This is NOT a Dream

In this dual after-death communication and out-of-body experience, Stella’s father is able to show Stella he is still around as he demonstrates with affection, one of his new heavenly skills.

Stella writes:
“My father passed away in Greece on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 3:30 am. I was in Sydney at the time. I wasn’t able to cry or acknowledge his passing from shock because he didn’t want me to go to Greece and see him, as I had already spent 3 months with him during his chemo. He relapsed and did not want me to see him that way. We were very close.”

“On Sunday July 12th, I decided to go have a nap because I was so tired. While in the state of relaxing, I felt a hand wrap around back of my neck squeezing me tight, thinking it was my partner, I turned around and was picked up gently off the couch in a floating manner halfway to the ceiling. Upon awakening, I realized in happiness that it was my dad! As I was brought back to the couch, his thumb and fingers were still pressed firmly around my neck. By that time, I understood he wanted to wake me, so I could realize it was not a dream and that he had come to caress me in the one way he always did; by pinching me.”

“I was smiling and laughing and so happy that he made it and he touched me. I believe he wanted me to not grieve, but know he is with me. I will never forget the strength in his hand around my neck and flying with him towards a light. It was beautiful and magical.” Continue reading

Portals of Possibility

When Kristen opens herself to a new romantic relationship, the power of possibility is everywhere! Discover the true magic behind opening the portals of possibility.

Kristen, literally riding off into the wild blue yonder on a tram at Snowbird, Utah, like 3 years ago. When I took this snapshot, who knew it was for this post?

“Whee!!! Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times!”, Kristen laughs. And with “out of this world” excitement, she attempts to describe the ride she is currently a passenger on inside her new love affair. It’s a ride that’s whisking her off into the realm of the wild blue yonder.

Trying to further capture the exhilaration of her mental state, Kristen uses another analogy, “I don’t know how this is going to play out, but I’m on the river with my hands in the air, not fighting the direction of its flow!” And flowing she goes.

Smiling as I notice her obvious euphoria, and as if choosing an entree from a cosmic menu, I say to myself, “I’ll have some of what she’s having, please!”

As I thought about her state of mind, I couldn’t help but wonder what was creating this wondrous condition. It was as though she was high on something, but what was it? Continue reading

Hold Me Again

In this after-death communication, Amy experiences a visit from her deceased father, who appears in the form of a Blue Gambel Quail, not common to her area.

Amy writes:
“My father passed in March of this year. He was hospitalized for a month beginning in December 2014 – he had care givers in his home round the clock until his death in March 2015. I spent those months from December to March extremely busy managing two households; paying bills, bringing groceries over, filling prescription, taking him to doctor appointments – you name it.  Even now, I’ve been busy cleaning out his house, handling his estate and trying to get his personal effects to family and friends who will appreciate them.”
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“Hi Honey! See You Soon.”

In this after-death communication, Tina receives a strange, but comforting voicemail message from her deceased boyfriend, Bob.

Tina writes:
“Can a spirit go inside my dog? Can a spirit call from their old cell phone with no minutes on it?”

Tina's Boyfriend, Bob“My boyfriend, Bob, passed away on March 11th, 2015 from lung cancer. The other day, I received a new voice message on my phone. It was from Bob’s phone that had no minutes! Bob’s cell phone was through “straight talk.” He bought a card every month at Wal-Mart.”
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Heads Up! I’m Here! (Re-post)

(To honor Susan’s beautiful experience with her husband, Jake, I am re-posting this. There have been some issues with my server lately, and I am not sure if anyone got this original post over a week ago. If it’s a duplicate for some of you, I apologize for sending again. Incidentally, when I posted this originally and notified her that I posted it, she informed me that it got posted on their wedding anniversary!  Thank you for sharing, Susan.)

Three years after Jake’s passing, Susan receives a series of after-death communications in one day, letting her know that her husband cares, is still with her and supports her in life’s tough decisions.

Susan writes:
“This morning before walking my dog, I reached for my house key and another of our home keys on a motorcycle keychain fell to the floor. My husband owned, rode and loved his motorcycle.”
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Never Alone (Revisited)

Right now, I am in the process of making my yearly pilgrimage to Burning Man for the thirteenth year. It’s a place of sheer fun, that’s true. But it is much more. It is a place that teaches me so much… and a place I love because of it.

Lately, I have felt called to pull this 2012 post out of this site’s archives for some reason, to re-post. When I wrote it after Burning Man in 2012, I was still grieving deeply at the time.

So… for whatever reason, I leave this with you. I hope this is meaningful to you in some way, as well.  

