In a near-death experience, an impending death is interrupted when Ryan’s deceased Grandpa comes in an after-death communication, for the ultimate intervention.
Ryan’s experience
Since the age of 13, Ryan had used some sort of drug or another. He used them for fun or as an escape. By the time he was 33 years old, he had been through drug rehab five times. However, right before having one of the most life-altering experiences one could ever have, Ryan was into one of the most addictive drugs, Heroin.
Ryan lived with his girlfriend and their two small children in his mother’s house. One day, when Ryan’s girlfriend and children were gone visiting relatives and his mom was out of town, Ryan had a profound experience.
Having been overworked, stressed and overwhelmed by life at the time, Ryan felt the need to escape for a while. Without fear of getting caught, the opportunity was there. The moment was right and he was going to seize it… just one more time.
Craving the sense of relief that only heroin could provide at the time, after doing some gaming, Ryan shot up and zoned out.
As Ryan entered this expected world of bliss, Ryan was met by his Grandpa… his mother’s father. He was a good man who Ryan, as a child, loved and admired. He was a positive influence and an active part of Ryan’s young life. Then, when Ryan was 8 years old, Grandpa passed away, leaving Ryan to miss him dearly.
In their spiritual reunion together, Grandpa talked to Ryan about many things. Things that he still can’t recall to this day, but knows are embedded in his psyche. But what Ryan could remember… is the message of how important it was for him to stay alive in this realm. Grandpa told him that his family needed him and depended on him to get this right. Ryan was told that his time on Earth was not yet finished and that he still had important things to do before he could come back to his heavenly home.
When Ryan returned from his visit with his Grandpa, he was struggling to breathe as he was gasping for air. Ryan says this is the way many heroin users die. They just stop breathing and never wake up in this life again.
What Ryan’s story tells me is that Ryan was going to be one of those people who never woke up. He would have been found by his family and their pain would have been devastating. Their lives would have never been the same.
Grandpa intervened as Ryan was playing with fire and may not have realized the grave danger he was in. This was a wake up call for Ryan. In this intervention, Ryan learned that he was needed in the world, that he had a purpose to fulfill. It was not yet time to drift off into the great slumber that leads us away from this realm and into the next.
With Grandpa’s intervention and basically, having been startled and shaken back to life, Ryan would go through his drug detox over the next week. His family would feel some mix of betrayal, anger, gratitude, love and concern for Ryan. However, as Ryan made it through one week of pure hell, as he would call it, things would begin to shift in his life.
Somewhere between Ryan’s escape, the intervention with Grandpa, then back to his loved ones, something profound occurred. Whatever was said in that pivotal conversation with his Grandpa was profoundly life-altering. Ryan, an already good soul, was converted furthermore into the man he would become along the path of his spiritual progression.
Almost 4 years later, Ryan shares with me his story. His life has been transformed immensely. Remarkably, he no longer has the urge to use. His family is everything to him. I used the word “converted” to describe his progress, which means a change in function, because he has successfully re-routed his direction. Ryan says he now sees his world in color and meaning, where before it was not so sharp and bright, just dull. This is common for near-death experiencers, as life for them often takes on a new dimension as a new sense of purpose is realized.
Something happened in Ryan’s soul that day. Was he shown his full life? Did Grandpa reveal to Ryan his ultimate purpose? Whatever it was, Ryan remembered something important enough to get back on track with his life. Perhaps getting off track was even a part of his track too. Whatever it was, it made the difference between Ryan being here or not, as he was quickly on his way out on that day, it was just a matter of one breath.
Although you could say that Ryan had an after-death communication, you could say it was a near-death experience as well. One day, probably in this lifetime, Ryan may begin to remember even more parts of his Grandpa’s message. He says he gets bits and pieces even now. Often, the information given is so much that it is revealed on a need to know basis. When it is the right time, Ryan will comprehend more of the content, its meaning and get a fuller picture.
A heavenly intervention is an approach designed by heavenly beings to change someone’s mind or trajectory. It can influence will through necessary information or cause one to remember something that they have long since forgotten, something that would make a big difference for them if they were to act. In other words, encouraging and inspiring someone’s will to make a choice that gets them back on track. In this case, it was not Ryan’s time to go. Nevertheless, he might have died had he not used his will to choose to live. Grandpa’s job was to influence and be persuasive. Ryan’s job was to chose his life through sheer will, and bring himself back. We are glad that he did.
What Ryan experienced that day was a miracle on so many levels. Here are just a few.
- Ryan’s saw his Grandpa again
- He received his message and was likely shown his life and purpose
- Ryan’s life was saved when all was lost
- Something in Ryan was so altered that he never looked back
- Ryan knows for a fact now that there is more than just this life
What Ryan can be sure of is this- His Grandpa’s intervention showed him that he is in great hands with his Grandpa’s love shining upon him. Although out of sight, even for many years, Ryan can still be sure that his Grandpa watches out for him with great care.

Heaven- Gerd Altmann / Pixabay
Few people get a second chance. Ryan’s was literally a gift from Heaven, a gift from his beloved grandfather. I love this inspiring, uplifting story!
A very inspiring story <3
What an amazing story. I’m glad that you made it through that and are still with us.
What an amazing blessing to have your grandfather show up for you in that moment. Thank you for sharing, Ryan.
What an incredible experience Ryan had. Leave it up to a grandpa to continue to be a good influence from beyond.
That’s an amazing story. Talk about your Grandfather’s Love and commitment to help out you out! Way to honor this commitment.
Wonderful story.