The “Being Your Own Medium” Tele-class Series
Want to learn to connect and communicate with your loved ones on the “other side? “Being Your Own Medium” (An ongoing class series, offered every few months).
*See “upcoming classes” for next available dates and times.
In “Being Your Own Medium,” you will learn the following:
- Explore and discover what stands in the way of connecting with the “other side.”
- Learn what you need to know on “this side” to connect with the “other side.”
- I show you the reasons “why” learning how to connect is important to bringing Heaven on Earth.
- Learn why it’s not so much “how” to connect with your deceased loved ones, as it is “where” to connect with them.
- Exponentially increase your chances for direct connection and communication.
- Decode the mysteries of Mediumship
- Develop your innate gifts and abilities
- Upgrade yourself to a “4D being.”
- Learn a variety of ways to connect to your loved one, as well as, learn what Christian taught me, with “Christian’s Light Point.”
- Bonus at the end of each class- Hypnosis, Guided Imagery and/or Relaxation Techniques for increased success.