless the work that you are doing to help others.”
Happiness… Dick
So yesterday, when I was in the store, and just happened to look straight at that pretty pink box that beckoned my attention, and saw the signature blessing, “Happiness”, that Dick had started to close his emails with once again, I smiled. You see, this will always have special meaning to me, that living my life upon this planet I was able to touch another soul so deeply; even one I barely knew.
Then, I smiled even a bigger as I remembered that Dick had kept his promise. And not only that, but in his journey across the great and mysterious divide from Earth to Heaven, he was telling me that he had found exactly that. Happiness!
And… he was just letting me know about that.
I will always remember you Dick. Thank you for your love and friendship. I carry you in a special place in my heart and mind, always.
Oh Jade. What s beautiful story and communication. Thanks for sharing it and sharing your thoughts on Dick as he shared them with you.
Mary Ann and I were so glad to have lunch with him in early May. Our last with him on this side.
You are bringing much into my life again. Thanks us not enough.
Thanks for your comments, Marian. It warms my heart. You are a wonderful woman. 🙂
Being one of the other “Musketeer Spring chickens” mentioned in this post, I’m glad you saw this.
I’m also glad you were able to have lunch with Dick a few months pervious. Love you, Marian. xo
This message is so beautiful and touching, thank you for sharing a piece of happiness with us Jade! Sounds like Dick was/is a truly amazing man! xo
Thanks Sara. What more could anyone want but happiness? love you girl! xo
Dick sounds like a sweet man. Glad he has found and can continue to share the message of happiness…and keep his promise of communicating after his death.
AG Mary Ann
You’re welcome! Yeah, it’s a good one. 🙂 Atta Girl Hug for one of the “5 Musketeer” spring chickens/roosters I referred to in the post. xo Glad you saw this Mary Ann.
That just made my day. Thanks also for the wonderful impact you had on Dick’s life.
Thanks Amy. Xo
Dearest Jade,
I had a chance to reread and cherish your special thoughts about Dick.
It was fun treating him to lunch that day and he smiled at us. He had
treated Marian and me to lunch, so it was special to reciprocate.
Little did we know how sick he was. I watched him head out somewhere
seemingly raring to go. How he loved his grandson. I am sure the young boy
is missing Dick very much. I have good memories of the brief times we spent
on the boat and how you were taking really good care of him like he was your grandfather….
my love and affection to you. AG Mary Ann
Isn’t it interesting how you and I connected in the most amazing way. I am grateful for this.
Me too, Mary Ann. It was meant to be how we connected. Xo