A Heartfelt Plea for Unity

Lisa’s beloved mother, Mimi, once visited her daughter in a mind-blowing after-death communication. Then came, Mimi’s next visit.

Lisa wrote:
“Years ago after my mother passed, you posted the extraordinary after-death communication I had with my mother, called, Mimi’s Heaven. It really rocked my world back then. Well, recently, my mother came back to me in a visitation dream that was even more profound. I’m excited to share it.”

“As with my last experience with my mother, again, she took me through time and space, stopping briefly at nebulas and star clusters to view their glory. This time she reaffirmed to me that God had created all living things, all creatures big and small.”

“However, she added even more. Plants, animals and humans are not the only things God created, but even other beings as well. My mother showed me that there are many planets that have intelligent life. Some of them, even living underground on these different planets. This is why, those looking, may not see obvious signs of life.”

“However, she told me that there is so much more than we can ever imagine. These beings she spoke of are empathetic and are very curious about our people. They, as a community can no longer reproduce. They come to our earth and sometimes extract DNA from women to use to help repopulate their beings. They are peaceful and want us to know that we must protect nature and also, nurture our children with more love and focus on our earth rather than material things.”

“My mother also told me that some of these beings live deep in our oceans and also in Antarctica under the ice underground. When they first arrived at Antarctica, it was not covered in ice. The earth had turned on its axis and it changed our planet millions of years ago.”

“She told me that early man was visited by them to help them build things. These early men worshiped them as Gods like we see in Egypt with the pyramids and the Mayan culture of early man. You can look back and trace evidence of them worshipping them because they gave them knowledge to continue to grow.”

“In ancient times, people lived in small groups or tribes.They all related to one another as a part of themselves, so they were close-knit communities. Their energy to be one people was strong. As a group they could work wonders because of that unity. They were humble people and sought for light, not darkness, for unity, not division. They were stronger together than divided. They prayed and practiced their faith in a higher power to guide them.”

“On a personal level, in my dreams, I’ve seen many different species of intelligent beings that wish humans could be more loving and positive in our spiritual sense. All throughout the Universe there are pulse’s of energy everywhere. Every living thing has, and is energy. What holds us back from our greatest potential is the lack of positive energy within ourselves and how we, as individuals, or as a whole, treat one another.”

“God created all creatures and that everything is connected. What we do with our planet affects all others.”

Commentary- Lisa’s recent after-death communication, as well as her insight, offers a very important message to consider in these troubled times. After thinking about the messages in Lisa’s experience, I offer some thoughts on the how’s and why’s for our division, and how we, as bridge builders, can make a personal difference for good in our world. Thank you for your consideration.

The Division

Today, with so many of us living on this increasingly crowded planet and vying for its resources, it can be easy to forget about the whole. What I mean is the “whole tribe” of our fellow beings. Fear has run rampant as we separate into our own groups against those “others” we perceive as our enemies.

Our world has become larger than that one united tribe that existed long ago. It’s become more diverse, complicated, chaotic and therefore; threatening on one level or another to those who fear some sort of extinction. Because of this threat, consciously or not, humans have divided themselves into distinct categories according to their own worldview, and with their distain, prepare for various forms of battle against their own human kind- no holds barred.

A Room With a View
Image by Franz26 Pixabay

A singular View : Image by Franz26, Pixabay

While each of us are the room in this metaphor, it’s important to realize that the view from the window in that room is very fixed, as the window is only in one location and sees in one direction. We can’t see around, behind, on top, or below what we are looking at. All we see is just our singular point of view. Unfortunately, this very specific and misleading view, tends to become “the truth” of our worldview, which can be very limiting and grossly inaccurate.

The Battle for Survival

Having a narrow point of view provides a strong foundation for intolerance and impatience for those “others” who are perceived as “not our tribe.” Perhaps they even think differently than us, and that’s the problem.

Narrow mindedness appears to stem from a belief in scarcity. Perhaps a human’s greatest fear is that there is not enough of something. Specifically, “there is not enough for me, so I must take as much as I can get, no matter the cost.” A fear of not surviving in some way, with thoughts and feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and instability continually feed the beast. With the same narrow way of thinking and feeling, the cycle perpetuates and doubles down to become worse.

Us Versus Them Mentality

Far from just small tribes, a very dangerous “us versus them” mentality has taken hold all over the world. Some current examples of this can be found in issues of ethnicity, religious beliefs, government politics and other ideology. Then… there are all our manufactured lies that people adopt as weapons of war against those not like them and who have now become their enemies. The hatred is palpable. Is this of God?

Physical, spiritual and psychological scarcity runs rampant on our planet as individuals perceive their very survival is in jeopardy. Even if it’s actually not, it is in some heads. We are so caught up in our own internal wars of our thoughts and feelings, fueled by our singular viewpoint and worldview, that we forget that in some way… what is done to one is done to the rest. That includes all of us.

Coming from a Christian background, I don’t know whatever happened to the Golden Rule in the Gospel of Matthew 7:12, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you” but it no longer seems to be a moral rule guiding our world. Perhaps we have become wicked in the rightness of our blindness. 

