After-Death Communication and Signs

The Apparition John Everett Millais

Spirit Visitation

After-Death Communication (ADC) is, as the name implies, a communication between the living and the deceased. Also, as indicated in the name, it implies that the deceased are not really dead, as we know it, but living somewhere in another realm without their physical body. And, truth be told, the deceased would probably say they were experiencing even more aliveness than when they were living in the physical world! At least, that’s what I’ve been told!
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Waking from the Dream…

A Soul’s Perspective

(This poem came to a broken-hearted me, three months after Christian’s death. Showing me another perspective, it was a welcome gift of cheer, comfort and relief given to me from a higher aspect of myself)

I dreamed I was a body,
and you, a body too.
I dreamed bad things could happen,
both, to me and you.

I dreamed that there was sickness,
that death and loss were real.
I dreamed we could be separate,
Oh! … the pain that we could feel!
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“I’m Just a Room Away”

A few nights ago as I was retiring to my bed, I thought of Christian. Now gone for almost two years, I asked him, “Where are you? Are you close by… or far, far away? Please come for a visit. We miss you so, so much!”
With this, I fell fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up remembering this dream….

There was a room where my life played out. In it, I lived, slept and did all the things of life.
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Mantras… Tools for Empowerment

Mother Gayatri

Mother Gayatri

Throughout history, mantras have played an important role in bringing about states of peace, bliss and connection to the Divine. It is believed that mantras have power to elevate and transcend one from the lower frequencies of the human realm into the higher frequencies of a Godly realm. So, it’s no wonder that mantras of sound, prayer, meditation and song have become so popular. Time and experience has demonstrated this practice to be transformational.

Today, it is increasingly common for people to use mantras for the purpose of creating intentions and declaring affirmations into existence. Songs and sayings that empower and motivate have even been adopted as personal mantras. These are all great tools for raising one’s energetic frequency.
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Kevin’s Journey into the Light

Last night as I was waiting to drift off to sleep, there Kevin was, smiling at me in my mind’s eye. Apparently, Kevin wants me to share his story with you, as he keeps pushing his way up into the forefront of my thoughts. So, I will tell it to you.

It must have been1986 when we met. He was a costumer in an Italian restaurant I worked at. I was a single mother of two small children when we became friends. Kevin was a kind and loving soul. Besides being a great guy, Kevin was a pilot too.

Once, in a small plane, Kevin took me up into the night sky above our city. It was a warm and clear night. The lights below and above were most beautiful!

After that, I would see him on occasion, but gradually, with me getting married and both of us moving around, we eventually lost contact.
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Alchemy of Loss

A dark day at sea with the sun trying to break through the clouds

The emotional weather of loss and sadness

A marriage ends after thirty years. The kids are all grown, but still….

A breadwinner in a small town loses his job and with it, the means to support his family. He feels like a failure. He looks at the trusting faces of his wife and children and feels helpless. He doesn’t want to let them down.

Upon examination, the doctor tells her, “There’s a serious problem. Get your life in order…. You have no more than six months to live.” Shock and disbelief set in. The clock starts ticking…
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Death’s Painful Sting

I wrote this poem in two stages. The first part is about the horrific emotions I felt, and the state of mind I was in, almost immediately. The beginnings of this poem emerged within a few weeks of Christian’s death, and for months, I felt the painful depths of each and every word I wrote.

It wasn’t until I was on the edge of life and death, or as I call it, “the living dead” that I could not hang on anymore. I begged my God to take me home. It was in God’s reply back to me that showed me a future, somewhere out there on that dark horizon. And even though, at the time, I wasn’t sure how I would emotionally arrive at it, I could, at least see where my journey was taking me. So, I wrote down the words of God. After doing so, I could see that God was making a promise to me, to hold on, in time I would be healed of the terrible grief I experienced, and even better; that a powerful transformation would occur in my life. Is all I had to do was to keep an open and loving heart, trust and follow the path and road signs (words) God laid out for me, in the second part of my poem.

By the end of it all, I could see through the illusion of death and that life just does what life does. It’s not personal. By the grace of God, I learned to have grace myself, and see that, although loss is very sad, there is no reason to fear separation from another; for in an infinite reality, we are, and always will be connected. We are infinite beings! It is just the illusion of separation of ourselves in this life, that confuses us so much.

(For my Beloved Christian, who left this realm, March 31, 2010)

A girl is crying as she grieves a loved one

Grieving a loved one

Death’s Painful Sting by Jade  

How cold and cruel is death’s painful sting,

As tears falls from swollen eyes.

Then tales of separation,

Begin to speak their lies.


They tell you that you’ve lost,

The one you love so much.

Forever to be gone,

Coldly taken by death’s touch.

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Grieving a Sudden/Unexpected Death

This is my experience about how I eventually transformed the terrible darkness of despair and healed as I chose to enter into the light. How did I do it? I rose to my highest and strongest self and chose LOVE and LIGHT, rather then sinking to my lowest and weakest self, and allowing FEAR and BITTERNESS to overcome me. 

Here is my story on… How to grieve the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one…

When you hear the news, you simply refuse to believe what their mouth is saying and what your ears are hearing. Perhaps all sounds will cease and you will be left with only the motion of their mouth moving as shock and denial set in.

Emotions swell quickly. You know…. the ones you would rather not feel. The ones you’ve worked so hard all your life to avoid. No one likes these ones but nevertheless, it doesn’t stop them from coming forth with unabashed fury and intensity. Oh, this is intense! Breathe.
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