Four people receive the sign of a feather from the angel they love, who loves them too, and is watching over them from beyond.
Sanjita writes:

Sanjita’s Feather
“Early on one Sunday morning, I found a little feather where I take shower everyday. It looks so awkward for the feather to be there because I live alone in my house. Secondly, the bathroom doesn’t have a window. Thirdly, the bathroom door is always closed after I use it and this is my first time seeing a little feather sticking on the bathroom wall.”
“The day before this happened, I was thinking about and talking to my departed best friend, Sadgunnan, because for so long there was no contact. I got busy with life and also, was traveling. As I spoke, I told him that I’m not sure where he is. Deep in my heart I was thinking if there is another moment, I wish I can see him or be with him just for a little while. I knew I was missing him and I told him to show me some signs that if he’s still around me. Usually he will come in my dreams, but to my surprise I saw a tiny feather at the bathroom the next morning. It’s impossible for any birds to fly in because there is no window in the bathroom.”
Crystal writes:

Crystal’s Feather
“While I was taking the “Being Your Own Medium” class, I was working through some of the suggestions Jade had given for connecting with lost loved ones. One night, before bed, I was thinking about my uncle, Lance. Lance was a major male role model during my childhood. I miss him and the gentle, loving presence he was in my life.”
“When he passed, I was deep into a very painful divorce and I felt that my grief for him was put on hold until months later because of this. Holding the grief for a few months was all I could do to survive. When I did grieve, I noticed the sense that he was far away and I felt disconnected. After my grandfather passed, I felt a stream of communication from him and that added to my feeling that Lance and I had become disconnected forever. A part of me was afraid I had missed my window to feel his presence in my life.”
“As I got in bed that night, I thought about Lance and I set an intention. I asked Lance to come visit me during the night and communicate with me. I was thinking that his communication might come in a dream.”
“The next morning, I got out of bed to start my day. I was thinking nothing of the intention set the night before. As I stepped out of bed, I saw a large, white feather on the right on the floor in front of me. It was strange. I ran through my mind all the places a feather might come from and I couldn’t make sense of it.”

Angel Troll
“As I looked at the feather, I noticed that it reminded me of the white feathers on a troll doll that was a gift on Lance’s behalf to my mother, showing my grieving mother, that he was still with her. The gift was given years after Lance’s death as an after-death communication to her through another person. Troll dolls were his favorite, and this troll was an angel with white feather wings. Noticing this, I suddenly realized that this was his way to show me he is still in my life looking out for me. It was clear as day the connection we continue to have. I don’t doubt now that he is still here with me.”
Ian writes:

Feathers from Joanna
“Just want to share with you that we have found feathers under our sofa.
It’s truly impossible to have them in our house as we do not have birds.
Also, my nephew who lives in Dubai, on our Skype session showed me a white feather he just found on the sofa, too. Again, the place doesn’t have any birds.
And lastly…
Reyna writes:

Reyna’s Feather
“This feather was in my pathway when I had gone somewhere. Right in front of where I was walking. I asked my Mom if she’s heard from my son who passed as an infant. Then, like 10 minutes later, this feather was right in front of me. I took a picture and saved it, but the feather isn’t in the same spot I had left it when I looked for it the other day.”
Commentary- Feathers are common signs that an angel has visited us and has left behind their calling card. It’s not that our beloved departed one is covered in feathers now, it’s just a simple symbolic representation showing us that our loved one in heaven is watching over us, loving us from beyond, and wants us to know this by the feather they left behind for us to find.
You may notice that 3, if not all of these people were either thinking of, or telepathically talking to their departed loved one before their feather appeared. This is important as it serves to validate that the sign was not just random. In each case, the appearance of the feather caused them to ponder how such an unexplainable thing could have happened, which just so happens to be a classic hallmark that something unusual is afoot.
Of course, if you are reading this and have not received a feather, this does not mean that your departed loved one is not with you too. There are many other signs that can manifest from the departed to one who is open and paying attention. Other common signs, like these beautiful winged ones, are birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, and so on.
Just as soon as I wrote this last sentence, I turned my head to look out the sliding glass window and a hummingbird was right there, batting its wings a million miles an hour and looking right at me for several seconds! I grabbed my phone to follow it and get a picture but it was nowhere to be found.
After this happened, I realized that I too, in that very moment, had just received an after-death communication from one of my angels, as well as a validation of what I had just written, and it warmed my heart and made me smile.
And… that’s what these types of after-death communications can do when you realize that you have just been visited by a winged one with an intention to be realized. They surprise and delight! Thank goodness for signs from our departed angels!
What sweet little stories. It just goes to show that after-death communications come in all shapes and sizes, personalized and made to order.
Thanks. 🙂
Thank you Jade for this post. I love how the experiences you shared for others was then validated by one of your angels. Sharing the experiences of yourself and others and your insight is a beautiful gift to us all. Lots of love to you XO
Thank you, Crystal. Back at ya sister! Xo
Thank you for sharing all the beautiful feather stories Jade! Life is magical indeed! xo
Thank you, Sara. 🙂 xo
I love how you pulled together a couple stories of a common experience. Great way to demonstrate the recurring themes in after death communications.