One night last Christmas time, while making her rounds in the hospital, Linda notices something very interesting in the hospital safety mirror.
Linda writes:
“This past December of 2020, marked 3 months since the transitioning from this earthly realm of the only man I ever truly deeply loved since I was 25 years old. Due to circumstances in each of our lives we could not be together, but we share a beautiful daughter, and love between us never ended and never will.”
“I was really struggling and in so much sorrow and pain. And although I was so very blessed as to receive some very special signs/communication from him, I just could not seem to find at times, my way out of that deep dark place of loss.”

Safety Mirror at hospital
“I am a nurse on an inpatient mental health unit and I work night shift, which entails making 15 minute checks on each patient all through the night for safety. There are 2 curved mirrors in the hallway which are there to increase range of view in hallway, also for safety’s sake. I have worked here for 7 years, so you can imagine how many times I have passed those mirrors, seeing the usual reflection of the surroundings and myself as I pass by.”
“However, this past December, during the week after Christmas, when I passed by there, something was so different that it caught my attention. I saw what looked like a dull whitish/grayish blurred image of a figure dancing around. The lights are dimmed at night in hallways to promote better sleep for the patients. So mirror images are darker at night. But there was definite movement that evening. Then, as I kept passing it during the night, and subsequent nights, there was also an image of twinkling lights in a shape of a Christmas tree.”

“I was sure my grief had now literally driven me crazy and I was hallucinating. Over the next few weeks, the images continued of a figure dancing around and more lights – sometimes, beams or little balls of light, sometimes glitter and sparkles and couple of times in shape of a little lasso. In the mirror, they appear behind, around and with me in the dark alcove. They were occasionally shooting out of the reflected image in mirror into the hallway floor and wall. ”
“I did not tell anyone at first, then decided, of course, I must tell Jade. She reassured me that it was not insanity. I did not see this anywhere else. I did not at first associate this with my Beloved because it seemed too fanciful and he was not a sparkle and glitter type of guy who would be dancing around shooting balls of light! But, more recently, when I began to go through a particularly rough patch of longing and despondency at Easter (which held significance for us), there was an additional feature.”
“When these images appeared reflected in the mirror, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, in my peripheral vision, there began to be a dark shadow appear, almost like a cloud shape, close beside my face. It was not at all scary, in fact, it felt warm like a little hug.”
“Then, I knew, it was him creating the wondrous light show for my benefit – something to cheer me up, lighten my grief, literally with lights and something fun and frivolous filled with glitter and sparkles that I love so much. And just to be scientific, there is no other source of light in that hallway – no other lighting fixtures or no windows or any other source of light that could be casting reflections of light from any other outside source.”
“Some might say, “Perhaps you have an eye disease/disorder”, but even though such a thing is possible to some extent, it would not be happening only in this setting and it’s not consistent.”
“Before his passing, we would talk each night just before I walked into the hospital and this was one of the most special times when we would talk. I longed for this constantly and although I still long for and miss his voice and those conversations, I know I will most likely be visited by him in this new and special way, and the bond, the love, the support, the relationship goes on forever.”
Commentary- When Linda finally had courage enough to mention to me this unusual, repeated experience that she was having, I recognized the phenomenon right away. I read about it years ago and, being curious, I thought about trying it for myself several times to see what would happen but never did.
Although Linda might have thought, because she was “seeing things” that she was either going crazy, sleep deprived, bereaved or was having an eye issue, the truth is Linda was actually seeing things in and around the mirror. She just happened upon it by accident that night that she noticed.
Throughout history, people of all races and belief systems have used mirrors, glass, steam, smoke, shiny things and still water surfaces as a method in which to catch a glimpse of their loved ones in the afterlife. Like Linda, sometimes it was an accidental discovery and sometimes it was a planned method to get a much needed relief. It just depended on the people and what was known and practiced.
Anyone who has lost a loved one knows that deep-rooted gnawing desire to experience a departed loved one once again. The loss and longing are intense. This desire is at the heart of our love. Many times this desire compels us to attempt to connect in whatever way seems possible whether it be through a Medium or some other way.
Although it might seem unbelievable to some, throughout time, others have gone ahead with what seemed impossible, to try to satisfy this desire.
