“Stop Crying. See? I’m Still With YOU.”

In these visual after-death communications, Bridgette captures some images which let her know that her beloved mother and son, still live on in another plane.

Lady and Man

Lady and Man

Bridgette experiences after-death communications on a regular basis since her son, Durell, crossed over on January 26th, 2015, which was a year ago to the day of this post. Armed with her dogs, Man and Lady, her camera and her extraordinary faith and awareness, Bridgette manages to catch images in the successful attempt to connect with those from beyond.

Bridgette writes:
“I start filming when I feel Durell here, or when my dogs are looking hard watching something I can’t see. A couple of weeks after Durell passed, I had a really rough weekend. I sobbed hard for 3 solid days. That Sunday afternoon, my friend, Leslie, (who is the mother of Gian, the 7 year old I told you about that has seen my son several times), told me that she had a dream the night before. In the dream, Durell appeared to Leslie, who is Spanish and doesn’t speak fluent English. When reporting the dream to Bridgette, Leslie said, “Bridgette. Me dream of your baby. He no say nothing. He only smile. Me think he wants me to tell you stop crying.” Continue reading

“Hello Mom!”

In this after-death communication, a mother thinks she has received a cruel phone text about her little boy who passed nearly 13 years prior, only to find out this was him, reaching out and letting her know he remembers her and is still with her.

image- pixabaySharri writes to me:
“My friend and roommate came into my room this morning and tossed her phone to me and she was, to say the least, upset. I looked and she had a text message from a number that we found to be a google account and it said, “Hello Mom.” You see, her son who was born on June 27, 1999 died tragically April 4, 2003, at the age of 4, in her arms. She has no other children.”

“We have called this number and texted it back and nothing. It’s just a voicemail saying,
“This google voice customer cannot be reached at this time. Please leave
message”… This number the message came from is (xxx) 347-9983. Please
help us. She needs answers.” Continue reading

However Near or Far…

In a series of after-death communications, Kay is relieved to know that however near or far, her husband still watches over her and his family.

leather recliner chairWhile watching the television at night, Kay had a habit of falling asleep in her recliner. Many times her husband, Bill, used to wake her up to tell her it was time to get up and head for bed. But when Bill was away from home because of work, which was over 20 years of their marriage, Kay was on her own with no one else to wake her and send her off to bed. So without Bill always there, Kay spent many a night in her recliner until the wee hours of morning.

It was sometime at the last part of 2006, that Bill started losing weight. In October, after being checked out by the doctor, Bill and Kay were shocked to find out that Bill had a tumor growing in every organ! And worse… that he had only 6 weeks to live. Continue reading

Staring Her in the Face

Marian receives her first after-death communication from her husband, Steve, who crossed over two years prior, in a most unexpected way.

Out on the town in Germany

Out on the town in Germany

While on our European river cruise this summer, I met some new friends. Marian was one of them. Like Mary Ann, I found myself marveling at how familiar Marian was to me. It was as though I had known her forever. We hung out in our little group; The 5 Musketeers- Marian, Dick, Mary Ann, Keith and me, as we ventured out on walking tours together throughout the beautiful cities of Europe. Continue reading

The Doings of Darla

In this after-death communication, Dick becomes very aware that his dear deceased wife, Darla, is still looking out for him, when she brings him a new companion to take her place.


During his long career as a City Manager for Surprise, Arizona, Dick spent a lot of time traveling around the United States, and even other countries for his job, leaving his beautiful wife, Darla, behind at home. Even at social gatherings, it was Dick’s responsibility as City Manager to excuse himself from the table to move around, introduce himself to and network with new people. So Darla was really no stranger to having to share her husband’s time with a lot of other people. Continue reading

Happy New Year 2016

Dear Loved One,
May you always know that whether in times of happiness or whether in times of sorrow, you are never alone in your struggles here upon this Earth… Angels attend. A beautiful and inspiring song to nudge your memory that heavenly beings abide.

May 2016 bring you much comfort, peace, healing and the constant internal knowledge… that you are loved, watched over and never left alone in your journey on this big beautiful blue planet.
With love,

With the Wind at His Face

In this after-death communication, Janeen recognizes her husband in a photograph that was taken on a tribute bike run in his honor, in the form of an energy field.

Janeen writes:

“This is a photo of me on the back of a friend’s motorcycle during a bike run in honor of my deceased husband that was held one week after his death in a motorcycle accident. Actually, he survived the bike going down (his brother drove it home from the pound) – he was struck and killed by an SUV after laying the bike down.”

“Most everyone who sees this picture agrees that it is James’ face as it looked when he was “in the wind.” I’m also attaching a “selfie” he took on the bike for you to reference.”

