Grief and Out of Body Experiences

While in deep grief, Joanna is energetically propelled into an Out of Body Experience, where she sees her departed husband, Michel, quickly appear with a concerned look on his face as he responds to her surprise of seeing him.

Joanna writes:
“I got into bed and was settling down for the night.  I was having a really rough evening, I was missing Michel so much.”

“It was cold, and I was snuggling under the blankets.  My daughter came in, and I started to feel odd.  As she laid down on the bed to the left of me (in her dad’s spot, part of her goodnight routine), my body started humming with energy.  The room slowly filled with vibrations as she and I spoke (and cried) about how badly I was feeling.  My head started to buzz, like it does when I have an out-of-body experience.  My daughter said that she did not feel anything herself, but she could feel the bed slightly vibrating from my body.  Suddenly to my right, next to the bed, I caught a quick image of Michel, standing right next to me, watching me with a concerned look on his face.  It was so real and so sudden that I gasped out loud!  My daughter was worried by my outburst, but when she heard that I had seen a flash of her dad, she was disappointed that she had not.”

“She left the room for a second, and in that moment, I realized that there were still two of us in the room.  I was not alone – Michel was there, and I was still vibrating.  When my daughter returned, I then felt that all three of us were in the room.  Together again, my little family. I just laid there, enjoying the sense of us all together, the knowledge that Michel was in the room.  My daughter and I spoke to him, making jokes, telling him that we love him.  Slowly, the vibrations and energy faded; and after about 10 minutes, I could feel that my daughter and I were the only two left.”

“Since his passing, I have had three instances when I felt Michel get into bed next to me, felt the weight of his body on his side of the mattress.  The first time it happened, I thought that my daughter or my dog had gotten on the bed, and I turned to look, wondering how I had missed them coming into the room – but no one was there.  An episode that stands out: It was another rough day, several months after Michel had passed.  I was napping on my side when I woke up to the feeling of someone getting into bed behind me.  Suddenly, I felt Michel wrap his arms around me, and I was enveloped with such a tremendous sense of his love for me.  Up to this point, I had been sending my love to him, in wave after wave.  This time was the first that I had felt it returned, and with interest!  I was stunned by the beauty and depth of his love for me.  It was awe-inspiring.  It is so hard to describe.  I truly experienced it, like I was feeling it exactly as he did.  I am so grateful for the moment, and I return to the memory of it again and again when the grief drags me down.”

Commentary- Our departed loved ones are very aware of us, even when it feels like they are far, far away. I have to laugh when I think of Michel with a concerned look on his face, when Joanna was able to briefly see him standing there before disappearing again. Perhaps they don’t want to scare us or they would appear to us more frequently. But, probably not.

When we experience an out of body experience (OBE), there is a change in our energetic frequency. As Joanna describes in her experience, it’s common to feel that humming, buzzing sensation when we begin to separate ourselves from the physical confines of our bodies. However, it mostly happens when we are in a sleep state, so we may not even notice it, or if we do… we may just associate this sensation with falling asleep or waking up. What Joanna experienced is called a waking Out of Body Experience and this is a very magical thing to experience, but can be quite surprising. Joanna was fortunate to be present for it and knowledgable enough to be able to identify what was happening in that moment.

Out of Body experiences can be triggered by many things- a sleep state, a conscious effort to leave the body, as in practice or/and meditation. Sometimes trauma can separate a person from their body as well, however drastically or slightly. If one is familiar with what the signs/symptoms are, it is really amazing to experience the moment when it happens.

Normally, our physical frequency is dense in comparison to those of our spirit energy or the spirit energy of those who have gone on. But with the living, it’s like our very body grounds us to this physical realm. The denseness of our bodies constantly remind us that we live in the physical realm where we eat, sleep and go through the motions of being a physical being.  Most of the way we view ourselves and the world is through our physical perceptions.

When a departed loved one can be seen, like Joanna saw her beloved husband, Michel, it was because- between the two of them, and their compatible energy fields, they were able to meet in the same wave length for a moment in time. It’s very cool to realize that we are only frequencies away from actually seeing one another.

But, perhaps the best thing of all, was the gift he gave her that she is able to intensely recall and never forget… this was the energetic love Michel sent Joanna, so she would know of the boundless love he feels for her, even now… and even beyond the grave. This is to demonstrate to her that spiritual love never dies, it just keeps getting stronger than ever before.

You can read more about grief and ways to cope with it, here.

11 thoughts on “Grief and Out of Body Experiences

  1. I wonder how those who have gone on before can part the veil enough for us to see through, or pass through however briefly. Seems like a rare and special gift. thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Michele on said:

    What a beautiful & amazing story! I’ve wished for 4 1/2 years now for any kind of contact from my late husband! Does anyone believe our loved ones in Heaven/another realm can be angry with us? Could that possibly be why they don’t reach out? Could my husbands spirit be trapped in our ‘old house’ that I sold 1 year after he passed? He loved that place so very much! I’m afraid I still do not have a total understanding about him being gone!! I’m so lost!!!

    • Hi Michele. No, it’s not likely that he’s mad at you. Like… not likely at all. 😉 It is possible that he is unaware at this point. I would have to know more about the circumstances of how he passed and about his belief system. There are many factors. He could even be visiting you without your awareness. This happens all the time.
      I’m so sorry you still have so much pain. Hugs. You definitely need a conscious visit from him. Never give up on getting that hug. I don’t know why but some people don’t get an after death communication until years later. May it happen very soon for you. And, please let us know. Thanks for sharing. Xo

  3. Joanna,
    How wonderful for you to be able to go out of body to see your hubby. After my son died I bought books on this subject and how to do it. I gave up. I envy you. Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe I will get lucky yet.

  4. My Rich has been gone for 3 years now. A few months after he died was our 40th wedding anniversary. Consumed with grief I told him I just wanted a hug from him. A few days before our anniversary I was in bed, kinda in a twilight sleep, and I swear I felt a pressure on my body, especially around my chest. I smiled, believing it was the hug I asked for, then quickly opened my eyes, thinking in could be my cocker spaniel…she was no where near me. I think it was the hug I wanted.

  5. Crystal on said:

    What a gift to experience your family together. Thank you for sharing your experience, you can feel the love reading it. And very amazing to be able to be so conscious in it.

  6. Joanna, thank you so very much for sharing that most beautiful transcendent experience with Michel. Blessings to you and your family. And that includes Michel, who is never far away.
    Just knowing that our loved ones are alive and still love us very much is a healing thing.
    I also experienced a tremendous love -from my dog!
    Not just a “doggy thing”, but a Soul to Soul depth of true love.
    It makes me wonder. What Love do these Souls enter when they pass from the Earth? It is the most lovely beautiful energy I have ever experienced.

    I have also sensed my mother. Bless her Soul.

  7. Beautiful, and how special and comforting.

  8. Joanna on said:

    Thank you all for your responses. The experiences were truly awesome. I have been blessed in receiving/noticing/experiencing many signs and visitations from Michel, but these two that Jade posted were a few of the most profound. I just ran across a note that I had made to myself after the vibration incident with my daughter, when I saw Michel next to the bed: “It reminded me of the hospital, that last night. There were 5 of us in the room. And then only 4. And I knew that Michel had passed. I said something, and our friend got up and checked. Sure enough, Michel had passed. So last night, it was the opposite, and it was incredible.” Hugs and much Love to you all.

  9. Sounds like a profound experience. Thanks for the commentary jade.

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