A Tribute to Beloved Christian, New personal challenges on the horizon and the “Shedding Light on Trauma” modality, all tied together in one post
Our Beloved Christian
It was on March 31, 2010, that Christian suddenly left this plane. When I think back now, I remember the severe pain and trauma created from his death and what it brought up for me.
At one point, the pain was too deep to describe. My grief had no language yet, to express what I had suddenly been bombarded with. This is a thing, for sure. With so much bombardment, the brain gets scrambled in many different directions. These are some very challenging times without the words. But eventually we do find them again.
Using the light of the Sun/Son to heal

Photo credit: MGLife/Pixabay
In dealing with this trauma back then, I accidentally discovered a healing tool/modality that helped immensely. I call it, “The Shedding of Light.” For those who prefer a trendier name to the modality, I recommend, “Getting Lit.” It just popped into my head just now.
In deep despair, I would go outside and sit with my face toward the direction of the sun. While gently closing my eyes, I would seek the light of God there; the father of my soul. Surely, If anywhere, I would find comfort there.
Well, the modality worked well. In the light, I would come away enlightened, if even for a moment, I experienced a reprieve. I did this often as I spoke to my Heavenly Father seeking guidance, insight, comfort and peace.
One could use this same modality to seek Divinity, Higher Self or just the healing, life-giving rays of the sun shedding its light. Whatever you choose will work because all light shows us the way in the darkness.
New Developments
It’s just over a month from Christian’s 12 year anniversary now. There have been some new big developments on the horizon. On his life celebration anniversary, I had just been released from the hospital after having had major surgery for Ovarian Cancer. Although, my official story is that I was attacked by a Grizzly bear and won. I crawled off to live another day and tell my tale. I’m not going to say it was easy, however, I was victorious!
I have the mutated BRCA gene which puts me in a high risk category. The serous cancer is a fast and aggressive moving cancer that was running rampant in my body. I inherited this gene from my mother who died of breast cancer at age 44. I was but a child, so I admit that I do have some old baggage with watching her go through all this, and watching her die anyway. So, I have the opportunity to work through this.
Even though I am diagnosed in the beginning of Stage 3, I am fortunate that I even caught this in the first place. It’s a wonder that I even had a single sign to warn me as many do not find out until it’s too late. I am grateful for my body that has always seemed to tell me when something is not right so I can address it. It’s important to tune in and listen to your body. It is the sacred vessel that carries you through life.
The Stages
To get a thorough examination, I was cut open for a good look. They found additional areas of cancer outside of the ovaries/fallopian tubes. Small spots on the pelvis and abdomen were also detected and removed. That is considered 3 different areas or stages of spread. Over the past 5 weeks I have healed well. The body is amazingly resilient.
Systemic Therapy/Systemic Spa Day. Yay!
Today, May 2nd, I have begun Chemotherapy to kill any remaining microscopic cancer cells. Here at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, they are beginning to call this a more transformed name, Systemic Therapy. I have re-labeled my upcoming treatments as my Systemic Spa Day and I hold the IV bags to my body to prepare them and then bless them before they enter my bloodstream.
I’m hoping I’m not being too unrealistic and that the systemic spa part of it holds true throughout this process. Nevertheless, I am calm and peaceful about my choice to do this. It will save my life as without it, my chances of getting cancer again are 100%.
Remembering the Healing Light
On Christian’s life celebration day and while I was freshly home from the hospital, in a weakened state, with eyes closed, the sun shone upon me at that very moment. I instantly remembered the power that, “The Shedding of Light” had on a previously bereaved me. How that light supported and sustained me in my earthly challenges. I actually rediscovered it and realized once again how this simple modality really does work so well. So I used it and immediately felt relief. I will continue to use this in my journey now. I hope you adopt this as well.
My Point
Besides honoring Christian’s life celebration and letting you know about what I’m up to these days, there is something I want to express to you in this post. Through any challenge you may face, as you walk your particular path in life, remember the light that outshines the darkness. Let it gloriously shine upon you in which ever way you choose. Let it shed its healing, loving and nurturing rays upon you.
While I also am a Hypnotherapist and use the helpful imagination of light penetrating the body and space around a person all the time, I love using the actual brightness and warmth of the sun to achieve this bliss, if even momentarily. I escape the human struggle for a while. It’s great to be in the light’s presence.
I use “The Shedding of the Light” as communion with God. Closed eyes are absolutely for protection from the actual burning-star sun, but also represents a holy and sacred moment with the Divine. Please don’t look at the sun. Thank you.
