When Amy looks at her childhood Bible, after 40 years, she realizes that one of her deceased ‘Air Force Dads’ has watched over her for years.
Amy writes:

“Last Memorial Day weekend, I had been thinking about all of my Air Force Dads, including my own Dad. In military life, you make fast friends and everyone is close. Several of the men that my dad flew with are like second fathers to me.”
“Captain Carl Hunt was on my mind that weekend. I had been thinking of him as the day approached. Carl died before I ever met him. He died in a training accident in 1959 when a Canadian F-102 collided with the B47 he was in.”

Amy’s Parents with Carl’s children
“After his death, my parents took good care of his wife and two children. We are all still good friends today. I’ve taken over looking after Carl’s widow, JoAnne. That was something my parents did and especially my dad until he crossed over. Last summer I went to California to visit Carl’s family. The last day I was there – long story short, JoAnne went into a diabetic coma very early in the morning. Although I was three floors down from her, and was the only one in the house who heard her and woke up, I got the others up so they could call the paramedics, saving her life.”
“Carl is buried in Oklahoma, which is about a 4-hour trip from my house and I was thinking that weekend, that I really needed to go see his burial site as I had never seen it, except in pictures. Carl’s family lives out of state and I felt that someone should go and let him know that we appreciate his military service and he is loved. I remember telling him out loud, “Carl, I’ll get up there to see you and give you the flags and flowers you deserve.”
“Anyway, while having all of this on my mind, I was going through some stuff in my closet and ran across the Bible one of my parents gave me in February 1970. It had stayed over at my Dad’s house all these years—I brought it home with me when I cleared out his house after his passing.”

Amy’s Bible
“You can see in my Bible where I wrote down deaths of loved ones. Though I never met Carl in person— I knew his family, and I knew he was my Dad’s best friend. I had heard all the stories. When I looked in my Bible, I noticed that Carl’s passing had found its way in my Bible, listed along with other loved ones. You can see Dad’s handwriting where he helped me with the date.”
“Meditating over this, I was thinking about going to see Carl’s gravesite. Then, paging though the Bible, I found a 4-leaf clover that I must have put in there as a kid. Meditating more – I opened another page and there was another 4-leaf clover. Then, almost seconds later, I opened up to another one. I have no recollection of putting these clovers in the bible, but I’m sure I put them there between 1970 and 1976, given, that is when we lived in States, where clover is plentiful.”

Amy’s 4-leaf clover

Amy’s clover
“I had to get ready to go to a family wedding. I stopped at a store and on the way in, I found a penny in the parking lot. I get those frequently from Dad. So, this penny assured me that I was having an ADC from Carl, and maybe Dad as well.”
“I went to the family wedding and later that evening I returned to looking at the Bible. Then, I found two (2) more 4-leaf clovers. That is when I KNEW – that Carl helped me collect those 4-leaf clovers over the years. That is when I started snapping the pictures that I include in this post. As you can imagine, the clovers are very dry and fragile so I didn’t want to remove them from their place. So I took the pictures to document 5 separate clovers in various pages of the Bible.”
“This ADC tells me that Carl was sending me messages when I was a young child. I believe he helped me find those 4-leaf clovers, unbeknownst to me, all those years ago and it was him who helped me find them, pick them and save them to find later on. Maybe Carl liked that I had a small memorial for him in my Bible. Maybe he was just hanging around taking care of his best friend and his family — who knows? But, it is evident to me that he was with me. I didn’t realize this until this past Memorial Day weekend, almost 40 years later! I think Carl waited for the right time to show those clovers to me again. I think he was saying, “Thanks for remembering me.” “Thanks for taking care of my family.” “Thanks for saving Joanne’s life.” And… ” Yes, I’d love for you to come see my gravesite someday.”
Commentary- Christian folk tale tells the story that when Eve was made to leave the Garden of Eden, she took a 4-leaf clover with her to remember her beautiful garden home. It is said that anyone who is lucky enough to possess a 4-leaf clover has a piece of this blessed Paradise. According to some, even finding a 4-leaf clover is so rare that the chance of finding one is estimated at 1 in every 5,000 to 10,000. And, Amy has five? Certainly, with these odds, little Amy had some help.