The Need to be Right or Better Than

That poor ego that would destroy everything and itself to be right, superior and in power,  doesn’t make much sense but it’s happening all around us. Much of our world is very sick, intoxicated by the lure of raw power, control and cruelty, for cruelty’s sake. It’s done in the name of politics, money, power and dare I say… religion as well.

For example, there are those people of faith who believe that some people are so different than them, and therefore, beneath them, then go on to pretend we don’t all share the same Creator. That we are not of the same creation? It doesn’t make sense to me. When will we go back to the Golden Rule? This darkness and destruction is removing us from what matters most- our planet, creatures big and small, our lives and our whole human tribe. 

There is such a drive to be ‘right” about things, even made up things., just to be right and therefore, superior to others. But, where does that get us? Constantly, we get in our own way. When will we ever see? Together we are stronger and better. Divided we fall apart. Would good divide us? No, but evil would.

The Good News about a Viewpoint

The thing to realize about a viewpoint is that, with awareness, and having the desire to come from a good and open space from which to look, a singular viewpoint has the possibility of expanding into many viewpoints. That expansion becomes the possibility of compassion, mercy and patience. Another thing to know is that, a fixed viewpoint has the possibility to become flexible. Flexibility will lay a space for tolerance, peace and unity. It is also a path to our survival. I mean, if one is willing, of course.

Some Final Thoughts

Our world depends on us to find our way through the darkness and confusion of the now. We live in troubled times. Through love and compassion we must build bridges not walls. If we are to survive as a species, we must choose peace and faith over destruction and fear. It serves the individual to take care of the whole tribe. 

Are we no longer our “brother’s keeper?” We must take care of each other and our planet. The way to unity is through cooperation and by practicing love, patience and peace. It is a practice, that’s for sure. But, it’s an honorable and worthy way to live one’s life.

Even if it’s a small bridge, it’s a bridge nonetheless.

Bridge : Image Andibreit on Pixabay

Bridge : Image Andibreit on Pixabay

A Promise to Heal

While deep in grief over the loss of her beloved partner, Marcus, Karen receives a sign of hope in the form of a dream that shows her a brighter future. 

Karen writes:
“Many times, I just want to go to the spirit world because I miss my loved one so much. Of course, since I have two sons, I feel very guilty about even thinking this. I don’t have any suicidal tendencies or plans, but I will talk to God and say, “I am ready anytime” or… I simply relish in the fact that every day is a day closer to getting to go to heaven. I love my family and my life, but as you know, it is just that painful of a loss to lose a soulmate.” Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance

In this after-death communication, Bonnie receives validation that her departed father watches over his family… even still.

Bonnie writes:
“I believe in life after death 100%. My dad once gave me a message in my dream to bail my son, Robert, out of jail who was in lockup for driving without a license. And sure enough… when I woke up, there was a message saying to come & bail my son out from Fairfax County lockup. This message was left two o’clock in the morning when I was asleep. My dad was very close to my son and me. Our parents watch over us.”

Commentary- Our departed loved ones watch over us from beyond, even when we think they might be doing something else. Their love, care and concern for us does not diminish, even if we think they are far removed from us. This is clear from Bonnie’s example. Continue reading

Still Rambling On…

In this after-death communication, we see how the decisions and choices of even the most stubbornly made-up minds, can be changed with the influence of a departed loved one, still existing in the realm beyond.

Home for Sale

Home for Sale

It was approximately two years before his death, that Lola’s husband, David, became preoccupied with the idea of getting a bigger and nicer, but more practical home for his family. To him, this meant purchasing a Rambler-style home, that eliminated the extra stairs of their tri-level home, with a big finished basement where his sons could spread out. But Lola, happy with the size of her current home, and the cost of the mortgage, didn’t see the need for anything more. In fact, if anything, she wanted to buy a smaller home with less of a mortgage payment.

From the time Lola met David, and all throughout the years of their marriage, she knew him as a quiet, but strong, in charge, no nonsense, macho-type man, who was insistent on getting his way. To illustrate this point, Lola shared an example. While watching television together, David had the habit of changing the channel many times, and sometimes, even within the same five minutes! Lola, having accepted the fact that rehabilitation was out of the question for her serial channel changer, learned to watch with patience, every and all the parts of the shows that David chose to watch.
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Christian’s Visit

In an auditory after-death communication, Christian shows up for his 2-year anniversary.

It was March 31st all day yesterday. Christian’s death and birthday, 2 years ago. Shortly after 11 am, I looked at the place on the floor where Christian had struggled for his life, exactly 2 years earlier, while he assured a hysterical me, that he would be alright. By noon, he had left this world. The doctor said it was an arterial vascular mass that caused his brain to suddenly hemorrhage.

The day ticked by, and being an important date to those of us left on Earth, I was excited about the possibility that he would make an appearance. Surely, he would know how much that would mean to us, on this bittersweet occasion.
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