Some history of this phenomenon
- As I was researching this subject, I came upon a 2019 Dissertation, Mirrors as Portals: Image of Mirrors on Ancient Maya Ceramics by Julie Rogers. In her research, she mentions that the Maya believed in mirrors, water surfaces and shiny stones as a way to connect to other spiritual realms. This is even reflected heavily in their Hieroglyphics and ceramics found today. To them, these surfaces were considered to be a window for Spiritual beings to look in on humans. I guess it’s like T.V. for the Gods to watch us.
- The Greek’s Necromanteum or Oracles of the Dead, was a well known place full of ritual and preparation performed to be able to go deep within this Greek Temple to connect with departed loved ones. Many found it helpful and healing, even thought others claimed it to be a gimmick.
- Dr. Raymond Moody is a famous Medical Doctor and recorder of thousands of near-death experiences, even coining that term, and an Author and Speaker. At one point in his life, Dr. Moody became so fascinated in the ancient Greek tradition of reuniting with the dead, he studied the ancient version of the Necromanteum and came up with his own version for the bereaved to experience at his country home. With a comfortable chair, mirror placed just right, dim lighting and an all day ritual of focusing on their departed loved one, many people were able to go into this modern day Psychomenteum to experience a connection with their loved one. What made this really powerful was that, as a subject participating in this method, the result many people would experience by receiving this manifestation, was profound healing effects. No one was afraid when they entered in and waited for their departed loved ones. The experience seemed very real, comforting and natural to these folks.
- Among the many peoples of the Earth for which this was a tradition, some Native American groups I read about had their own methods of breaching the portal from this world into the next. For many peoples, these shiny surfaces, especially that of a mirror was a way to travel into other realms.
- Some belief systems use mirrors as symbolism of eternity or a life that has no beginning or no ending and that it’s all just one big eternal life.
Other common examples that these reflective surfaces have been viewed as portals into another realm
- I’m sure many have heard the story of Abraham Lincoln, just after election, while looking in the mirror saw two reflections of himself: one looked normal, the other ghostly. While he tried to show his wife this spectacle, which appeared a few other times, she was never around when it happened. This story points to a mirror vision. One that tried to warn him about his impending death.
- When someone sends me an image of an indoor orb, I notice that sometimes that orb can be seen as though it entered through an open window or door. Sometimes even a mirror is around. Not every time, but it has given me pause to wonder.
- When people leave us to cross over, often, through near-death experiences, we hear that a portal will appear to open up for them to pass through, allowing them access into this different and new realm. Similar to a wormhole this could be like an actual method of transportation to jump dimensions and realms.
- Seers can also be seen as looking through the mirror for you, if you can’t… or don’t think you can develop the skills to do so. These people are also known as Mediums. While there are some good and real ones out there, how do you really know which ones? How will you know that they can connect with your loved one? This is why I always encourage people who ask me about getting a Medium, to look into the portal for themselves. It happens all the time.
So what does this have to do with Linda’s experience? Well, I immediately realized that Linda was experiencing this particular shiny surface phenomenon. Although we don’t completely understand how it works. Although it may seem weird or spooky, Linda is neither freaked out or afraid. It was just something she was experiencing. She never got a bad feeling about it, even though she didn’t know how it was possible. It was just Thellis blowing her mind with his gifts.
Linda knows that she was/is not making this up. Have you ever noticed that when a spiritual experience is encountered, that it just happens out of nowhere? Even if you were to go back to recreate it or try to create another one, you can’t. It is either there or it’s not there, no matter how hard you try. My point is… these unexplained spiritual experiences really happen. While you are in awe, you might as well enjoy the wonder of them, right?
Sometimes, Linda is really in the mood to experience her loved one’s light show for her in the mirror… but it doesn’t always happen, no matter how hopeful she is to make it so. This, to her, lets her know that this is happening independently of her. When it does happen, sometimes the activity is light and sometimes dramatic. Sometimes there are more bells and whistles and super sparkly. Sometimes it is bright, sometimes more dim.
Linda has come to realize that this is her dear loved one, Thellis, the love of her life and soulmate, trying to make his presence known while trying to say with the lit Christmas tree, “Merry Christmas!” “Happy Easter and new beginnings!” with all the bright and sparkly things she loves to brighten up her life. “I’m right next to you with the shadow that leaves the portal to be by her side.” And, my favorite, the lasso… hoping to rope her into knowing this is real and all for her. It’s like she gets to watch T.V. at work!