Carl’s Grave
Last Memorial day, the memory of an Air Force father of Amy’s, was specifically in her thoughts. She had never made Carl’s acquaintance because he died before she was born, but there he was, ever-present and on her mind. Being her father’s best friend and having heard all the stories of their youth and time in the service together, Amy felt like she knew Carl, just the same.
Then, with a meditative mind, she started looking through her childhood Bible to find a short obituary honoring this man she never met, along with the lucky 4-leaf clovers. She wondered if her Air Force dad, Carl, was reaching out through time (a space of 40 years), to convey a message to her.
But on her way to a family wedding, when she found the quintessential coin on her path. Her wondering became more of a suspicion, as pennies on Amy’s path have come to represent to her a sign that her loved ones are around, watching over her with love.
It wasn’t until Amy got home and took up her Bible again and she found more 4-leaf clovers that she absolutely knew it was Carl sending her a message. When this type of after-death communication happens, you just know it in your bones. It is a strong feeling or realization that you have been singled out. This “being hit with a ton of bricks” type realization, is so clear that you can’t mistake it. It says, “Pay attention! I’m talking to YOU!”

B47 Carl and Gordon flew
After Carl’s B47 plane accident, Amy’s family took Carl’s family under their wings, to support, encourage, protect them in their time of need. Although Amy’s folks have crossed over already, Amy continues this act of love, even today. Throughout the years, I’m sure Carl, along with his family consider the constant love and caring for them a Godsend; as truly Amy’s family have been Earth Angels, doing what Earth Angels do.
I wonder. What if… besides watching over his own family from beyond, Carl was a guardian angel for his best friend, Gordon Addy’s, family too. Because… that’s what Guardian Angels do. What if Carl is a Godsend who watches over the families he loves? Supporting, Encouraging and Protecting them, the way the Addy’s did for his family. This seems to be the case.

Carl’s Family
For sure Carl has always been grateful for the great love and care given to his family after his passing, especially that Amy saved his wife, Joanne’s, life. I’m sure, while saying thanks to Amy, and indicating he was around recently, as well as so many years ago, helping Amy find those 4-leaf clovers which are a symbol of the paradise that Heaven is, this Air Force Dad also inadvertently revealed his cover as her Guardian Angel, too.
An interesting side note- Five months after Amy submitted her experience to me, and me being very busy with many other posts at the time, just recently I was prompted by a strong feeling to immediately start working on this post for Amy. I sent her a text notifying her of such and asked her a few questions for clarification. This is what Amy wrote back.

Honorable Mention of Carl
“It’s interesting you texted me. I visited a memorial at Little Rock AFB this past weekend. Here is Carl’s name. The Air Force got his name incorrect on this. Should be Carlton. Everyone called him Carl.”
“I felt Carl’s presence earlier today. No lie. I talked to him out loud and said, “Carl, I never met you but I know you love me.” I sent these pictures to his daughter yesterday and she was thrilled, said she had never seen her dad’s name listed on any memorial. So in some way, Carl is making sure we know he is around.”

B47 Amy’s father flew
“This is the plane he had the accident in. B47. My dad also flew this plane. The plane is the actual plane my dad flew. The tail number ties back to flight logs. It’s huge and hard to get in one photo.”
“….Then, you text asking these questions – the exact weekend I was visiting his memorial site at Little Rock Air Force Base? Not a coincidence. He was with you as you were writing about him and was with me as I was getting pictures of his memorial for his family.

Carl’s Family

Carl’s Family

Carl’s Family

High Flight Honor for those who died in B-47 accidents

Memorial for Gordon Addy- Amy’s Dad
Jade: Thank you for the time and thought put into this post. You are correct when I found the 5th clover – I knew this wasn’t any ordinary event. I never thought about the idea that Carl had been my guardian angel all these years. This solidifies the fact that we do have Angels protecting us. At the same time – we should help comfort and protect those left behind until they see there loved ones again. This hits home this week of all the souls in Las Vegas who need comfort now. I urge anyone reading this post to please stop for a brief moment and pray for all those effected by the Las Vegas tragedy.
Thank you, Amy. For sure, there are many who could use some prayers. 🙂
That is sweet how these two families are so intertwined and how Amy, to this day, looks after Carl’s Wife. That’s nice she got a Guardian Angel out if it, not a bad deal.
Thanks Sage – I cannot describe the close friendship our families have shared over the years. We are blessed to have each other. JoAnne to this day always tells me of the fun that she and my mom had together – especially when the men were off flying. I believe now we are all a spiritual family. Carl and my Dad are both looking after us now.
Beautiful confirmation that our loved ones are around and watching over us! Thank you for sharing Amy and Jade! Xo
Very cool to find those clovers just in time and for the connection you have with Carl without meeting him in this life. Thanks for posting.
Crystal: I’m still so awestruck about the clovers. I don’t ever remember collecting them as a child. I got the Bible when I was 5 years old – so I estimate that I collected all the clovers before I was 11 years old.