Have you ever felt an actual spirit hug before? Ann sure did in this beautiful after-death communication from Rebecca, Ann’s beloved sister, from beyond.
Ann writes:
“My sister, Rebecca, died a horrific, heart-wrenching death at age 49. I’m an ICU nurse and understand death very well. However, it was how she died that was just killing me. I think part of my desire to continue to hear from Rebecca is that her death was the result of an unsuccessful suicide attempt in which her mouth and teeth were blown off. The failed attempt left Rebecca and her family to live with the aftermath of her choice for the next 6 months until Rebecca’s eventual passing.”
“What happened was so terrible and left Rebecca quite disfigured. After seeing her photo, I’m sure you will get it. She was beautiful. I still cannot think about Rebecca without thinking about how horrid and unsettling her death was.”
“The last time I ever saw Rebecca was when she was in an in-patient center. I’d gone to visit her there. Before I left, I crawled into bed with her. Lying on my left, I cradled her, or spooned her and told her I loved her. That was my last touch with her. There were some phone calls after that for a short while; however no more physical contact, and then she died.”
“A few months after she died, I was in that state just between waking and sleeping. I was lying on my left side like Rebecca was when I held her last when I felt an immense hug. It was paralyzing in a good way. My mom had died shortly after Rebecca died. So in my mind I asked, “Is this Rebecca or mom?” I clearly heard, “Rebecca.”

Beloved Rebecca
“The hug was all-encompassing, warm love. She seemed to be showing me the same care-taking love I showed her during our last visit: the same position, same genuine expression of comfort. I’ll never forget it. It was so real! She was comforting me, showing me she was okay and that I was adored by her. It was magnificent. I’ll carry it with me forever. And you’re right: if I say her name out loud a few times, I can feel like she comes by and listens.”
“One more thing. I noticed, as did my dad, that after she died, we were so clumsy! We’d drop everything and spill stuff. For no reason, a huge pot of marinara just tipped over onto an upholstered chair. But surprisingly, it wiped up off the chair completely. Very weird, like she was causing mischief, but nothing too damaging for us.”
I’d never been to a Medium before, ever. But, I went to talk to one to see if she felt Rebecca around. Without any prompting, the first thing the Medium said to me was, “There was some red sauce spilled.”
“Rebecca did that! She’s very loud right now and all over the place! Rebecca was so skinny because she never stopped. She enjoys causing mischief and making you drop and spill things. She laughs at it. My dad and I were dropping/spilling things that would never have been dropped. My dad was even considering seeing a Neurologist to see if he had some disease. We know it was Rebecca. The Medium said it would continue… and it has. For no reason whatsoever, dry oatmeal popped out of my measuring cup last night. I’ve even had to tell her to knock it off a few times.”
“Another thing the Medium said was that Rebecca is with horses. I never told the Medium anything up front. I’m a skeptic (and a Christian), so this was a huge step out in faith for me. I gave the Medium NOTHING to use as a clue about Rebecca, just her sunglasses case to hold. But all through high school Rebecca had quarter horses. Her favorite horse had an accident and died terribly. She always struggled with losing her horse. I know this Medium could not have gotten any information from Rebecca’s obituary either, as it said nothing about horses. So I know that this Medium actually connected to Rebecca!
Commentary- I want to thank Ann for sharing her heart-wrenching story. I know I cried a little bit. Being an ICU nurse, you bet she has seen everything, but having to deal with this with her own sister must have been a living nightmare, to say the least.
The death of a loved one is a hard enough thing to deal with. But a suicide attempt resulting in a horrifying disfigurement, followed by intense grueling medical care and procedures, then, finally ending in the death of that loved one just 6 months later must have been extremely traumatizing for Rebecca and those who love her. My deepest condolences to all.
What Ann experienced is called a spiritual or energetic hug. The quality of a spirit hug can feel like the pressure of a physical hug minus the other physical person to hug. It is also the experience of being embraced by energy which can really be astonishing! It can feel warm with living love, tingly and has an all-encompassing feeling that seems to penetrate your soul. When this happens, you know it. Even though you may be alone when it happens, you feel it so completely and it tends to leave a lasting impression on the receiver.

Rebecca and Ann
With that simple but precious and memorable hug, Rebecca was saying to her dear sister, Ann, “thank you!” “Thank you for loving and caring about me. Thank you for having the strength and courage go through this with me. I know it wasn’t easy. Thank you for staying by my side and for loving me when I was at my very worst. Thank you for sharing our special bond and for being the best sister anyone could ever have! I’ll love you forever!”
What took place here between Rebecca and Ann was the experience of unconditional love. This is a heavenly love that transcends the judgment and pettiness that is often a part of the nature of a human being.
Unconditional love. What a beautiful gift each sister gave to the other!
Ann mentions that Rebecca has made herself known a lot lately, spilling things and causing general but harmless calamity with Ann and her Father. And with these episodes, Ann is reminded that Rebecca is still around and shaking it up as usual.
The message that Rebecca is conveying is one of light-heartedness. You see, at one point in her life, Rebecca took this life way too seriously, then… she did what she did. Her message from beyond is to take life with a grain of salt. Or a pot of marinara. Or a cup of oatmeal. Or… Well, you get the point. And, when Ann sometimes tells Rebecca to “knock it off!”, I think that is what Rebecca is literally doing.
Now, from her infinite perspective, Rebecca is saying, “It’s all good. Everything will turn out alright in the end. Remember to laugh and enjoy the ride that is this life.” As Rebecca has lightened up, she is suggesting that we do the same and not take the things in this life with so much weight and gravity. When we breathe deeply and take the long-view, the temporary short-view of our physical existence becomes much lighter to bear and so much easier to navigate.