With a full heart and exhausted body, I recently returned home from my ten-year anniversary trip to the Black Rock desert, where over 60,000 plus people from all over the world made their pilgrimage this year to be “welcomed home” to Black Rock City. Grateful was I because of the love, beauty and transformation I experienced there. Exhausted, because I didn’t want to close my eyes for one second, for fear I might have missed something completely amazing.
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“Don’t Worry Mama”

In this before-death and after-death communication, we see that our loved ones can visit us before, AS WELL AS after their passing. 
Valley writes-
Brian“Jade, I’m not sure if my communication is ADC but rather BDC. I lost my 34 year-old son Last November. He died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. We are still reeling with shock. He was your typical young healthy active man in his prime. Two months before he died, I had the most vivid dream. I felt like he was right there talking to me. I can still remember every detail. The colors were the brightest I’d ever seen. All he said was, “Don’t worry mama, everything will be alright.”

“Do you think that was a communication?”
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The Peculiar Butterfly

In this after-death communication, Jim shares his experience with a peculiar butterfly that came as his mother, for a visit first… and then to his wedding.

JimsButterflyJim writes:
“I had said my deceased Mom was coming to visit me and she actually came to our wedding recently. But… she came in the form of a butterfly!”

“First, I saw the same butterfly come around me, and tonight, my Mom (as a butterfly) came and sat with me for an hour. She just laid on my arm as I told her everything that was going on with me and everyone else.
Am I crazy?”
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My Heart’s With You

In a recent after-death communication, Lisa S. receives a sign of love from her departed loved one.
Lisa S. writes:
“After my love, Rod, passed on January 11, 2015, I came home from the funeral that following Saturday. I walked in my house feeling completely alone and voiced my heartache to him. Then… I looked over and this is what I found in my wax burner. I took it as a sign that his heart continues to remain with me and he hasn’t left our home. I’ve burned this daily since, and even before, and never has a heart showed up. I miss him more and more with every passing moment. I LOVE YOU BABE, FOR ALWAYS.”

The Heart






“Am I crazy for taking it as a sign?!!”

Commentary- Though this heart had never appeared before, or since her Love’s passing, it did appear at the very time Lisa needed support the most. What are the chances that, of all things, a heart would be perfectly duplicated in the candle wax that Lisa was called to notice? How many times do we NOT notice those things around us that are clear signs from our departed loved ones? Probably quite a bit. 
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Be Happy Again

In this after-death communication, Ardit appears in dreams to encourage Albana to move on and be happy again. His blessing paves the way for a new future.

Of her first dream, Albana writes:
“Ardit visited me one more time on December 28, which was 5 months after his death. We were at the cemetery. He was lying down and we all were crying over his death. Suddenly he woke up, grabbed my hand and said to me, ”Albana you should move on. You shouldn’t feel guilty that you are living – and you shouldn’t feel guilty to be happy without me.” Then I asked him, “Why don’t you come back?” His response was, ”Why should I come back in that world full of evil, intrigues and bad things? I am at peace here.”
Then he kissed me and left.”
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A Sign of True Love

In an after-death communication, Albana begs Ardit, her deceased boyfriend, for a sign and in his sign to her, Albana receives a message of love from an unusual source.

Albana writes:
“Something strange happened. You know that I told you that I was begging Ardit to bring me a sign? Three days ago, my best friend, Nancy, had a strange dream. In the dream, one girl came and gave my friend a box. She said to her, “Open this box. Here you’ll find the definition of true love.” My friend opened the box and inside was a heart made of straw. In the heart these words were written, ”For Albana with love. Sent from Ardit who is watching over you.”

“But, my friend forgot to tell me this dream. It was two nights later she had another dream. In this second dream, I came and said to her, “Nancy, you have to tell me something important. Remember.”
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Ryan’s Scent

In a series a back and forth emails, Melanie writes about some of her most pressing questions and concerns regarding her son’s passing.

Melanie writes:
“My son, Ryan, passed away September 22, 2013. Before his viewing and services, I 
saw his face each day in the clouds. After his services, on October 2, 2013, he was cremated, and I have not seen his face in the clouds since.”

“One night, I was sitting, looking at his picture – just a crying. A scent came on my hands of him… of what he smelled like in the casket. It didn’t last long. About a week later, I was going to bed, and I noticed this odor was on my pillow when I went to lay down. I noticed this odor being much stronger than before. The following night, I got up around midnight to use the bathroom. I didn’t notice any odor then. It wasn’t until I entered my room again that I smelled the odor of many musty roses that filled my room. It lasted longer than any odor that has come. I knew this scent was different, but did not know why. Since that night, no odor has come again. I felt good knowing it was my son, but now I feel like he has gone and never to return to see me. Can this be?”

