In these visual after-death communications, Bridgette captures some images which let her know that her beloved mother and son, still live on in another plane.
Bridgette experiences after-death communications on a regular basis since her son, Durell, crossed over on January 26th, 2015, which was a year ago to the day of this post. Armed with her dogs, Man and Lady, her camera and her extraordinary faith and awareness, Bridgette manages to catch images in the successful attempt to connect with those from beyond.
Bridgette writes:
“I start filming when I feel Durell here, or when my dogs are looking hard watching something I can’t see. A couple of weeks after Durell passed, I had a really rough weekend. I sobbed hard for 3 solid days. That Sunday afternoon, my friend, Leslie, (who is the mother of Gian, the 7 year old I told you about that has seen my son several times), told me that she had a dream the night before. In the dream, Durell appeared to Leslie, who is Spanish and doesn’t speak fluent English. When reporting the dream to Bridgette, Leslie said, “Bridgette. Me dream of your baby. He no say nothing. He only smile. Me think he wants me to tell you stop crying.” Continue reading