While there are many different types of after-death communications, in a dream, Rose receives the one of practical guidance.
Rose writes:
“I’ve had so many beautiful and amazing visits from my Mother, and lately from my Dad which made me so happy. A little while ago, here in the Hudson River Valley, we had severe thunderstorms with large amounts of rain. One night, my father interrupted a dream I was having. It was so shocking, knowing that he just popped in unexpectedly.
My Dad said, “All is well, however, please watch the rainfall nearby and remember the generator I gave you.” I woke up the next morning, remembering what he said. My day went on and by early evening, the storms came through again, thunder, lightning, severe winds and flooding.
At around 9:30 pm, my neighbor, Dustin, called me to ask how we were doing with all this rain. He is a volunteer fireman. After checking outside and taking one look at our basement, I called him right back because the entire property was a lake! The basement steps were covered in water swirling around to the top of the basement door.
Dustin called the fire department and Central Hudson Company turned off the power to our house. That night was a very long, hot and sweaty night with no power and basement under six feet of water.
The next morning, the water subsided as the catch basins nearby, finally caught up and were doing their job. David, my partner, and I were tired, hot and stressed out. That was the moment when I suddenly remembered the dream and that my father reminded me about the generator. David has one and we never touched my father’s. When I told David the dream I had, we went to the garage. David’s generator which was newer, would not start at all. I told him to please try my dad’s, I knew it would work because he told me it would.
David pulled the generator out of the garage and dusted it off. It started with one pull! We had power again. I sat in the garage and said a prayer to God and to Jesus, thanking them for letting my father come to me to help. I am always so thankful to God and Jesus daily for the blessings of the day.
Commentary- If you know anything about after-death communications, you know the messages that are sent to us by our departed fall into many different categories. Here are some of them that are most common.
Checking in.
This message conveys something to the effect of,
- “Hey, I made it.”
- “Please don’t worry about me, I’m good.”
- “It’s beautiful here.”
- “I’m in a good place.”
- “I’m reunited with loved ones.”
- “I just wanted to let you know.”
Reassurance. (“I got you.”)
- “I’m aware of you.”
- “I’m still with you.”
- “I love and care about you.”
- “Everything will turn out well in the end.”
- “Don’t worry. This is temporary.”
- “We will be reunited again someday.”
- “You can get through this.”
- “I approve. You have my blessing.”
- “We are one.”
Informational. Insight. Enlightening. (On a need to know basis)
- “This is what happened.”
- “This is what will happen.”
- “This is why.”
- “This is how it works.”
- “Here’s some information about you, your life, life in general, and the afterlife.
Giving Thanks.
After-death communications that say,
- “Thanks for everything.”
- “I appreciate you so much.”
- “I see you.”
Subtle Promptings. (Guidance, Advice and Practical reminders)
- “Remember ‘something’ now. It will be helpful to you later.”
- The mention of a particular person and that, “So and so might be able to assist you with that dilemma.”
- A very familiar and meaningful song plays on the radio. “This is a reminder that I love and care about you. We are still one.”
- “Remember who you are.”
- “I’m here guiding you.”
Protect with Urgent Directives. (Warning, Caution that screams, “Do or don’t do this.”)
- “Don’t drive that same way you normally do or even in that direction.”
- “Stay clear of that person.”
- “Get out of the house, car, whatever, NOW.”
- “Get out of the way!”
- “That’s a bad situation. Don’t get involved.”
- “Go a different way.”
- “Do something different with your life.”
Touching base. (Can occur as a unexpected visit because time has passed with less frequent visits)
- “Yep. I’m still here.”
- “Yep. I’m still very aware of your situation.”
- “Here’s an idea for you.”
- “Yep, I’m still doing great.”
- “See all the healing you’ve accomplished? You are doing so much better now. I never wanted you to suffer.”
- “Yep. I still love and care about you. We are one.”
When Rose’s dad came to her in her dream with his message about the generator, it was just what she needed to hear. Without it, her father’s generator would have collected even more dust when it could have been put to good use.
Since our departed loved ones have a much different perspective than we do, they don’t get all worked up about the small stuff. Rose’s dad knew that, although the rains were coming, Rose and David would be just fine, just hot, uncomfortable and without power. That’s where the generator was such a great idea. Rose’s dad was prompting her in a dream, guiding her, assisting her to remember what he would have done. He would have pulled out that old dusty generator and fired it right up.
