Death… Our Greatest Adventure Yet!

Although 80 miles away, Jo experiences the final moments of her father’s transition from life to death in an extraordinary send off.

Jo writes: “On the night of 29 September 2013, I was asleep in my bed in north London (England), and my father was over 80 miles distant, in a dementia nursing home on the south coast.  I was jolted awake at around 1:30am, and sat up in the darkness.  A tremendous, intense, unworldly, rushing energy had filled the room.  I couldn’t see it, but I could sense it, and it was ‘sparkling’.  “Dad!” I exclaimed.  I knew it was him.  And I knew that he was dying, and that had come to me to help him push over.  And somehow I knew what he needed, and what I had to do.  I concentrated all my energy, and wished him all the peace and love and energy that I had in me – and forgiveness – and it felt both personal and universal.  I do not know how long this went on for as time stood still.  And then I lay back down and I looked through the portal in the back of my eyes* and I saw a vision of the light – that clichéd image – a giant door-shaped hole in the darkness, and silhouetted against it were countless figures, outlined by the light, all slowly streaming toward it.  And I felt very great peace, and I drifted from this vision back into sleep.” Continue reading

Feathers From Our Angels

Four people receive the sign of a feather from the angel they love, who loves them too, and is watching over them from beyond. 

Sanjita writes:

Sanjita's Feather

Sanjita’s Feather

“Early on one Sunday morning, I found a little feather where I take shower everyday. It looks so awkward for the feather to be there because I live alone in my house. Secondly, the bathroom doesn’t have a window. Thirdly, the bathroom door is always closed after I use it and this is my first time seeing a little feather sticking on the bathroom wall.”

“The day before this happened, I was thinking about and talking to my departed best friend, Sadgunnan, because for so long there was no contact. I got busy with life and also, was traveling. As I spoke, I told him that I’m not sure where he is. Deep in my heart I was thinking if there is another moment, I wish I can see him or be with him just for a little while. I knew I was missing him and I told him to show me some signs that if he’s still around me. Usually he will come in my dreams, but to my surprise I saw a tiny feather at the bathroom the next morning. It’s impossible for any birds to fly in because there is no window in the bathroom.”

Soul Mates

Lee loses her closest friend and soul mate, Mike, through suicide. However, despite her great loss, Lee is comforted to know that they are still connected.

Lee writes:
“I had only one friend I was very close to growing up. The way we met made me know right from the start that he was going to be important to me.”

“The night before I met Mike, I felt done, and just couldn’t go on anymore. I talked myself down and told myself to go one more day, that maybe it would get better. The next day was the school dance. I walked into the cafeteria to get a drink and everything in the room stopped. At the time it really freaked me out. I couldn’t hear anything… everything had just stopped! I looked across the room and there he was waving to me. We didn’t say a word to each other; no names, nothing until the next day. We both talked about how everything had stopped and talked about how weird it all was. We were inseparable from that point on. We were very close without trying.” Continue reading

The Wonder of It All

In this after-death communication, as Reyna wonders… baby Connor lets his mother know that he is still around.

On June 1, 2015, Reyna lost her son, Connor. That was two years ago to the day. He was only 9 months old when SIDS tragically claimed his life. Reyna was 7 months pregnant with his baby sister at the time.

Image: Pixabay

lost pacifier (Image: Pixabay)

About 8 months after Connor’s passing, his “it’s a boy” pacifier that Reyna previously got at a baby shower for his, then, upcoming birth, disappeared and went missing for 4 months.

Finally, on the morning of June 1, 2016, while Reyna was sitting on the bed, Connor’s blue pacifier all of the sudden resurfaced right in front of her. This was an important day, as it was the one year anniversary of Connor’s passing!

“It was weird though,” Reyna explains, “because I had lost this plastic blue pacifier from Connor’s baby shower and I was wondering where it was.”
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Messages Through Meditation

While meditating, Karen receives the image of a tannish-brown Canadian leaf and wonders how this sign will stand out among the other leaves of the fall season.

Karen writes:
“The other day I was meditating and trying to connect with my departed loved one, Marcus. Sometimes I will do this, and ask for a sign, and sometimes an image will appear in my mind. This particular morning, the sign that appeared was a leaf, like the shape of the Canadian Leaf. It was not red, but more of a tannish brown. I thought it was unusual and took it for what it was. I also thought it was funny because it was getting towards the end of summer and early fall, so leaves were pretty abundant. I was even joking with myself, “Yeah, that’s a good one; think of a leaf as a sign you’re going to see leaves everywhere. Pretty funny eh?” Continue reading


My latest after-death communication from Christian occurs in the form of a “sighting.” Lynda and Shubhika share their sightings too.


sightings Pixabay Image

It was around Christmas that I had an unexpected surprise while riding in the passenger seat of a car headed to the store. As we drove en route to one store, passing by another one, it happened. It was dark outside but I just happened to casually glance out the car window into the well-lit store and saw Christian at the register! It really was Christian!

