Connect With Your Departed? Tele-class



The “Being Your Own Medium” Tele-class Series

Want to learn to connect and communicate with your loved ones on the “other side? “Being Your Own Medium” (An ongoing class series, offered every few months).

*See “upcoming classes” for next available dates and times.

Register for Being Your Own Medium Tele-class Link

 In “Being Your Own Medium,”  you will learn the following:

  • Explore and discover what stands in the way of connecting with the “other side.”
  • Learn what you need to know on “this side” to connect with the “other side.”
  • I show you the reasons “why” learning how to connect is important to bringing Heaven on Earth.
  • Learn why it’s not so much “how” to connect with your deceased loved ones, as it is “where” to connect with them.
  • Exponentially increase your chances for direct connection and communication.
  • Decode the mysteries of Mediumship
  • Develop your innate gifts and abilities
  • Upgrade yourself to a “4D being.”
  • Learn a variety of ways to connect to your loved one, as well as, learn what Christian taught me, with “Christian’s Light Point.”
  • Bonus at the end of each class- Hypnosis, Guided Imagery and/or Relaxation Techniques for increased success.

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Being Your Own Medium (Upcoming/On-going Tele-class Series)

pillars of light

pillars of light

“I’m confused” a frustrated woman explained to me, “One medium told me one thing about my deceased loved one, and another medium said something else! What is the truth? Who should I believe?”

This is just one of the issues with expecting another person to get the answers from your deceased loved one, that you could be getting for yourself. Continue reading

Grieving in Secret

After Elisa’s secret lover, Eric, suddenly and unexpectedly passes away, she faces the pain, guilt and grief of her loss, alone. 

When Elisa contacted me for help after “her friend”, Eric, unexpectedly passed, like so many other people, in my years of advising people, she didn’t quite give me the full story. What I mean is… she gave me the “safe” story first, while she tested the waters. It wasn’t until she could gauge my response and if she could trust me in not judging her, that she felt safe enough to share the whole story of what happened and why she was so deeply grieved in more ways than usual.

You see, like anyone who fears being judged by others, and the added pain it can bring to an already difficult situation, Elisa was hesitant to tell me that Eric was not just her friend. But after a few emails back and forth, she finally told me that he was her boss, and married boyfriend, too, and that, for many years, she and Eric were involved in a secret relationship.

In her own words, and with Elisa’s permission, I share parts of her emails.
“I am a divorcee, and was pretty happy with my life before him, but he won me over with his charm, his wit, his words and his intelligence. As a busy CEO of many offices, I did not see him everyday, only once a week when he came to his office at my workplace. But, we spoke on the phone every work day! Not long, maybe half and hour, sometimes more. The best thing, which I miss so much are those calls. We sure talked A LOT!” Continue reading

“It’s Safe to Believe”

Experiencing life as agnostic, Rob’s views begin to change when he receives one after-death communication after another, leaving him more of a believer in the afterlife.

Rob writes:
“I was raised by a single parent, my mom, who was a very spiritual and religious woman (Roman Catholic). I am writing this because I lost my mom, December 20, 2015, and begged for a sign… which I got!”

“As a child, my religious background was Roman Catholic. When I was 16 years-old, my views changed to agnostic. That being said, let me share a few of my experiences with the dead.” Continue reading

Spirit Sensitivity: Gift or Curse?

In this after-death communication, Celynda is warmly greeted at the cemetery by her Grandmother, only after to be coldly greeted by something else. This post explores how to handle unwanted entities.


Celynda’s Grandma

Celynda writes:
“I had an experience while visiting my Grandmother’s grave at the cemetery. First, I stopped to see my Grandfather who passed October 1, 2006. Afterward, I visited my Grandmother who passed more recently, September 19, 2012. As I was standing over my Grandmother’s grave, I felt a strong presence holding me. It was the most beautiful, warm and amazing feeling I have ever felt in my life! It felt like she was trying to tell me something or that she knew just how much I needed her…  as lately I’ve been under a lot of stress. She always made me feel so important and would brag to all her friends about how successful I am and how I’m going to be a Doctor.” Continue reading

Eternal Valentines

In this after-death communication, Deena receives comfort in many different forms, allowing her to know that her eternal Valentine, John, is still taking care of her… and the cats too!

