While Kim peacefully slumbers, her departed husband, Terry, materializes as he literally watches over her while she sleeps.
Kim Writes:
“I read your latest post about ‘The Twilight Bridge.‘ You have no idea how timely this was for me. My experience with seeing Terry, happened just before dawn. I wake up several times nightly, look at the clock, sometimes watch the TV that I usually leave on now for “company” in hopes of keeping my mind occupied, so as not to dwell on my grief.”
“Recently, when I was still asleep, I was lying on my left side when I became aware of a big, blurry object hovering over my head, kind of kitty corner to the right of my face. It was about 12-13 inches away from my face. Still in dream state with my eyes closed, I kept trying to figure out what that “blurry thing” was. It looked like a huge head looking down over me. I kept looking at it when I suddenly realized it looked like my departed husband, Terry’s face!”
“His head looked to be about 12-14 inches wide, at least, and equally as tall. His eyes were closed due to his being over my head and looking downward at me or maybe because his head was hovering above mine and his eyes were looking downward. I kept wishing he would open his eyes to be more recognizable. I just wanted to look into his eyes.”
“His features were not very defined… but somehow I just knew it was Terry. The blurry shape was defined just enough for me to recognize his head shape and vague features. But why on earth was it just his head and why was it so HUGE?”
“It’s so hard for me to describe exactly how he looked, especially because his head was so big and blurry! Nothing else was around him, he did not even have a neck. Reminded me of that gigantic, round head only… projection (sort of a hologram) of The Wizard…from the old original movie, “The Wizard of Oz.”
“He said nothing. In all my after-death communications of him, I have NEVER heard him speak and usually have never had him actually look at me. But I vividly remember, that the moment I thought I recognized that it was indeed, him, my entire body started tingling wildly! I was so happy, I started crying and woke myself up calling out his name.”
“Having had after-death communications of him before and having this interesting reaction, I have come to realize that when I feel this tingling sensation, it IS TERRY verifying the after-death communication, along with his presence. That comforts me beyond belief, but also makes me cry uncontrollably… because I’m so lonesome for him. This coming May 8th he will have been gone for 1 year. It seems like forever… I’m still crying every day. All I have to do is think of Terry and the tears gush.”
“I’ve been wanting to ask, why doesn’t he talk to me?”
Commentary- It was in the mid 1800’s that British Scientist, John Henry Pepper, invented a 2D illusion technique that became very popular and was used for entertainment purposes. In plays, apparitions would materialize on stage with the actor, then would dematerialize, leaving the audience mystified by how this was possible.
The technique required a large glass screen, set at an angle to catch the reflection from a brightly lit actor in an area that was not seen by the audience. The reflection of the glass screen looked eerily like a ghost.
Today, you will recognize this technology if you have ever been to The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, where the funny looking ghosts appear to ride in the car with you as you pass by a mirror. Also, this same technique has been used in the theater, cinema, amusement parks, tv and concerts.

Hologram: Pixabay
A Hologram is a little different from Pepper’s Ghost, as it is 3 dimensional light field. Hologram means “whole picture.” Hungarian-British physicist, Dennis Gabor was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971 for his development of the holographic method. Similar to a sound recording, the hologram is a photographic recording of a light field which uses diffraction to reproduce a 3D light field, rather than an image formed by a lens.
Today, Holograms, like the one in the Wizard of Oz that Kim chuckled about, are used as technology in Military Mapping, Information Storage, Medical Training, Fraud and Security and Holographic Art. A deceased musical artist may now attend their own concert in which they perform. And now, we understand even more about this technology and how it is rapidly expanding. It’s all so very amazing!
But, here’s the thing. There was not a group of artists, scientists or holographic technicians in Kim’s bedroom projecting a big-headed Terry, while she slept and experienced a real time occurrence at ‘The Twilight Bridge’ that morning. With the exception of Terry’s head, she was alone when that happened.