Hey, I’ve written commentaries on spiritual phenomena for a long time now. Nothing surprises me anymore. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that I have experienced many of them for myself. Being an open-minded skeptic, having varied personal experience of these is a necessity for me to know the truth of them but also, to even begin to explain them to others.
As far as after-death communications, some people are visited by their departed loved ones in dreams, some through blinking lights or other electronic methods, some through orbs, birds, flying insects and other animals. Then there are those who actually get a phone call from their loved one, or they see them materialize, or hear their voice out loud or in a song. There are literal signs, messages left (literal and metaphorical) for us to realize in the most obvious places. There is a lot of extraordinary evidence our loved ones give us to let us know they are around. Why couldn’t this visitation happen through a portal in a mirror?

Linda’s description of movement

Linda’s description of what appears in the alcove
What a lovely experience. I hope it continues for you Linda.
Thank you, Liz.
I hope it continues too. But I have to trust that it will as long as it’s meant to. And if it has to end, then something better will manifest– but this is not easy. It is such a source of comfort and healing that I do have to work very hard on gratitude and enjoy while it is present.
Best wishes,
Interesting commentary. 👌
LINDA, You are so lucky. And of course, thank you Jade for the reassuring interpretation and additional info.
Yes, Kathy, I do feel lucky.
Thank you for commenting
And of course, as always,
Jade, your commentary
is always so beautifully written with so much teaching, information, and reassuring comfort and encouragement that we all
come away feeling better.
Thanks Linda. Xo
That is very special. Thanks for sharing Linda! I have also lost the love of my life and it is still very difficult at times. I wish you peace . Love never dies.
Hi, Karen.
Thank you for commenting and for your good wishes for peace and the reminder that love never dies. And I do believe thus wholeheartedly but learning how to feel and know and trust our ongoing connection continues and even grows stronger, but does so in a different non-physical basis is very hard for me to adjust to. It has been less than one year , so i hope to grow spiritually stronger to trust the process and find that peace. I know our loved one wants us to and tries to help us do so by communicating with us however they can get through.
Wishing you the best,
Linda, your experience is wonderful! I lost my soul mate seven years ago and have had many signs and visits from him, the latter mostly in dreams. We can’t know exactly HOW our loved one in spirit will reach out to us, only that they DO. Our job is to notice and not dismiss out of hand. Your soul mate’s Christmas visit was the perfect gift!
Thank you so much for your comments, Claudia.
It is amazing to me how varied the ways are in which they do make contact with us. And certainly I did not expect the mirror event as I was not familiar with this phenomena- – and how many times have I walked past those mirrors in the years I’ve worked there? Never did I dream they would one day be a portal to anither realm. And at a time when in such a state of sorrow that I wondered everyday how I could live with such pain. Yes, a beautiful and healing gift for which I’m very grateful. I am so glad to hear you’ve
been blessed with signs and visits throughout these 7 years.
That’s a fascinating experience you’ve been having, Linda.
I find this very interesting. There’s much more to this universe than we can know or control. Thanks for sharing.
Very amazing experience, Linda. And thank Jade, love all the examples in history of this type of spirtual phenomenon. I can’t help but notice that mirror has an eye like appearance…not sure if that’s significant, but it’s cool to me that this is where you have seen such visual communications.
That’s actually a good point about the mirror shape.😊
Thanks, Crystal.
Very interesting and beautiful experiences. That is a fancy mirror the way it covers a huge area like that and provides a portal to connect with your loved one. Fascinating how there has been a lot of historical context and research done on mirrors used spiritually.
I am a Gate Keeper at the death portal. Spirits of the dead have communicated with me in mirrors. This started happening 50 years ago.
I have been with family members and pets when they have died and go into the death portal.
Friends passed loved ones have come to me while I sleep with messages.
I believe everything Linda said.
Bless her, I feel her grief. 💜
Nice! If she had not have witnessed it several times for herself, she wouldn’t have believed it. She’ll be happy for the confirmation.
Thank you!
Hey Linda I lost my ex husband 3 years ago and my step son last year . It’s been tough . I , too have been experiencing the same as you. I’m just now realizing what I am seeing . I have many coming to me . They even try talking to me but I don’t understand what they are saying and I don’t know them . I’ve always had auro about me but it is crazy what’s going on.. I haven’t learned how to shut it off , if I can at times. I also noticed them in my car. SMH. Any advice