Our Angels
We often imagine that our departed loved ones are off, somewhere, clear over there, separate from ourselves and that they have no idea what is going on in our lives. Rose’s father shows how untrue this actually is. Think about this. Rose’s dad knew a rain storm was coming. Just wow! He wanted his daughter to have everything she could need for it. The old, dusty generator started with one pull of the cord. I’d say that’s pretty miraculous. I’d say he was very aware.
Our departed loved ones do watch over us. They love and care for us from beyond. They are familiar with our struggles and our accomplishments. They do their very best to guide us through the situations in our lives. They are our angels, and… we will be angels to the ones we leave behind, as well. We will guide and protect them, too. Because that’s what love does.

Angel: Photo credit: cocopariseenne
This story is awesome! Thank you for sharing, Rose! It reminds me of when Michel, my husband who passed, told me very clearly in a dream to check the oil in my car the next morning, before I left on a multi-day trip in the mountains. I checked the next day – the car was almost completely out of oil. I had not been planning to check it, and if he had not warned me, the engine would definitely have burned up on the climbs and dirt roads. I have received other clear warnings and directives from him over the years (as you know, Jade), and they never cease to help and amaze me! 🙂 My challenge is to remember – and to listen. lol Much love to all!
Thanks for sharing that, Joanna. xoxo
Amazing that the after death communication came in such a practical and useful form. Let’s hear it for Dad!
Thanks for sharing.
And Jade thanks for organizing and documenting the forms of After Death communications.
Thanks for sharing, Rose. I love that your Dad is till showing up to look out for you. And Jade, it’s truly awesome how many types of messages can be shared with us. They truly can be our angels.
It was a few days after my father passed away from cancer and it so happened to be on my 9th birthday. I went to sleep a few days later and realized I was dreaming in this dream and I was in my home and our telephone rang and just like any telephone that rang in the 80’s you picked up and on the other end it was my father who passed so I was eager to speak to him to know if he was ok. So I picked the phone up and from what I remember now being 45 he (my father) was on the line and he said hello to me and as a 9 year old who just lost his father and seen it as he died at home in front of me and my family I said Dad are you ok? He said yes and that is all I can remember 44 years later. My first reaction when I awoke was to tell my mother what had happened and she didn’t seem to all struck because many of my family members received the same dream. For being a 9 year old and needed to know at the time if he was ok and weighing on me at the time if he went to Heaven. I don’t remember if I asked him anything about Heaven but he did get the message to me which I will always cherish until I meet him again.
Thanks for sharing. That’s amazing. I’m so glad your father gave you this message. I’m sure it helped so much toward your healing. Very inspiring. Again, thanks for taking the time to share this. It’s precious.😊
Thank.k you for sharing your wonderful stories! I wish I can share as well; however, my love, heart & best friend passed from this earth 14 months ago & I have not been able to dream about him, sense him or feel him! I wish I can have some form of communication from him!
Sorry for your loss, Michele. Sometimes it takes a little time to get a communication. It will happen. Hugs.
My husband recently passed away and I have had experiences of his presence numerous times. The communications have ranged from actually seeing him, to an antique, broken cuckoo clock beginning to run on its own. I don’t talk about these things often but I want other heartbroken people to know that you can communicate with loved ones that have passed on. Last night, I walked into my bedroom and I thought I heard a car with a loud bass, thumping. It was my CD player, playing the recording I have of Native American drumming. The evening my husband died, I had a shadow pass behind me in the kitchen and felt something on my shoulders. The next evening, I was watching TV and I saw him, in his full body, standing near the pantry. When I looked at him, he asked, “Karen, do you have enough soda here for the kids”? These are just a few examples of what has happened here, and it usually happens when I have been crying, or as last night, my daughter and I were watching videos of him with our granddaughter.
I am so appreciative of sites like this because it isn’t something easily shared without people thinking you have lost it. The only other person who has seen him besides me is our 6 year old granddaughter.
Words of wisdom from a child; when she found me crying, our granddaughter said to me “Mom-mom, don’t cry. Pop-pop is a spirit now. He will always be with you. He will be in your heart”.
That’s beautiful, Karen. He is always with you. You’ve had many signs and communications. It’s so healing when that happens.
Thank you for sharing. And, I’m sorry for your loss as well. Hugs.
You will definitely find that the people here are believers at the very least, if not knowers that our departed loved ones are still with us in all the important ways. I’m glad you have had these experiences. May you heal well. 🙂