Clearly, I saw him. He was at the front of the store, talking and smiling. Christian was so friendly, he spoke and smiled at everyone. Continue reading

Between Two Worlds

In an emergency to save her life, Rebecca has a close call as she hovers between two worlds with her departed son and mother. 

Last October, Rebecca began to have some pain in her body. After visiting her doctor in January, both figured it was not too serious and just chalked it up to some premenopausal issues.

Recently, Rebecca woke up in severe pain which was so bad that she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. As it turned out, the unknown 8cm mass on Rebecca’s ovary ruptured and infection spread throughout her body. Needing to have two different surgeries to repair the damage, Rebecca was constantly being injected with opiates much stronger than Morphine. Even though she was not a big fan of opioids, they proved to be necessary for her to deal with her extreme pain level. Continue reading

Mary Ann’s Flying Orb

This image was recently sent to me by my friend, Mary Ann, who had an after-Christmas tea with some friends.

The orb that was captured flying through space, appears over the right shoulder of Mary Ann. At first, she didn’t even notice it. A friend had to point it out. This is the case with most anomalies that appear in images. People miss them because their brain automatically filters them out, and/or discounts these anomalies as just something to do with the camera and lighting.

No doubt this is Carl, Mary Ann’s devoted husband, visiting from the “other side” to photo bomb their picture. You go boy!
For more about Mary Ann and Carl, see, May I Have This Dance?

Mary Ann's Orb

Mary Ann’s Orb

“Hi” From Heaven

In this after-death communication, Liz’s father says “hi” from the heavens, as her name is literally written in the sky.

Liz writes:
“On a weekend last November, my partner and I were walking up the road. It was 11 am on a beautiful sunny day with a clear blue sky. I looked up and saw just one tiny white cloud. Across the sky to my right there was another one – it had formed the name Liz, which is my name. I looked to see what was coming next as I immediately thought it was an airplane sign-writing in the making. (We have a few of these here with people proposing marriage in grand ways).  Continue reading

The Mysterious Singing Bird

In an after-death communication, I am comforted when a mysterious bird lands on my front porch to serenade me with its beautiful songs.

It was Friday, May 28th, 2010, a day I remember well. It was two month after Christian’s death and I was still very raw with emotion from his shocking and untimely departure. I was alone in the house at the time, sitting on the couch… just crying my eyes out. My grief was so severe, I thought I might have been having a nervous breakdown at the time. I remember wondering if I would have to be hospitalized for my despondency and suicidal thoughts. The pain was exhausting.

Suddenly, without any explanation, a calm stillness fell over me. It was very noticeable. I stopped crying, and for that brief time, I felt no pain whatsoever. Taking advantage of this blessed reprieve, I laid my head down to get some much needed peaceful rest.

As I drifted off into the stillness, I could tell that I was neither asleep, nor awake… but very conscious still. I could feel Christian trying to communicate with me. His presence was strong. I know he was trying to comfort me, but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Concentrating hard to discern his message to me, I listened intently. And, as I listened, I was brought out of this twilight state and into the awakening awareness of an unusual, but sweet sound of a bird singing. Perplexed at what I was hearing, for it was so close to me, I got up to see what it was.

The Mysterious Singing Bird and my cat

The Mysterious Singing Bird and my cat

Just outside my glass storm door, a beautiful bird sang to me as he sat on my front porch! It was amazing! This bird just sat there, while me and my cat looked and listened to its lovely songs. He even let me get some close-up pictures! He stayed for about 2 hours, just looking cute, while singing away. Then, without further ado, this beautiful sweet bird flew up to the roof, then off to the side of my yard and out of sight.

Grateful for this Godsend, I smiled.

Ceramic Bird Gift from Christian

Ceramic Bird Gift from Christian

As I sat on my couch, scratching my head about what had just happened, and how this was even possible, my eyes were directed to the fireplace. There, inconspicuously positioned, a ceramic bird sat, perched upon the mantle’s ledge. Confused, I thought, “What a coincidence!”

Then, I remembered… just one month before his death, Christian gave me this ceramic bird for a gift!!!

Commentary- Christian, trying to communicate and comfort me, put the symbol of the ceramic bird he had just given me, to good use. Tying the ceramic bird together with the real bird was a very nice touch on his part. It is true; the singing bird did comfort me by getting my mind off of my grief for a while. But… perhaps even more of a comfort to me was to know that Christian was alive and well, and had just come for one of his reassuring visits!

This serenading bird has never returned, but it made me smile that day. Even now, whenever I think about this mysterious bird, it still makes me smile, as, 3 years later, smiling has become much easier for me. 

More Pictures-

My cat watching the audacity of that bird

My cat watching the audacity of that bird

singing bird

The singing bird

Singing Bird

The singing bird

Simple Pleasures

In this after-death communication, Elizabeth gets a surprise visitation when she wakes from her nap on one unsuspecting day,  .

Materializing Spirit

Materializing Spirit

One late afternoon while watching the television in her study, 88-year-old Elizabeth drifted off for a nap. Later, when waking up, but still in that fuzzy state of mind that exists between dreams and wakening, she opened her eyes to see the solid full-body profile of a man facing the dimming light still shining through her living room window. In the next room, only 15 feet away from her, she could hardly believe what she was seeing! Looking closer, she realized that the man her eyes were now sharply fixed upon, was her late husband, Robert, who had died just a few years earlier.