Although we don’t always understand the amazing “effects” in which a spirit, for example, can greatly astonish us with materializing or dematerializing, it still happens without our knowledge. And, although we don’t always understand the mechanics through which our departed loved ones send us signs, communicate with us or even touch us, I’m here to tell you that we are smart and advanced in our technology, but… we are mere novices compared to those in the Heavenly realms.
So yes, Kim. It really might have been some sort of heavenly hologram. That might even explain the distortion in size. In Star Wars, Princess Leia appeared unusually small (doll-like) during one of her transmissions to Luke Skywalker, if you remember? So, is a spirit hologram really a thing? Sure, why not? It’s a thing here, why not there? A hologram might help to explain what happened. In other words, anything we can do here, the Heavenly realm can do much better.
As I explained in ‘The Twilight Bridge,’ just because your eyes are not open when you have these spiritual experiences, please do not think that you are not seeing what you really are seeing… and actually in a much more real and clear way. One of the greatest spiritual practices is to learn to see with your eyelids closed. Your spiritual eyes are very adapt to seeing what’s actually there, you just have to practice. We have just been trained to value our physical sight a whole lot more.
Kim writes that she “became aware of” a big blurry object hovering over her head. To me, “Becoming aware” of something is an indication of a relaxed brain at the time. A relaxed brain is an access for something extraordinary to happen that is beyond the physical senses of this world. This is what happened to Kim that morning. Her brain was so relaxed that she didn’t freak out about the unidentifiable big head watching over her. After wondering about it for a while in her relaxed state, her brain eventually went back to being its’ vigilant, 5-sense self as it fully awakened once again to face another day… and in doing so, the vision and visitation dematerialized into thin air.
In writing this, and also being a Hypnotherapist, I just re-realized why the state of mind experienced at ‘The Twilight Bridge’ is so important in accessing spiritual information. Normally, during daily life, the brain is alert and focused on the tasks at hand. Maybe it is involved in grieving if that is what you are going through at the time, but my point is, the brain is not relaxed enough to allow a higher level of information in. I’m referring to spiritual information. The bandwidth of the brain is considerably more focused on the physical aspects of survival than that of the spiritual realms of fascination. This is why I suggest that when you are experiencing some spiritual phenomena at ‘The Twilight Bridge’ or any other place where you are engaging spiritually, that you linger longer without having to have an explanation. Take it all in. Stay relaxed and enjoy the mystery, the brilliance, the astonishment and the wonder of it all. When you awaken, write down as much as you remember while it is still fresh. You will be able to figure out some semblance of the experience then.
Kim wonders why Terry never says anything. It is possible that Terry is still communicating without moving his mouth? His communications say, “I am here.” “I am watching over you.” “I am guiding you from beyond.” “And, Yes, Kim, this is me by your side.” Could his words say more than his actions?
It is possible that Terry sees Kim, even if his eyes are not fixed on her. Obviously, he knows where she is. Perhaps he’s more of a non-confrontative type of spirit. Perhaps sharing his consistent, quiet and gentle soul with her is more of what she needs to feel comforted and heal.
Sometimes they appear… talk to us, look at us, touch us and sometimes they don’t. It is possible that it is not intended that we are to know they are here with us, but we see them anyway. These are the astonishing things that mystify us and we will eventually understand how it all works that we/they can somehow communicate between two worlds. Also… at the same time, although we imagine that we are apart for now, we might try to understand that thinking we could ever be separate is but an illusion. Our departed loved ones are always with us. Even if we can’t grasp it now. They are here. When you actually get this truth as an experience, those two worlds will become as one.

Image by deselect: Pixabay
(Information about history of Pepper’s Ghost and Holography- Credit:Wikipedia)
I love Kim’s story! And Jade’s characterization of the “relaxed brain” is so spot-on. When we’re awake, we’re focused on the physical plane, so we automatically filter out anything but the physical. When we’re relaxed, either asleep or in the between states as we are falling asleep or awakening, we are in the “mind awake/body asleep” state, and the opposite happens. We aren’t focusing at all on the physical, and we aren’t evaluating and judging, we are simply experiencing. I, too, lost my husband, and I found out right away that the sleep state, and the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states, are rife with opportunities to visit with my husband. I also experienced that with my dad after he died…I even had the same sort of experience when his head appeared before me. It was in a dream, and his head “tore through” the fabric of my dreamscape! It was quite a surprise, and quite a validation that life goes on after death, that our loved ones are watching over us, and that they want badly to connect with us in some way.
