One morning while Jennifer meditates, she is privy to an extraordinary event- her brother’s release from this world and his transition to the next
Jennifer writes:
“On the morning March 31st, I had returned to my bed to meditate quietly as my husband had not yet awakened. I was in a quiet place with my thoughts subsiding and a beautiful indigo blue vision appeared in front of me. Awake but with closed eyes I was overwhelmed with deep calm peacefulness, joy and bliss.”
“The vision was like a balloon inflating and deflating …very deep dark edges and lighter fading into a centre of almost white. It was a light dimming and glowing before me. I felt if I reached my hand out I would feel it but did not want it to go away so I enjoyed the bliss while it lasted, which felt like 2-4 minutes.”
“I got up feeling incredible. I was still in a pure state of joy, I sat with my iPad researching such things as archangel Michael, the throat chakra, blue visions and I was convinced from the feelings of comfort and peace I had felt a blessing of sorts.”
“I sat talking to my husband of the wonderful peacefulness that I felt. As we were talking, my MSN chimed and on my brother’s message his wife asked if I could call her. I rang her. She said my brother had gone. Confused, I asked, “Where has he gone?” Tearfully, she explained that she had found him. He had died by suicide that morning.”
“Of course, grief struck me immediately but after some tears had subsided I came to the realization that my vision had occurred during my brother’s transition. I naturally felt he had peace and comfort after the turmoil that had been facing him here in this world. I felt an enormous comfort from this.”
“The deep blue seemed so significant to me that I put a blue bottle out on a ledge near my kitchen window. That evening I was listening to music, reflecting on our lives and remembering my brother with his big beautiful smile. My house was all closed up bar one door to the entry courtyard area. I had a dim lamp so the room was quite dark.”
“Outside, it was night and there wasn’t much moonlight so it was very dark. Just then, a bird flew into the room. It landed on the blue bottle I had out for my brother. I was thrilled, overjoyed, in fact, then it found it’s way back out through the courtyard. My husband saw it leave. I was sad it had gone but not even two minutes later, this bird returned and sat looking at me. I felt so calm after a couple of minutes, I picked it up, opened my kitchen window and set it free. This bird did not fly away but perched itself just beyond the window on a chain that hung to the window sill.”
“As I closed the window, it flew away. There was so much peace in my heart, I felt my brother near me again. We used to rehabilitate birds. It was our thing.”
“I went to bed in comfort, knowing he was in a good place. Over the next few days I received many signs. One morning I was lucid dreaming and could hear my phone buzzing but in my dream, I looked at the screen and there were constellations, black and white, of course, as that’s how the sky looks at night. When I woke up I had 3 messages on my phone. My daughter-in-law had sent pictures of my brother at her wedding to my son. The pictures were in black and white which is quite unusual these days and the wedding was last year. Most of the pictures taken were in color.”
“On a site I always look up for my morning quote, it read, “I took the road less travelled” by Robert Frost. This made perfect sense to me. A little while later, I was listening to a talk by a fellow I listen to who had the same Christian name as my brother, Neville, and of all the random talks I happened to pick, within the first few minutes of a 40 minute talk, he spoke of Robert Frost. Everything was connecting!

Neville’s birth year
Then, of all things, my husband got dressed and on his shirt was a Roman numeral, MCMLX5. This was the year my brother was born.”
“Everything, all these signs and synchronicities have given me courage, strength, faith and reassurance. Lots of evidence that God is always in/with us, eternally. Things keep happening and I am so comforted. Blessings to everyone and love to all.”
“I live In Australia. I looked to see which bird breed it was. It was a Graceful Honeyeater.”
Commentary- When Jennifer heard the tragic news about her dear brother, Neville, she already had a deeply spiritual foundation in place through her practice of meditation. Without it, she may have missed this amazing experience as well as the spiritual understanding of what it all meant. Grieving would have been much more painful and difficult without her spiritually grounded foundation.
What Jennifer experienced is also called a “Shared Death Experience” where, like her brother, Neville, she was privy to the actual moment of his release from this world and his transition to the next. The beautiful thing about this is that Jennifer was a witness to Neville’s sudden peacefulness. She can be comforted that he safely made it back home to all that is love and understanding.

