In this after-death dream visitation, Dustin visits his friend, Denette, to talk about everyday life… and the fingerprints he left behind.
Denette writes to Dustin’s mother, Pat:
“Last night I dreamt of Dustin! It was so real! He was actually in my house, looking at my “Wall of Dustin.” He looked in my closet and saw the shirts you sent me. He was telling me how happy he is that I have some of his favorite things.”
“Then, he picked up the letter you wrote to me and he kept saying, ‘Okay, very good. This is very good.’ He was saying something about a fingerprint on his computer? Or phone? Or something like that. I didn’t quite understand that.”
“He told me he was proud that my daughter, Alyssa, stopped at gate 6 at Six Flags amusement park to remember him. (She did this because I asked her to). She just started working there.”
“All I kept asking him was, ‘Are you okay?’ and that he is missed terribly. He said he was doing great! I kept wanting to touch him but weirdly my arms had that “pins & needles” feeling and they wouldn’t reach up! He sat in my living room for what felt like all night, then, he said he’d be back soon! I asked him not to go yet that I needed more time, but he walked away and I woke up!”
“I woke up so happy that I know he’s okay! I know it! I had to call my husband to tell him about my dream. I needed confirmation that Dustin came to say hello and that he was okay. I told him that the only thing I wasn’t understanding was the fingerprint thing? Does this relate to you?”
Commentary- At first, the mysterious mention of “fingerprints” in Denette’s dream visitation had Pat stumped. Fingerprints? What fingerprints? Why was Dustin talking about fingerprints? But then, she remembered! It was only 2 days earlier, that Pat was wiping down her kitchen walls that had not been cleaned for years. Still grieving the loss of her boy, Pat said to her husband, “You know, some of these fingerprints are Dustin’s. It makes me sad.”
Pat was sad to think that in wiping his prints away, she was wiping away a part of Dustin. While this thinking is not really true, as Dustin was/is much more than some physical fingerprints taking up wall space, it is a common way to think for those of us still grounded in the physical realm.
Dustin’s degree of awareness speaks volumes as he tells his friend, Denette, how pleased he was that her daughter, Alyssa, beginning her new job at Six Flags, remembered him at Gate six. This was a special place where Dustin once worked and loved. Also, as he looked in her closet, he saw some of his favorite shirts now belonged to her. These are the shirts his mother so lovingly divided up and sent to those who would appreciate them, as Dustin did. No doubt Dustin was there and had some say in that.
You might have noticed the part in Denette’s dream about Dustin picking up the letter Pat had written to Denette, and Dustin saying, “Okay, very good. This is very good.” In seeing the letter from his mother, he could see this obvious sign of a connection between the two. Of course, having a greater perspective now, he already knew this. The point of stating this out loud to Denette and calling it “very good” was less about knowing his loved ones had connected and bonded in his absence, and more about seeing a clear opening to connect the dots for them when he mentioned the fingerprints. Also, he knew that this was “very good” because he saw improved chances that the visitation dream content would be impressed enough in Denette’s memory for it to be remembered outside of the dream state realm, and for her to tell Pat that it had something to do with her.

Bridging consciousness
Many of these dream visitations don’t make it through to waking life, although one might have the feeling that they were with their departed loved one, when they wake, they can’t quite remember the content. This is because of the differences in states of consciousness. Think of it as a bridge from one place to another. Our union with our loved one takes place in another state of consciousness before we enter back to our everyday waking life. Sometimes the path on the bridge behind us fades and disappears before we are able to return with content intact. We forget, yet, we are left with a feeling that something happened, instead of a knowledge that it did.
The result of this successful bridge crossing with content intact was that both Denette and Dustin’s mother were comforted, but more importantly, he let them know for a fact, that this dream visitation was as real as real could be. They were elated! It wasn’t just a dream. He spoke of things that only he could have known. Dustin was also saying,”I am here in everyday life. Whether it is in visiting my memory at Gate 6 or whether it’s cleaning off the surfaces in the house that I once touched.”
Denette was not only aware enough to clearly accept, remember and bring her experience back over the bridge, she knew to immediately contact Pat about the visit and ask her about the puzzling question of the fingerprints. You see, this after-death communication was meant for both, Denette and Pat. Obviously, when Dustin heard his dear mother lamenting about wiping off Dustin’s old fingerprints from the kitchen wall, he wanted to let her know that he is still around her, as if to say, “Never fear, Mom. I am here.” Likewise, Denette wondered about the well-being of Dustin, after his passing. Was he happy? Did he know how much he was missed? This dream visitation answered each of them, giving them peace of mind.