John, Deena's boyfriend


 Deena writes:
“I have lost John, my boyfriend, of over 14 years to cancer. He passed away on December 2 , 2015, shortly after he was diagnosed. I am madly, deeply in love with him even though we didn’t have the smoothest of relationships. People referred to us as Taylor & Burton (Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton) as we were always falling out, but we had a passion that everyone saw. We were never apart in all those years.” Continue reading

That’s What LOVE Does

Not necessarily a believer before, Ian receives many after-death communications that leave no doubt of his wife, Joanna’s, continued existence, love and support.

Ian writes:
“My beautiful wife passed away on September 4, 2015, unexpectedly. The story of how I met my wife is such a beautiful one, that losing her shattered my entire belief in life. She was the one for me and I for her. We met in a place unlikely for us to fall in love, but we did. She is French/Polish origin while I a Filipino.”

IanJoanna et Maya(sm)

Joanna and baby Maya

“That morning before she collapsed, she told me how she loved Maya Asia, our daughter of 2 weeks then, more than herself, and she also loved me equally. Then, she collapsed while putting back Maya to her crib. She had pulmonary infarction caused by an embolism.”

“I had so many events that have happened that I necessarily did not believe in them, but after all these, I know she has not left me or anyone. She is in a different realm, be it the quantum realm or the spirit world (whatever it is called, but it is beyond the physicality that we currently are in).” Continue reading

Messages From the Moth

In a series of after-death communications, Lucas visits his grieving mother in a variety of different ways – letting her know that her son is still around, being his usual self.

Lillie writes:



“I was reading an after-death communication article on your website; specifically physical phenomena. My son, Lucas, died in his bedroom on August 1st, 2015. He was 26 years old. Unfortunately, he died of a drug overdose – he supposedly bought heroin but it was fentanyl and procaine mixed together instead.”

“I was totally shocked when I read it on his cell phone in a text message, because he didn’t do heroin. His friends were shocked too. I guess he was really struggling. His girlfriend broke up with him in June. He became very depressed over that and started acting very strange in July. The doctor had put him on an anti-depressant called Paxil. I thought that was what was making him so strange. I don’t know if the Paxil gave him suicidal thoughts – he was only on it for a month.” Continue reading

Awakenings Through Loss

When our loved ones pass away, they leave gifts in their place. It’s for us to discover and use these treasures toward transforming ourselves and our lives.

In the post, The Terrifying Last 18 Days, Keisha describes the grueling final days of her mother’s life and her emotional reactions to it. Sometimes, the course of a person’s health, with its ups and downs, can be quite the emotional roller-coaster ride. Just when Keisha thought her mom was going to live through her medical procedures, her situation took a turn for the worst, leaving Keisha and other loved ones to cope with her eventual passing. 

It is not uncommon for the loss of a loved one to create a space for an awakening to happen. When I read something that Keisha had written in reference to one of my other posts, See How You Are?, I could clearly see that Keisha had been privy to such an awakening.  Continue reading

“I Got Hurt, But I’m Alright”

In the after-death communication and out-of-body experience, Cynthia receives a visit from Jordan, a former neighborhood boy who was shot and killed.

Cynthia writes:
“One of the neighborhood kids, Jordan, was murdered in September of 2015. He was murdered just days after he came to visit us, and we had not seen him in years. He moved away when he was around 11 years old. When he came to visit he was 17. His murder was talked about on the news and while we were trying to piece the puzzle together to see if it was really him, we were shocked to find out it was!”

“I am not 100% on the details of his murder. I just know that he was shot hanging a round guys much older than him and who knows what they were doing? Growing up, his mom was a single working mom and he and his brother were pretty much raising themselves. They were mischievous kids and I am sure it transcended into their teen years also.” Continue reading

Experiencing Is Believing

In this after-death communication and out-of-body experience, Linda becomes a believer in the “afterlife” when her son, Erik, meets his mother in another dimension to reassure her of his continued love AND life.

Linda writes-
“Let me first say that before I had this experience, I would not have believed it truly could happen. I had really never heard of such a thing before this.”

