After the sudden and unexpected passing of her infant child, through a series of after-death communications, Reyna is assured her baby is happy, peaceful and in good hands.
Reyna writes:
“My infant son passed June 2015 unexpectedly. I was 7 months pregnant with his baby sister at the time. For two months, he sent me after-death communication almost every day. I think he was sending me ADC’s so often to help get me through my pregnancy.”
“About 3-4 days after his passing, he left a message for me through my Mother in her dream. He told her, “Tell my Mama to take care of my Daddy.” At the time, my child’s Father and I had been fighting. I told his Father I was going to leave him. When my Mother received the message from my son, she did not know his Father and I were fighting. I think my Son was telling me not to blame his Father for his passing, plus his Dad is a type 1 diabetic, so he wants me to stay with him and take care of him as he doesn’t take care of himself.” Continue reading