In an email back to Melanie, I answer:
“Your after-death-communication is beautiful. Your son wants you to know that he is trying to comfort you. Personally, I don’t think our loved ones can ever be gone; they are just without a physical body. I’ve found that they want us to adapt to living our life without them. Because we are in two different dimensions, it just makes it more practical. They want us to focus on our lives and not give up because of our loss and grief. Melanie, I believe that your son will always be with you, even when there is no direct evidence of him. He will guide you through your life. Could love do anything differently? It is our love that connects us together – despite our differing worlds or bodies. I’m sure you have not seen the last of your precious son. Look for him in your dreams!”
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“The Mix” by J.V.

It was just another weekend up at the cabin that Pam and Joe planned to entertain their friends. But because of a fluke allergic reaction to an antibiotic, Pam was unable to attend, so Joe went ahead instead. Also… not so coincidentally, Justin, Pam’s son, being blown off by his friends, was left at home as well. Nevertheless, the circumstances of events enabled mother and son to spend one last precious weekend on Earth together.

The date was Saturday, August 28, 2010, when Pam noticed an infected cut from a skateboard injury on Justin’s leg. It was when Pam attempted to doctor her son’s wounds, over Justin’s adamant objections, that the following conversation took place…

Justin, who was just a few weeks from his 22nd birthday, teased his mother, “You don’t think I’m going to get out of here without a few bumps and scrapes, do you?” To that, Pam replied, “Justin! The 30-year-old version of you wants you to take care of yourself!”

“Mom?” Seeming to somehow know he needed to deliver this message, Justin said, “When I die… I want you to donate my organs.” “Well, when I die”, Pam chuckled, “I want you to donate my body to a cadaver lab and save some money!” Pam’s doctoring never happened that day, but an important conversation had.

JustinIt was 4:30 pm the next day, Sunday, August 29, 2010, that Justin handed his mother a Cd he made for her, entitled “The Mix” by J.V., Sweetness for Peace of Mind.” (The songs were a mix of Justin’s favorite tunes; a Cd that would become a most precious gift to a grieving, but grateful mother.)

Shortly after giving his mother this gift, Justin left the house to literally go – head-on into the skateboarding accident that would eventually claim his life.
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Love Continues On…

After the tragic accident and eventual passing of her beloved boyfriend, Ardit, 19-year-old Albana, is comforted when she receives several messages from Ardit, in a dream.

It was mid August when Albana contacted me with her dream visitation and a question. The email read in part: “I saw a dream last night. I was in my grandparents’ room with my mum. In the bed, there was a little baby of 3 months. The baby was talking to us, and said our name.” Surprised by this, Albana suddenly asked, “Who are you?” The baby answered, saying, “I am Ardit!” (Ardit was her boyfriend who died 3 weeks earlier!)

Then, Albana asked me, “Is this a dream or real sign from him? During the time since his death, I have seen him in other dreams, saying to me that he loves me, he is fine, and begged me to forgive him. Help me to understand please.”

(In a reply to Albana, I write, in part)
“Hello Albana,
I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like this is a sign. There may be some symbolism involved also. I would need more background information to determine what symbolism was being used. Like for example, the 3-month-old baby saying he was your boyfriend that died 3 weeks ago. If the death time would have been longer than 3 weeks, I would consider reincarnation, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
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Higher-Self Communication

There are times in our lives when we want or need to talk to a particular person in order to complete something of importance, BUT, actually doing so… may seem too difficult for us, if even impossible. Reasons for this lack of communication may include:

  • Not knowing the person well enough, so approaching them could be awkward or even embarrassing.
  • We speak different languages.
  • We’ve lost contact, with no way of locating them.
  • This person may live too far away, and maybe, even so far away that they are no longer on this planet.
  • The person we want or need to speak to isn’t in a good position to be contacted by us, or… if we did contact them, perhaps they would refuse to speak to us, or hear our message.
  • Or maybe… it is even our own pride that prevents us from speaking with them.
  • The one we want to speak to is an animal.

But, it’s possible that this is the most difficult one of all…

  • It could be that the issues between the two are so sticky, that every attempt to sort things through leaves those involved with an attitude of defensiveness and frustration, causing both to walk away while throwing their arms up in the air in sheer resignation!

You may have experienced this before. Completely discouraged by the many attempts to communicate, but to no avail, and now… you’ve finally given up the thought and hope that this issue between the two of you could ever be rectified.

But… whatever the circumstances are, it ends the same; you are left with the sense of the incompletion that continually hangs over your head, just begging to be resolved and put to rest.

More than likely, what you really wanted or needed to tell this person was something that you never got a chance to say; for example: to give an apology, to ask or accept forgiveness, to straighten something out, to make a request or to give them your love and/or blessings? Or maybe, you just wanted to be heard and were uncertain that you ever were in the past.
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