The Road Ahead…
I’ve got a long road ahead of me. Six treatments every 3 weeks followed by 2 years of immunotherapy. However, I know that this is a part of my path in life and the lessons I can learn, the compassion I can expand in myself for me and others. I think about all the ways I can use this experience to grow and develop in this school of life.
Christian’s Light
I also know that graduating from this school early was Christian’s path. I was told this several times but it didn’t make sense then. I once thought that a huge light was taken from the earth when he left. But now, more than ever, I know that his beautiful light is shining down too, guiding the way through the darkness. Thank you for this, Christian. He would do nothing less for the people on this planet.
Facing challenges on your path? Who are you going to be in the matter?
No matter whatever challenges befall you on your path in life, please know that it is these most fearful experiences, such as, grief, trauma and pain that have the best possibility of bringing the most growth. All challenges like these build courage and greatness. That is… if we bravely and powerfully step into them and do not run away .
Again, these teaching moments are designed to overcome fear and to show you who you are… and even extend the possibility of becoming your new level of greatness. Through these challenges, are you going to be your weakest self (Victim), or your strongest self (Victor)?
I see it as a marker for how far one has come and reveals what is left to transform. Transforming these challenges is where the treasure is. This path leads to achieving personal growth by stretching oneself and a more fulfilling and consistent path of peacefulness and faith.
In the end…
Although you may go through trauma, in the face of it, you get to choose in each moment who you want to be. Sometimes you will forget, and then you will remember again. It’s all about who you are going to be in the matter. Life confronts us with challenges. We must use them for good. To grow, develop and overcome. This is life’s process.
I always see myself as a flower growing toward the sun. Ever-growing, for the sun is my source and provides me with energy. When I don’t feel well, whether in brain, body or spirit, I know I need to go to the source of light. It just works. And sometimes part of our path is to actually go to the light, the ultimate source.
In the end, I have learned from my own spiritual experiences as well as others, that whatever happens, as an infinite soul, we can never really die. In that, I have peace and assurance.

Photo credit: Jill Wellington/Pixabay
Dear Jade you are such a beautiful soul. You used your pain in losing Christian to help so many people and I feel that you are about to do the same with this experience.. I hope we can also help you throughout your recovery. ❤
Thank you, Lynda. You are a beautiful soul as well. Thank you for your love and support. xoxo
Such a beautiful, inspirational and emotional post Jade! Christian was and is so full of light and love, miss you Christian! Love your advice on the sun, I will definitely enjoy this free and natural modality way more often! I don’t want to ever take for granted the magic of our everyday gifts! Thinking of you everyday my dear friend, and sending even more light and love your way! I am ALWAYS here for you in whatever way you need! Love you to the moon and back Jade Goddess! ❤Sara
Thank you, Sara, my stellar friend. Love you so much, too. I appreciate you being on all these very challenging and also joyous journeys with me. Friends forever. xoxo
Yes, LOVE being on ALL the Journeys with YOU Jade, Friends FOREVER for sure!! xoxo
Bless your heart and soul, Jade. I am glad you are finding solace and hope “in the light,” which is such a perfect metaphor for the source, the beginning, and the end, all in one. Your journey inspires me.
Thank you, Claudia. I appreciate that. xo
Jade, I am inspired by your vulnerability and they way you are always transforming such trying moments into lessons of hope and wisdom. I am even more inspired by your mission to share with others and help them in so many ways. Wonderful tribute to Christian and remarkable attitude in the experiences you are having now. Thanks to you we can all be little more lit. 😉 Love you and thankful for you always!
Thank you, Crystal. I love and am grateful for you. You make this world a better place to live. 🙂 xo
What a good and sweet post momma!!
I hope that the light keeps on guiding you to be your best self. 😁👍🏻
Aww, so sweet to see you here Caden! Big hugs and tons of love, xoSara
Your reference to the healing and divine power of light reminds me of this quote by MLK. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I know you are bathed and surrounded in light as you go forward in this journey, not just from the sun but from the love of all of the people you have touched, including Christian. You have helped so many of us find warmth and solace in dark times and we are with you.
Thank you, Margaret. I appreciate it. That means a lot to me. I appreciate your light so much. xoxo
Dear Jade, how very brave of you to share this with us. I can’t believe what you’ve been though, and all my thoughts are with you for a full recovery.
You remain a huge inspiration to me 💖
Thank you so much, Liz. That makes me smile. I appreciate you! xo
Beautifully said! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Jill. xoxo
Thanks Jade for the Shedding the Light practice. There is something recharging about the sunshine. I’m in for more of that.
You’re got to be one of the bravest people I know.
I wish you success in your treatment, health and Happiness.
Love you.
Thank you, love you too. xo
Wow, I cannot stop crying now, I love your attitude.
Thank you, Eric. I appreciate that. xo