In this after-death communication, Bonnie receives validation that her departed father watches over his family… even still.
Bonnie writes:
“I believe in life after death 100%. My dad once gave me a message in my dream to bail my son, Robert, out of jail who was in lockup for driving without a license. And sure enough… when I woke up, there was a message saying to come & bail my son out from Fairfax County lockup. This message was left two o’clock in the morning when I was asleep. My dad was very close to my son and me. Our parents watch over us.”
Commentary- Our departed loved ones watch over us from beyond, even when we think they might be doing something else. Their love, care and concern for us does not diminish, even if we think they are far removed from us. This is clear from Bonnie’s example.
There are times when our departed loved ones intervene in our lives to give us guidance. Sometimes it’s obvious guidance, as in Bonnie’s dream, and sometimes their guidance occurs as subtle- like a fleeting thought or feeling of what to say or do. There are even times when their guidance to us seems to be a little more on the non-existent side. But that’s when they are especially stealthy in our lives!
More often than not though, unless there is a really good reason for it, our departed loved ones sit silently as they witness our lives. The reason being… our lives are ours to live, not anyone else’s.
Even though we are loved and watched over from beyond, and our guides and angels may desperately want to help us out, from their vantage point, there are choices that are ours alone to make, as well as, consequences that are ours alone to realize. If we would ever have the opportunity to learn and grow into the best and wisest possibility of ourselves in this Earthly school, it is imperative that we realize that there is an actual connection between our actions and the consequences that follow.
Bonnie received some amazing benefits from this dream experience. Bonnie received personal and direct validation of an afterlife and that her beloved father was still aware and present in the lives of those he loves. Bonnie’s father demonstrated that-
- He did absolutely know about his Grandson’s arrest in real time, and did visit her in her dream to inform her of her son’s misfortune, And…
- This experience was all verified by the 2 o’clock am voice mail message about her son’s actual incarceration. So, in other words… Bonnie didn’t just imagine this in her dream.
Bonnie’s experience also tells me that this dream/voice message combination was actually a message for Bonnie to know that she has not been left alone in the world without spiritual guidance, as there are always those who quietly watch over us from a higher place. It also tells me that bailing her son out of jail happened for a very good reason. So what was the reason?
Bonnie was told by her father that Robert was in trouble and she was directed to do something about it. Not that she wouldn’t have done this on her own, I know she would have because she told me she would have done exactly that. This made me think, If we look in another place we can begin to see the clear purpose of his visit to her.
Although we might think otherwise, sometimes the spiritual guidance we receive that we think is for us… is not exclusively for us. Sometimes this guidance is for others, as well. In this case, Robert. And perhaps… even to some reading this now.
Five years have passed since this distressing night for this family. It is only with the perspective of time that the big picture appears, along with an understanding of the urgency and wisdom of that night. You see, Bonnie and her son, Robert, were very close to Grandpa while he was still living. After his passing, Robert started to make some poor choices. And those choices threatened the trajectory of Robert’s path in life. When Grandpa saw that Robert was behaving beneath himself, he knew he had to intervene for Robert’s sake.
Although Grandpa’s visit did benefit Bonnie so very much, Grandpa’s focus was mostly on Robert. The magic for him was knowing that Bonnie would relate the whole experience to Robert and in turn… Robert would be affected in a good way.
Although Grandpa could no longer be seen in this realm, Grandpa’s bond of love with his daughter and grandson remained unbroken as the love between the living and the dead (who are also living), never ceases. Grandpa was expressing that love to both Bonnie and Robert as he successfully straightened out something that was going awry. Since that time, Robert has indeed straightened out and is on his proper path in life. Grandpa’s guidance intervention was successful!
We all do the best we can in life, and of course, it is nice to get spiritual guidance wherever we can… from our departed loved ones, a Divine messenger, a hunch, a dream or intuition. But when we have received a spiritual guidance intervention that we are especially aware of… it is a special gift that validates to us that we are not walking this world alone. Our departed loved ones, who love us dearly… really are still with us, loving us… and guiding us from beyond.

The Heavens (image courtesy of pixabay)
Love this!! Thanks for sharing! 😊🦋
“All my relations.”
It is wonderful to have those who are alive and Love us.
It is also wonderful to have those relatives who have gone before, and Love us.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Lovely thoughts. AGhugs
Amazing how people can still extend influence and advice from beyond.