Bless you, Kim…my heart goes out to you. I wish you many more connections with your husband beyond the veil.
Oh Claudia! Thank you for sharing your experiences and insight! Very comforting indeed!
And yes, you’re right…with regard to having the best chance of “connecting” when we are at our most relaxed, either drifting off to sleep or awakening. All of my “connections ” have been in the wee hours of the morning, just before my usual waking time, which is just before dawn.
I’m always In awe when I recognize that it is indeed my husband, but the moment that I recognize him, I get SO excited that I startle myself awake and “poof!” ….he’s gone! Which leaves me horribly sad and lonely.
I’m constantly praying that he will talk to me, let me know if I’m doing the right things…I’m planning on moving near one of my sons, 3 hours away, in order to have him and his wife help me in my old age, which is right on my doorstep! I just turned 65. It will be horrifically sad to leave the home Terry and I loved and lived in for over 20 years. But the reality is, it will be better for me to have my son help me when I need it.
And actually, I must be grateful that I have a great son who WANTS to take care of me! Not everyone is so fortunate! So I must count my blessings!
Kim. No worries, Terry will follow you. 🙂 He will have his beloved wife and son close together.
Great story Kim and Jade. I understand and appreciate the comparison with a hologram.
Jade’s comment was going to be my own, Kim…your husband will follow you everywhere you go. Trust that he knows and wants what is best for you and he is behind you, holding you, as you move through those decisions and their results. I know the frustration of seeing your husband in the hypnagogic state only to have your delight and excitement break the connection by bringing you to waking consciousness. The visits may be brief but cherish and revel in the fact that you are, indeed, connecting with your husband in spirit, proof that he is still very much “alive” and reaching out. The connection, like his energy, will NEVER die.
“…anything we can do here, the Heavenly realm can do much better.”
I never thought about the details of how a communication from the other side would happen. But projecting a one’s image across dimensions is no small feat. This article gives food for thought and makes a good comparison to how we would do something similar in our world. Thanks for sharing Kim and Jade.
Thanks for sharing this experience, Kim, how wonderful for you to see your beloved watching over you. Wonderful to know he can be there for you in such a way and that your connection is eternal. Thank you Jade for your insight on this type of occurance and how our awareness can shift with a relaxed brain. So much we miss when we are occupied in our heads with other things.
The EXACT same thing happened to me. It baffles me to this day. I awoke to a large face hovering directly over me.I was afraid and also confused . She didn’t talk or move except for the fact the head appeared to slowly turn so I could see all features from right, center, left. It never made direct visual contact with me. At this point I leaned over to reach for my cell phone to use the flashlight and when I leaned back it was gone. It hit me that it was similar looking to my grandmother I had never met but also felt like my mother, daughter and myself who are all still here.
Wow, that’s cool. Thank for sharing that.
The same thing happened to me, my husband face appeared as a hologram, but he actually showed me his dad who I had never met, he was sitting in a armchair reading a large newspaper, my husband face then appeared to change and it was his face changing through various ages he was only 52 when he passed away, I can explain it like melted wax changing his face from different ages, his last look what he showed me was him in his 70’s Wearing a flat cap which he took off and I can actually remember saying to him I can’t believe he’s bald as he had no hair on top Just the sides. The most amazing part was he actually lent out and kissed my lips before he disappeared so much so I felt the contact and it actually made me jump. It was a special and magical moment I had which I can’t explain but I know will probably never happen again
Wow! Thanks for sharing. That’s amazing! It could happen again. You never know. It’s all so mysterious but we know what we experience is what we’ve experienced. Interesting.