Condolences Ann for your loss and for all that you went through in your sisters final moments. It is clear how much love there is between you and how much that love keeps showing up. There is something so sweet too about that energetic hug. Thank you Jade for the reminder to take the long view and enjoy the ride.
Ann: I hope that your working with Jade has helped bring your some comfort of this extremely stressful situation. Don’t feel guilty at all about reaching out to the Medium. We all resolve/process grief in our own way and time. No two person(s) grief cycle is alike.
What a rough episode, good job getting through that, great commentary jade
Very touching 🙂
I experienced this for the first time last night. I have been very stressed and don’t dream very often, but was having a very vivid bad dream. I felt myself turn around and my husband was in front of me. He hugged me tightly for a long time and I hugged him back. I was unusually aware during the dream and could physically feel the hug. I can still recall it which is also unusual as I rarely remember dreams, other than a few similarly vivid dreams I have had since he died. It was very comforting but also made me very sad today.
Thanks for sharing, Lynda. The take-away is that, even though you aren’t always aware that he is with you, he is. I know it is jarring to know that you were in his presence and it feels so good, only to wake and realize that it was only just a vivid moment in the dream in which he appeared for a while. That moment in the dream is to show you that he is very aware of you. He cares about your burden of stress. He cares about the nightmares of your life, including that you face this world without him by your side, physically. Please remember that although you don’t experience him with you in this physical world, he is ever-present, watching over his dear wife, from beyond. Would Jason be doing anything else? 😉 So glad you had this experience. xo
On Sept 11, about 2:00 a.m., I had posted pictures of my brother that died at that time of night in 2007. I had helped him his illness, but we were always close growing up. While posting those pictures online, I said out loud, “Van, you know you can always talk to me.” Then about 3:30 a.m., I went to bed and while not really sleeping (more of a slumber), I suddenly heard a lot of confusing chatter and then I felt a heavy presence lay down right up next to my back and an arm come over me. I held his hand and then I freaked out and hollered HELP! No words came out of my mouth and then it was gone. Do I need to tell you how freaked out I was! I never expected anything like that, but I believe it was my brother. What do you think?
Hi Jane. Thanks for your comment.:)
Yes, your experience is definitely related to the request you made to Van. I’m glad you had this experience with him! I know, when it happens, it is a little unnerving. But you did call out to him so he must have thought you were okay with him literally reaching out to you. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Our loved ones are always very much aware of us. Could love do anything else?
Ok my experience I can feel good spirits bad spirits it’s gift God gave me ok one night I had been going through some things very heavy on my heart I woke up in the middle of the lying on my back my room was dark and all of a sudden I felt a spirit on top of me nothing out of way just lying on top me warm good spirit i believe the spirit was comforting me I had experience when I can feel good spirits and bad spirits the chruch calls it gift of decernment
Nothing like being hugged by a spirit. Glad you had that experience!
Thank you for sharing.:)
Great post! Thank you. I had a very similar experience as Rebecca and Ann with what I believe it was my wife’s spirit a month after she passed away. Eyes closed in between asleep and awake state. I was the sole care giver from beginning to end and I coached her as she made a very beautiful and peaceful transition. The only problem is I don’t really know for sure it was her as I could not identify her and she didn’t respond when I asked. And, I was a little freaked out and felt as if it wanted to take me with her, although I know it could only be my being afraid. Also, I had a dream a couple of days before and I saw her and asked if it was her and she did not acknowledge me as if I was not even in the dream. I have never had any spiritual manifestations in my entire 60+ years life, so I’m assuming all the positives that I read in this post. But, how can I be certain that it was my soulmate and not something else?
Hi Fred. Thanks for writing. About the hug. Doesn’t it make the most sense that it would be her? A hug is about love, and she loved/loves you. A hug is a good way to show her continued love and caring for you. She was trying to comfort you.
About the dream you had. I wrote a post called, Never Far away. You can search it on my site. In the next month, I will be writing another one on the same subject in a tribute to my loved one, who passed 10 years ago. I recently experience it in a dream.
It is possible that instead of her visiting you, you visited her. That happens too. There are times that we can look in on them as well. This commonly happens in an Out of Body experience.
About being sure. The brain is a funny thing. In some variation, it’s always asking the questions about spiritual things, “Is this real? How do I know for sure? Basically, this is what the brain does and even when it gets a really good answer about something of a spiritual nature, it still struggles to accept because the brain is a physical thing. Make sense?
Trust your experiences. They may not make perfect sense to your brain, but not trusting them will deny what is being given to you on a spiritual level. 🙂 I hope that helps. Jade
I almost had anxiety attack but was walking to the kitchen and then it hit me and felt like the biggest EMBRACE in my life I can’t explain it I literally started coughing and list my breath and then a release and trust when I say I always see the signs and feel there presence yes several but never felt this emotional wreck right now but one of them knew I needed it.
Thanks for sharing. Great experience.
This is amazing. I’ve had the same experience. About a year ago my grandfather passed. Me and my kids were staying at the family home at the time and about a month later we started sleeping in my grandparents room. Well one day I was laying in bed and I was experiencing a series of sleep paralysis. Well that is nothing new to me, since I experience that often. Well I woke up brushed it off right and as I started to fall back to sleep I felt something at the foot of the bed. I kind of ignored it. Then all of sudden I felt this energy, very warm, very loving, and very positive. It felt like a hug. It hugged me tight and then let go, and did it two more times. I had chills all through my body. It was a very special and unique experience. I have been becoming more spiritual latley. I am curious, Can someone develop psychic/ medium gifts or are they just natural gifts.
Hi Anecia. Thanks for sharing your experience.🙂
To answer your question, yes. It can be developed. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. It’s really about remembering and embracing that.