Erik and Camaro“My 24 year-old son, Erik, passed away over 2 years ago. Not long after he died, when my husband and I were deeply grieving, Erik came to me in a dream. I saw him standing there and held out my arms to him expecting him to disappear, but he didn’t!  I told him I love him so much and hugged him. It felt like I was actually hugging him! There was a light around him as if he was standing in a soft spotlight. We talked for a short time, but unfortunately, I am not sure of our exact words, although it felt comforting, I do remember that as we were talking, I was rubbing my thumb softly against his cheek and I still remember the sensation of it. He then said he had to go. Before he disappeared, I asked him if it was nice where he was. He smiled a little smile, as if he knew something I didn’t,  and said, “Yes, it’s nice. It’s very nice.” Then the dream was over.”

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Elements of Shared Death Experience

Shared-death experience is an interesting category since it can include, out-of-body experience, near-death experience and after-death communication, all in one. The implications of a shared-death experience speak volumes! Here’s why.

It used to be that naysayers could never admit to an afterlife. This was because near-death experiencers, specifically, those who were once considered clinically dead but then came back to life, were thought to be just experiencing unusual brain chemistry. It was thought that these amazing images reported, were nothing more than just the hallucinations of a dying brain. Well, how does anyone explain shared-death experience then? Continue reading

“Don’t Worry. Everything is Okay.”

In this after-death communication and out-of-body experience, a grieved mother is reunited with her son. As he held his mother, his message to her? ” I love you too, Mama. Don’t worry. Everything is okay.”

Brian and his pal

Brian and his pal, Bubba Red

Valley shares:
“In the beginning when I would dream of Brian, I would not be aware that he had died. I’m not sure when this changed, but now, even while dreaming I am aware that he has died.”

“Most of my dreams of Brian are of watching him at some stage of his life. There is no spoken communication or physical touching, just eye contact. I have repeatedly asked to have a dream where I can hug him and talk to him. Well, my prayers were answered a couple of weeks ago. I had the most vivid dream that I have had since he died.”

This is the dream (communication)-
“I drove into the parking lot of his best friend’s restaurant. As I parked my car, I could see Brian through the window tending bar. I got out of my car and ran into the restaurant. I could see him running around the bar to meet me. As I was approaching him, I remember thinking that this would be a regular dream and as soon as I got close to him he would disappear. That did not happen! I grabbed him and hugged him. (I can still feel it.) I said, “Honey, I miss you so much! Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how special our lives are because of you?“ He said, “ I love you too, mama. Don’t worry. Everything is okay.” Continue reading

Flying Formation

In this after-death communication, Todd gets a visit from the heavens, via a hawk, flying formation, as his recently passed father-in-law, Colonel Gordon William Addy.

After Amy had an after-death communication from her father, who appeared as a Quail in his garage that allowed her to hold him, as recorded in the post, “Hold Me Again“, he visited Amy’s husband, too, as a low flying hawk flying in formation with his truck.

Todd’s experience-
“I was on my way home in my pickup.  I was on a rural road and then turned right onto our paved street. It was fully dark, about 8:00 pm, so my headlights were on. As I made the turn – I saw motion to the right and looked at the motion. Something was heading towards the truck. A larger than average hawk flew from the side of the road and in front of the truck. He flew directly in front of me, but just above the hood of my truck. He flew with me approximately 1/4 mile until we got to the house.” Continue reading

“Life’s Going to be Alright!”

Rebecca receives an after-death communication from her son, Kenny, after a long time of waiting for one. His message to her? “Life’s going to be alright!”

KennyRebecca writes:
“It’s been a long while since I’ve dreamt of Ken, other than him being a part of my dream in the background and such. No dreams as of late where I’ve spoken directly to him. The other night, I actually was staring at a candle and asked him to please come in my dreams.”

“Voila! I dreamt that my family was on a plane- the entire family, including Kenny’s dad, his wife and their daughter. ​We had made it to Nepal and we were traveling to a resort destination. Suddenly, the military police were on the plane and found pot on the pilot so they demanded us to land. We landed in a jungle area and there were a lot of men carrying guns and yelling at us to get on a bus – that the plane would be leaving and we had to travel by bus. They were shouting in English and a different language also. I remember feeling as if I was going to do the wrong thing and being very protective of Nate and Kayla. I didn’t want us to get shot.  As we all sat in our seats on the bus, I watched the plane take off and followed it until it was high up in the sky. All of a sudden, I saw the plane pause and start spiraling down and crash into a shopping mall. The gunmen started to laugh at us ‘americans’ and told us that we were lucky to have gotten off the plane before the ‘terrorist attack.” Continue reading