While Marian’s first after-death communication was staring her in the face, her second one was actually blaring her in the face! A not so subtle after-death communication.
Marian writes:
“On January 5th, the third anniversary of Steve’s death, I had all the batteries changed by the volunteers from the fire department, in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in the house, because one was “chirping.” At about 11:30, the alarm went off in the casita, full blast. That was the time Steve died on that very day, just 3 years earlier. “OK, OK Steve, I hear you, I am selling our house, I have to leave it now!” (The house was to close on Jan. 11th) The guy came again to change the battery and checked the wires and all became quiet in the little house.”
“Steve has been with me, I know.”
“But today, I started to clean out one of the large drawers in this huge desk in the den. Dad and I both had “junk” in this drawer. At the bottom was a Hallmark bag, in it was a birthday card he must have purchased, I don’t know when. After I wiped my tears away, I knew it was a God thing. Steve is with me. The card said, For Your Birthday—Got you something that will make people look at you and say, “What an incredibly SMART, exciting, good-looking PERSON!” Inside, “Put this sticker on, and have a happy birthday!”
The sticker says, “It’s my BIRTHDAY, and I’m an incredibly SMART, exciting, good-looking PERSON!” I just wish he had signed it, but at least I know it was from him.”
“Today was my day to be incredibly smart.”

Marian and me out and about in Germany
Commentary- When I met Marian on a European River cruise in 2015, she, with another young lady, Mary Ann, seemed familiar to me from the start. So familiar, that it was like I already knew them. We became fast friends, but I think it was Marian who was with me and my partner almost everywhere we went on that two week holiday.
Naturally, without knowing much beforehand, I ended up on a cruise with a lot of Senior Citizens who had already lost their spouses. This made me chuckle as, when I told them about GriefandMourning.com, I was able to hear about many people’s after-death communications. But when it came to Marian, she couldn’t say that she had ever experienced one. There seemed to be a certain sadness in her voice. I was determined that she would have one on the trip.
With optimism, I told her, “I’m sure you have received after-death communications from Steve before, but didn’t recognize it. Sometimes they are just subtle, but they happen all the time!”
Then… it was while we were visiting a castle in Germany, actually the restroom there, that Marian became aware as she received her first verified sign that Steve had heard her and me discussing this. He not only gave her an example of what a subtle after-death communication looked like, he definitely wanted her to know that he was with her, and was verifying the truth of what I had told her earlier. You can find her first after-death experience post from Steve, here, Staring Her in the Face
When I received these two latest after-death communications from Marian, I was thrilled. With a blaring alarm in her home on the day and time of his passing, Steve was letting Marian know, without any doubt whatsoever, that he was there with her! While the first after-death communication Marian realized was subtle, probably… as not to scare her half to death, this one was certainly obvious and blaring and the day and time were unmistakable!
About the card Steve left in his drawer for Marian… it’s always fun to find the gifts they leave for us after their passing. We might rationalize that it was a gift they were going to give, but didn’t get the chance to because of their unexpected passing. Or we could just realize that the gift is being given to us now, in the most perfect moment ever!
I was proud at the way Marian looked at this card. No, Steve had not signed it, but she knew it was for her, from him. The message in it put a smile on her face as she got to be “incredibly smart for that day.” Not to fink on Marian, but she is “incredibly smart” everyday. She’s just modest. And more than that… she is an incredibly wonderful and beautiful human being. I was blessed to have spent some time with her on that two week vacation and so glad she now knows without any doubt… that Steve is always with her.
Smile Marian, He always is and thinks, “What an incredibly SMART, exciting, good-looking PERSON” you are!
It’s nice that Steve is still looking out for you.
It’s interesting how he chose to commemorate an unfortunate anniversary.
I’m sure it was nice to be reminded what an incredibly smart, exciting and good-looking person you are.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you for sharing both these communications with Steve. I especially love that you found that card from him…so nice to have some kind words picked out just for you. <3
I’m not sure which i would prefer in my face, blaring or staring. Seriously, another couple beautiful and not so subtle messages for Marian.