chakras Kirtlane/Pixabay
The Indigo color that Jennifer experienced is the color of the spiritual third eye chakra. This is the seat of intuition and spiritual sight/vision according to yoga traditions. It is characterized by a deep blue with deep purple mixed in, so the color is very rich. The third eye chakra is just below the crown chakra which is a vibrant violet. This Chakra is considered to be the highest chakra and access to the Divine and Universal consciousness.
So, it makes sense why Jennifer was easily able to witness this, as she was already in sync with its vibrational frequency. It would appear that Neville was reaching out from a spiritual context and in her peaceful meditation she was there at the perfect moment and state of mind to receive his communication to her, as well as his communion with God.
The spiritual signs and synchronicities that Jennifer received are very obvious. Recognizing that the blue she saw was significant, she left a blue bottle on the ledge. This indicated that she got Neville’s spiritual communication on a spiritual level. When he flew in her home as a bird to land on the blue bottle, he verified that this profound experience was real. This was no coincidence. But please tell me. How many birds do you see flying at night, no less inside your home to land on the very thing you put out for them to land on?
But, just ignoring that, how often will a bird in the wild allow you to pick it up to hold for a bit before sending it on its way? And then it flies in once more? What are the odds? There is no doubt that this was Neville celebrating his flight of release with his sister who, having worked with wounded animals, would understand this so well.
Lastly, it would seem that Neville had chosen to be a bird for a bit. Perhaps this was because he and his sister spent time rehabilitating birds when they were younger. This would allow Jennifer, if she had any doubt whatsoever, to know for certain Neville was communicating that he is good, happy and free from the wounds that plagued him in his life. And, although he dearly loved those he left behind, he felt his wounds were far too great to be mended and had to fly to the world beyond. His sign to Jennifer said it all. This bird had now been rehabilitated.
Even though, to our physical senses, we may think of our departed loved ones as gone, from a higher perspective, they are always here with us, guiding and loving us from beyond. This is why a deep spiritual foundation is so helpful. With it, we are more sensitive to our spiritual side and journey. We are more calm and peaceful in general.
But, when a tragedy strikes, we have a greater understanding, and even knowledge that this life is just a pit stop in the whole scheme of things. That maybe, there is a larger chain of events to look at- a much larger perspective that we don’t always understand in the moment. Until we do. And often, it is trust and faith that does the heavy lifting. But like the physical eyes from which we see, trust and faith become our spiritual eyes when all seems so dim.

Path: Ben Kerckx/Pixabay
What I know is that our departed loved ones are still with and very much aware of us. That’s what love would do. And often, in their pure spiritual form it is far easier for them to help us with our worldly needs, as well as the spiritual things that really matter in the end, as we travel the path that we are meant to take. All paths lead to our spiritual blossoming and evolution as we grow ever closer to the source of our existence.
May you always have comfort, peace and joy on that journey.
A Poem written by Jennifer to her beloved brother, Neville.
My brother was small in stature but his heart was as big as the sky,
We so wanted him to stay here.. but ours is not to question Why?
Our hearts felt so torn that day ..we didn’t get to say goodbye
As he freed himself from this world and finally, found a way to fly.
We still feel his gentle spirit …. yet his soul has found embrace.
May he always be at peace as he moves on to a brighter place.
We may not understand, as our tears are overflowing …
Yet none of us could realize just how much his pain was growing.
When we were young together, we found beauty in simple things
Rescuing birds, insects, tiny bats, trying to repair their broken wings.
Sometimes we would see that their journey here had ended,
and that, Not everything you SEE or HOLD can easily be mended.
As we laid those fragile creatures down, we hugged each other tight,
and although their lives were cut short, we knew everything was alright.
I imagine that there is a Heaven, maybe you mend the Angel’s wings?
I can see you there, you’ve grown your hair,
there is beauty in such things.
Shortly after you departed …a bird flew into my room ,
It sat with me for a moment, it seemed to take away my gloom ..
It flew outside again so I thought that it had gone ,
but it returned a moment later which gave me strength to carry on .
I understood at that moment that even though you’d left our lives,
you’ll remain in our hearts forever ….it helped me to realize ..
The people who we love ……they really Never go away.
They just slip inside our hearts and help us ,each and every day.
When I think of you …THE OCEAN ,THE SKY ,they always come to mind,
The peace they gave …as you were engulfed in BLUE
Was where you could leave your worries behind.
In my dreams I watch you sail away …..and I see you soaring free,
throughout the skies and up to the stars as you leave that wondrous sea.
Now at this moment as we are those …that are all engulfed in blue,
we can picture your kite sailing freely, Soaring ….as you were meant to do.
So, as the pain arises and tears flow SALTY from our eyes,
We can smile and remember you flying freely… with your heart as big as the SKY.
Forever in our hearts, Jenni
Just beautiful! What an incredible gift!
Jade, I like the words spiritual blossoming👌
My faith has carried me through all these many (6 1/2 years) of my beloved’s passing.
Thank you for all your wise considerartions.
Mary Ann
Thank you, Mary Ann. And blossomed in faith you have. 🙂 My very best to you. Hugs.
After such a tragic beginning, this was such a sweet story of your brother visiting as a bird. Nice of him to let himself in to perch on the object you had be focusing on.
Lovely to be given the knowledge that he is ok in the end.
Thank you for sharing.
Wow, you made my day. What an extraordinary and beautiful message. You are indeed blessed to have had such an experience.
What a beautiful poem, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing about your connection to your brother and they ways he was able to let you know so powerfully that he is with you and you are still connected.
And such an important message, Jade, to keep our spiritual foundation strong and continue to grow closer to our source and more at peace in our journey.
Sorry about your brother. What amazing visions and visitations you had and such a touching poem. Thank you Jennifer and Jade.