While Melisa is sick and scared and unsure of what to do, Grandma mysteriously appears and miraculously heals her ailments.
Melisa writes:
“I am trying to make sense of an experience that I had several months ago and am not able to find any similar experiences online and am interested in trying to find out if others have seen the same thing as I have.”
“One night I felt feverish with chills, so I went into my closet and put on a robe that used to be my grandmother’s robe that she gave to me. I went back to bed but was unable to sleep. I began to feel more ill and was so scared that I might die because my heart was beating so fast and I was silently crying. I was on the verge of waking my husband who was sleeping next to me and ask him to take me to the ER.”
“It was right at this point that I saw my grandmother hovering over the foot of my bed in a white flowing gown looking down at me. I then saw a large black shadow appear over my body and I felt it push down on my shoulders. Then suddenly, I was no longer ill or scared and felt completely calm. I then saw a bright light in my left peripheral vision. I looked to the left where there was a golden glowing hummingbird sitting on my husband’s pillow. The golden glow of this mesmerizing hummingbird was so intense that I stared at it for what seemed like several minutes. When I turned my head back to see my grandmother, she was gone and when I looked back to see the hummingbird, it was gone as well.”
“I have only told a select few about my experience because when I mentioned it to a colleague of mine, she told me that I was hallucinating because I must have had a high fever. However, I know that it was real and the few people that I have told, it was to give them hope that we really do live on.”
“I am most interested in finding out if others have seen a similar hummingbird or a shadow that healed them. Thank you for any guidance you can offer.”
Commentary- Because of their special nature, spiritual experiences can sometimes be difficult to make sense of. With this one, there are a few different things going on.
Suffering with worsening chills and fever, Melisa is sick and getting sicker. She even gets to the point of being afraid for her life. She is wide awake, crying and in need of help. At this point, things are so serious, Melisa is even wondering whether she should wake her husband to rush her to the E.R.
Suddenly, as she is snuggly wrapped like a hug in Grandma’s robe, it is no coincidence that Grandma appears at the foot of her bed. She is dressed in a white flowing gown which is typical of how a Guardian Angel may appear, signifying purity. (My hunch is that Grandma is a Guardian Angel to Melisa, watching over her in her times of need. This time was an emergency.)
You’ll notice that Grandma is very much aware of Melisa’s serious condition. Grandma knows that Melisa can see her, and witness the remarkable healing that is taking place that would end in nothing short of miraculous. Melisa was meant to experience this spiritual experience as authentic, as well as who was behind it. Grandma wanted Melisa to know this and all it implies about the amazing possibilities in the spiritual realms.
Although the black shadow could represent something dark, it could also represent something unknown or obscured from one’s view, that drew out Melisa’s sickness from her under Grandma’s watch. Melisa was left calm and well from the experience. There was no fear or illness left behind. Melisa was completely healed from her ordeal. This tells me that this method of healing was a matter of light.
As a spiritual signature left for Melisa from Grandma, a cute glowing golden hummingbird appears in which to mesmerize Melisa. However, if she didn’t before believe in an afterlife, Melisa sure had the proof to believe it now.
Not everyone is going to believe an experience like this without seeing it for oneself. And then… there are those who still doubt the reality of it even though the result was miraculous. It was easy for a co-worker to dismiss this sacred experience as a fever induced hallucination. It’s the physical brain’s first logical conclusion. But, just because you were feverish, it does not necessarily mean you were hallucinating. And what if you were? You can still see spiritual things that are real during hallucinations… maybe even better! And even without a fever, people commonly experience spiritual things they can’t explain. It’s called spiritual vision. It happens.

Hummingbird (Pixabay) Oberhol Ster Venita
About the significance of the hummingbird as after-death communications. Hummingbirds in all forms are a common after-death communication from loved ones who have passed away. They are winged ones who have a high vibrational frequency. Many believe a visit from a hummingbird is a message from a heavenly source, one of healing, hope, peace and comfort that everything will be fine. The glow of the hummingbird seems to double down that this is an extra spiritual experience. The golden glowing hummingbird was Melisa’s grandmother’s calling card as if to say, “Heaven is really amazing… even miraculous beyond all your dreams!”
What an amazing gift for Melissa at her time of greatest need! It’s nothing short of a miracle, and proof that our loved ones not only continue after physical death but also watch over us and even intervene sometimes. I have no doubt that my late husband and father both watch over me.
I am going through some really bad hallucinations an I cant seem to get myself together I hope that this will happen to me to In JESUS name I want the devil to leave an get off of my back thank you
I’m so sorry. That’s not good. Hugs.
Wow, what an amazing experience!
What a wonderful experience to have your grandma by your side in this time of need. Thanks for sharing.
This sounds like a profound experience and a true healing miracle. I always feel a special excitement when I see hummingbirds they are amazing.