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What is it Like to Lose a Child?

In this heart-wrenching post, Rebecca answers this unthinkable question, What is it like to lose a child? After having him for 23 years, Rebecca lost Kenny on July 6, 2012. She has been working through her grief ever since. One day last summer, she found the website, Quora, and saw, of all questions in front of her… this one. There it was… Rebecca’s invitation to share her most private and deepest thoughts and feelings with all the world. 

Quora asks: What is it like to lose a child?

Rebecca’s reply:
“This is a tough question to answer as it brings all the pain I try to push back (he’s just on a long vacation; he’s busy with work, etc., AKA denial) with as much force as I can muster, until I’m lying in bed alone with my thoughts, trying to hold on to every detail I can about him. The fear of forgetting his voice one day drives me insane.” 

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You’ll Never Walk Alone

In this after-death communication, Sadgunnan sends an important message to Sanjita, via bumper sticker!

Sanjita writes:

“Last Sunday I met Sadgunnan’s brother and we went hiking together. I feel so happy around him. He reminds me so much of his brother.”

Sanjita's best friend, Sadgunnan“This evening around 7 pm, I was thinking a lot about Sadgunnan while driving. I was talking to myself and thinking, “I wish he was here with me.” Then the tears began to fall again.”

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If I Never Carve a Pumpkin

Facing the upcoming holidays without Brian, who passed one year ago, Valley writes a tender poem for her beloved son.

Love, Mom

If I never carve a pumpkin
or trim a Christmas tree,
It won’t make me miss you less,
You’ll still not come back to me.

When I listen to Holiday music
And feel grief replaced with joy,
I fear I rob my memories
of you, my little boy.

But my fears are only that
because your spirit’s here with me.
Your imprint on my life
safe in every memory.

BrianSo I’ll honor our traditions
of which you’re still apart.
I’ll be your memory keeper.
Forever in my heart.

To read more about Brian, see the post, Don’t Worry Mama

Grief: Holidays Without Them

Oh no. Here it comes! A holiday without them. How do I deal with that? 

Holidays are supposed to be joyful; a time to gather together with loved ones to share thanks and exchange gifts of love. But what happens when the upcoming holiday only serves to remind us that someone we love is sadly missing? It’s difficult to cope. If it’s the first year we might wonder, “How different is this year going to be. How much pain am I going to feel?”

Although it might seem strange, including your loved one in your holidays can be a great way to deal head-on with the fact that things have changed. Perhaps a new tradition or ritual can be introduced, making the upcoming holiday special. For example, you might create a special program that includes all of your loved ones, including the one who is not physically present. It is a great way to deal and heal the pain of the change of losing them. This can also include a family pet. Continue reading

Mommy’s Little Angel

After the sudden and unexpected passing of her infant child, through a series of after-death communications, Reyna is assured her baby is happy, peaceful and in good hands.

Reyna writes:
“My infant son passed June 2015 unexpectedly. I was 7 months pregnant with his baby sister at the time. For two months, he sent me after-death communication almost every day. I think he was sending me ADC’s so often to help get me through my pregnancy.”

“About 3-4 days after his passing, he left a message for me through my Mother in her dream. He told her, “Tell my Mama to take care of my Daddy.” At the time, my child’s Father and I had been fighting. I told his Father I was going to leave him. When my Mother received the message from my son, she did not know his Father and I were fighting. I think my Son was telling me not to blame his Father for his passing, plus his Dad is a type 1 diabetic, so he wants me to stay with him and take care of him as he doesn’t take care of himself.” Continue reading

May I Have This Dance?

In this after-death communication, devoted husband, Carl, visits his beloved wife, Mary Ann, through shoulder taps, hugs, his reoccurring initials, “CH” and a hill-side smiling house.

Scan 4

Carl and Mary Ann

Mary Ann met Carl when she was fifteen-years old. Leaving the church bazaar one night with their mutual friend, Debbie, there he was, standing outside the subway station in Chinatown. It was dark and difficult to see, but Carl still managed to get Mary Ann’s telephone number.

When he called her, she asked, “It was so dark that night, what made you think you would like the way I looked?” Jokingly, sixteen-year old Carl teased, “I thought I’d take my chances!”

They clicked immediately. The phone calls between them lasted hours at a time. And, at some point early on, Carl found himself deeply in love with Mary Ann and pressed her for her love in return. Mary Ann queried, “I’m fifteen, what would I know of love?” Carl was her first steady boyfriend. It was only after a 2-3 week break-up of missing Carl in her life that Mary Ann realized just what love is… and it was the way she felt for Carl! After getting back together again, their love blossomed. And from that time on, they were solid and inseparable! Continue reading