There he was, smiling, as he proudly put on that old favorite jacket he had always worn and loved, but had left behind, along with his body. Elizabeth, seeing the joy in Robert’s face as he donned his old favorite rag, and how fondly he remembered it, was glad that she hadn’t given it away to the thrift shop after his death. Then, within seconds, Robert began to fade, until he disappeared completely.

Commentary- The hypnogogic state is that hazy fuzzy state that is experienced just between sleep and waking. It is rather like the portal that connects this world with the next. Because of the blended realities in this portal, this is a prime time for visions and visitations from another world.

It was appropriate that Robert was facing away from Elizabeth, as not to scare her to death by looking directly at her. But it is possible, because of his lack of attention, that Robert wasn’t aware that Elizabeth was awake and watching him, or even there, for that matter, as his focus was solely on his old favorite jacket.

Although this after-dead communication was short and sweet, it was enough to let Elizabeth know that her beloved husband, was existing somewhere, just beyond this realm, and still enjoying the simple pleasures that this life provided.

Never Far From Home

Out of Body Experience

Out of Body Experience

In what seemed to be a very strange dream, I was standing on the top of a very tall building, on the top of a very tall mountain, and looking down… I saw a mighty fall below me.

There were two of me there. There was the one who was just about to dive off the edge into the dark abyss, and… there was the other – very concerned me, warning me, if I took the plunge, it would be suicide, and I would surely die. And… to that, a smiling me shouted out, “Oh, no I won’t, ’cause I can fly!” just before diving off the edge into the deep night!

Flying in an out of body experience

Flying in an out of body experience

I watched her in wonder as she fell through space, so graceful; head first with arms extended. Then, just as she’d said she could, right before hitting the ground, this spiritual Superwoman did indeed take flight in the direction of her choosing, and I became her!




Window to the "other side"

Window to the “other side”

Who knows all the places I flew that night, but… I do remember one place in particular. I found myself hovering before a large beautifully framed window. “How curious,” I thought, as I looked at its surface. It reminded me of the window at Wendy Darling’s old London home, where Peter Pan periodically returned fresh from an adventure in Neverland, to look in on those he loved.

When my focus shifted from the outer window pane, my awareness was now being drawn deeply through the glass. In contrast to the darkness all around me, the room inside was brightly illuminated. As I scanned the elegant room filled with, what seemed to be a modest gathering of beings, I saw Christian sitting there. I noticed how happy he was as he turned to look up at the person standing to his right; and as usual, his smiling face was equally as bright as any light could ever be!
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Christian on Safari

From beyond the veil, and working again in a field he once loved, Christian, a former Computer Programer, assists his Aunt Elizabeth by restoring something lost on her computer.

Christian’s Aunt Elizabeth, who lives in Brazil, had a problem with her laptop that couldn’t be repaired. While Elizabeth’s daughter, Andrea, was in the United States attending a four-day course, Elizabeth asked her to buy a new Mac laptop to bring home to her.

At home in Brazil, Elizabeth was trying to figure out how to use this new computer, as it was much different from the one she had previously owned. She called to her son in the next room, but he couldn’t help, as he was studying for school, and had never used a Mac before either.

As she was clicking around, she thought she had deleted the Safari program that came loaded on the Mac. Panicking, and desperate to have it back, she thought of Rob, also known as Christian, and thought, “Certainly Rob would help me immediately.”
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Dennis Returns to Say “Hi”

In an interesting after-death communication, Dennis returns to say “hi” to Susan.

A few years after her boyfriend, Dennis’ death, Susan’s father was in the hospital preparing to die. Susan, sitting with her father in his last moments before death, asked her father, “When you die, go tell Dennis to come and say hi to me so I know he is still alive… somewhere out there.” Not long after, Susan’s father passed away.

With Susan’s father’s death, there was a funeral to plan and attend, and busy with life, Susan forgot all about the request she made of her father.

About two weeks later, Susan had a dream. In her dream, Susan was driving her car down a familiar road when she saw Dennis, who was the driver in another car passing her in the opposite direction. Excited by seeing him, she said, “That looks just like Dennis!” But after having passed each other so quickly, she looked in her rear view mirror to continue her view. There Dennis was, looking back in his rear view mirror and waving “hi” to Susan as he drove down the road.
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Tattoo with a Message

In an after-death communication, Megan was delightedly surprised when she found an image of her deceased loved one embedded in her own tattoo, that she so intentionally designed for her beloved grandma Connie. She could have only noticed it by taking a photograph of it from a particular angle. (Tattoo from normal angle)

Tattoo mysteriously discovered to look like Grandma Connie

Tattoo mysteriously discovered to look like Grandma Connie

Kelly, Megan’s mother writes:
“Tattoo is of cancer ribbon which says grandma Connie, two palm trees because she died on palm sunday , 2 pink flamingos and 2 calla lilies, becaused she loved those things, and the dates of her birth and death.”
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