Denette speaks of a dream so real. The only reason for this is that it was actually real. She successfully brought back her experience. This visitation seemed to take all night. That’s because its location took place in a realm where time is experienced much differently. When Denette asked him about his happiness? He said that he is great! It always strikes me as interesting, just how calm and peaceful the departed are, having made it through the veil of death. Like it’s nothing. For sure, from their perspective, they know everything will be just fine.
When Denette tried to touch Dustin, because of the ‘pins and needles’ feeling in her arms, she could not lift them up. This happens both ways. Sometimes they are able to be touched, and sometimes not. I suspect that it depends on the their conscious state of mind or realm, each one (the visitor and visited), is in at the time. However, Dustin does promise to visit again. This, and his many other visitations since his passing, shows that Dustin is ever-present and has become quite adept at making himself known when it is important for him to do so.
Because of this dream visitation from Dustin, Denette woke up happy and satisfied. When this happens, it is a sign that something so real happened that it created an actual experience for us. In this case, Denette was filled with wonder and joy.
While Pat may be sad about wiping off Dustin’s fingerprints on the kitchen wall, she must realize that Dustin’s fingerprints could never be wiped from the hearts and minds of those who knew him. And now, coming up on 3 years since his passing, Dustin is using his ‘spiritual’ fingerprints now, as he continues to touch the souls of many still… but especially… those who wonder about death and the realness of an afterlife. With his frequent visitations to many, and I mean many, he serves as a witness of what’s possible, as he instills hope and comfort that there is an actual afterlife and that it’s wonderful!

Our dear departed loved ones leave their spiritual fingerprints all over our lives. It is for us to see and appreciate them. When we do, we know that they are with us always. And we smile.
Read more on after-death communications, here.
Thank you Jade. The post is beautiful. This email from Denette was an OMG moment for me. I had not heard from her for over 6 months. When I read this I KNEW Dustin had heard what I said about the finger prints. Since my husband does not know her nor talk to her, it was proof that Dustin is here with me and heard what I said about his finger prints.. It is solid proof he is still with me. At the time I was getting many signs but I kept doubting myself .I was second guessing. He was telling me his prints are still on his phone and computer. He wanted Dee to tell me that and also he is fine. My only thought when he died was like Denettes. Where is my son? Is he ok? Is he happy? I know now that he is. And no way do I question any sign anymore. It is Dustin and I love getting them.
I’m glad you like it, Pat.:) Thanks for sharing this.
Very beautifully put! Thank you so much for sharing this! I miss my friend so darn much, however, his visit put my mind at ease! I await another visit! I get his “guardian of the galaxy” visits. They are “flash bys” meaning they are quick! Maybe on a sign or like a week ago going to sleep with channel 11 on my tv, but being awoken by my tv with Netflix on and My tv frozen on guardian of the galaxy on it! I know that’s my friend letting me know all is well! Ms. Pat, I thank you so much for sharing your boy with me! He was an amazing guy when he was here, and still shows how amazing he is from the other side! Thank You Jade!
Thank you, Denette. 😊 So glad you get such clear confirmation from Dustin. It sure makes the pain of loss more healing. Dustin sure is a Guardian of the Galaxy. It sounds like you were/are such a good friend to him. 😊
It amazes me how he uses different signs for different people. With you it is The Guardian of the Galaxy. With his best friend Eric and my sister …he moves things around. With me, I get license plates with his favorite numbers on but also other signs. He wants us to smile and know he is around…safe and sound. It is such a comfort to all of us who love him and miss him.
That’s a nice visitation. I can just imagine hearing the “This is very good.” It’d be good to know that he thinks things are good. Glad the dream was remembered and shared.
Thanks for sharing This is good, very good. 🙂
Oh, you don,t know how happy it makes me to hear of Dustin continuing to communicate with us earthly beings. Thumbs up to Pat and her sister Kathy O.
I loved this post! Thank you for sharing Denette! So glad to hear Dustin is happy and still visiting!! Thank you for putting this together and writing so beautifully Jade, as usual! You’re amazing! xo
Thanks Sara! You’re amazing too! 🙂
Really nice story and comments, thanks!