Free as a Bird

Rose Marie was with her father at the hospital as he was about to die. But before his death, his deceased parents appeared at his hospital bed just in time to take him home. Shortly after his passing, Rose Marie received two after-death communications showing her that her father is still very much alive!

snowy christmas day

snowy christmas day

It was a snowy Christmas day when Rose Marie arrived at the hospital with a gift for her dying father. She draped the new sweater around her father’s shoulders to keep him warm as he lay in his bed. After a long struggle with lung cancer, his time on Earth was almost complete.

He looked at the foot of the bed where his deceased mother and father stood waiting for him to exit his mortal shell. Clenching tightly to his daughter’s hand, he said, “I cannot leave you here. You have to come with me. I must go soon, my mother and father are here to pick me up.”
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“I’m Just a Room Away”

A few nights ago as I was retiring to my bed, I thought of Christian. Now gone for almost two years, I asked him, “Where are you? Are you close by… or far, far away? Please come for a visit. We miss you so, so much!”
With this, I fell fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up remembering this dream….

There was a room where my life played out. In it, I lived, slept and did all the things of life.
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Kevin’s Journey into the Light

Last night as I was waiting to drift off to sleep, there Kevin was, smiling at me in my mind’s eye. Apparently, Kevin wants me to share his story with you, as he keeps pushing his way up into the forefront of my thoughts. So, I will tell it to you.

It must have been1986 when we met. He was a costumer in an Italian restaurant I worked at. I was a single mother of two small children when we became friends. Kevin was a kind and loving soul. Besides being a great guy, Kevin was a pilot too.

Once, in a small plane, Kevin took me up into the night sky above our city. It was a warm and clear night. The lights below and above were most beautiful!

After that, I would see him on occasion, but gradually, with me getting married and both of us moving around, we eventually lost contact.
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