After tossing and turning and unable to sleep one night, Liz turns her thoughts to her departed father, when she experiences an unexplainable gust of wind in her face.
Liz writes:
“I usually sleep really well, but if I wake up around 3 am, I meditate myself back to sleep and go on beautiful journeys. This night, nothing could get me back to sleep no matter how hard I tried, so gave up turned over and thought of my Dad who had crossed over.”
“After awhile of thinking of my Dad, I gave up on that, too, and turned over again. My side of the bed is next to the window- about 3 feet away. The window was only open 2 inches. The blinds were down, but blades open. As I lay there with closed eyes and an arm and leg out of the covers, I felt a strong gust of wind in my face. Nowhere else on my bare arm or leg or chest, just straight in the face.”
“Feeling the gust of wind, I thought, “That was aggressive” and my eyes sprung open. The blinds were still, and there was no way from the distance from the window, with no wind as such, outside, that I would have got that wind gust directly in the face.”
“If it had have been windy, I would have felt it on my arm and leg. I thought immediately of Dad, and laughed thinking he was still learning how to cause a wind gust; explaining the reason it was so strong. I then thought that he was trying to tell me to stop thinking of him. Who knows?”
Commentary- The element of wind could best be describe as being invisible, yet having some degree of flow. Although the wind could be lightly blowing, it may be subtle. In fact, so subtle… one may not even notice it. But when the wind blows forcefully, it’s difficult to miss.
Like wind, breath and spirit are analogous; invisible, yet having some degree of flow. In Liz’s case, because of the degree of flow, it was difficult to miss. Liz’s experience symbolizes a visit from a spirit who wanted her attention.
When I think of Liz, unable to sleep that night, then turning her thoughts to her departed Dad, I see a few different messages from this father, to his daughter. With that unmistakable gust of wind, Liz’s father was letting her know that he was with her in that very moment and wanted her to know this, without a doubt. Also, perhaps he wasn’t trying to tell Liz not to think of him, but rather, was aware of her distress and there to help.

Sleepy night under the moon
Like the gentle flow of a warm wind that has the power to caress us into deep relaxation, our very own warm breath has the power to breathe deeply, as we push ourselves off into a deep slumber. Besides being there for her, it’s very possible that Liz’s father was showing her the way to sleep.
For more visitations from Liz’s father- Heavenly Signs and “Hi” From Heaven
Thanks so much Jayde. That was lovely. It’s not happened since, even on the windiest of nights with the window wider open. If I feel a gust of wind, it’s never directly in my face like that night.
Sure. I’m glad you like it. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Your dad likes to show up in some ethereal ways- clouds and wind. I’m glad he has made his presence known to you so much. xo
I just had a similar unexplained gust of wind in my face inside my house. It was about 4 hours or maybe 5 hours after having to euthanize my dog. I’ve never cried more in my life. He and I were together almost 24/7 I would even take him w me to work. We were together 24/7 nearly for over 12 years he was 4 when I got him. And even though he was older it was so hard. I miss him daily. I also had two objects fall frim a table within 5 mins a few days after he passed.
Hi Robin, I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs. And, remember, Love is the bond that holds us together. I’m sure your dog is still around trying to comfort you.
Thank you for sharing. Nice that your Dad made himself known that night.
I,like Liz had a similar experience. My mother died in my arms February of 2012. We were extremely close. About six months ago I was spending the night at a friend’s house. He showed me to his sister’s childhood room.. Before we went in the house we were sitting outside and I was talking about my mother for about fifteen minutes
As I hot into bed I was laying there thinking of my mother. All of a sudden a gust of wind went across my face. At first I was alarmed. I got up and checked to see if the window was open or if the room had central air or even a ceiling fan. None of these were the case. I went back to lay down. and closed my ryes and the gust of wind came back..across my face(wind is my favorite weather). The wind kept moving and was cool. I felt so loved, so peaceful and I knew it was my mother. After about ten minutes I spoke oiut loud and said “Is that you mummy?” Then immediately the wind stopped. I felt so blessed.
Approximately six months later, I was in my new apartment and once again laid down to sleep and was thinking about my mother. Again,, the gust of wind across my face had come back. This time I enjoyed it for about five minutes and then said “Hi mummy” and the wind stopped.
I feel very blessed and have no doubts that this is my mother.visiting and watching over me.
That is so awesome, Lisa. I’m glad you recognized her visits to you. You are blessed! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing Lisa. I’ve ALWAYS believed this because I too have had similar experiences. God Bless!!!
Something very odd happened to me Monday morning so I was looking for research on gusts of wind inside the house. My mother passed away in October 2020. She finally joined my father on the other side after 11 years. I always thought to myself if somebody could get through and reach out to any of us it would be her! My husband gets up for work around 3 AM and went to go do his routine in the kitchen before leaving around 6:30 AM. I always kind of wake when he goes to take a shower so I went and rolled over the other direction and tried to focus on falling asleep again. At around 5 AM I was having a deep dream about being in church and singing songs that I felt were linked to my mother. In my dream the group I was in was told us this is the special song and all the sudden I was awoken by a strong continuous wind that was rolling across my whole entire body I could feel it and I could hear it but I could not move. I was looking around the room and my dogs weren’t reacting and I cannot see any blinds moving or anything I told myself not to be scared and then it stopped. I keep asking myself was it a dream and I kept telling myself no it really happened I thought I might be going crazy. So later in the evening my husband got home and he said hey I have to tell you some thing odd that happened this morning at about 5 AM. He said he was putting his breakfast in the microwave which is right in front of blinds in the kitchen and all the sudden the blind string just started swinging left right nothing else was moving and there was no wind in the house or windows open. I just looked at him in shock and said I had some thing happened to me at exactly 5am as well. We are convinced we had a visitor that tried to give me a message in the bedroom and then exited through the window in the kitchen it’s the only thing we could think of. Or I am crazy!
You are not crazy. 🙂 It’s a thing. So glad you were visited by your mom and both you and your hubby experienced the same thing but in different places. For sure she was trying to get your attention to say hi and she is with you. That’s wonderful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I have something to share that just happened to me in my bath tub. A huge gust of wind just hit me in the face actually moving my hair doors are closed AC is on. Nothing has fallen in the. I am a truck driver and just got off the phone with another driver we run 24 hours I’ve been waiting a few days for a trailer so I can start working. He told me at 12 tonight I can pick the trailer up I hung up and got in the tub started texting my brother about old trucks to restore and said I would like one day when my bills are caught up and that’s when the wind hit me. I recently lost my mother it’s still hard to deal with there’s a clock she made me that stopped it stopped on the day she died.. She also wrote a small note and put it in a Bible and gave it to me years ago I just happened to open it just recently and she talked about her death and I never knew it was there till I looked at it recently . I don’t even know why I open the Bible. I had a dream about my mother about a week after she died she was young again and happy she was in a town skyscrapers were everywhere that’s not my mother she was a country but she looked at me and smiled I ran to her and hug her told her I couldn’t do this without her she said do not worried she would never leave me. So the reason I’m writing this is this Gust of wind that hit me tonight. I don’t know how to take it.
Hi Johnny. Thank you for sharing all your after-death communications with your mom. They are amazing! Yep, the gust of wind is one of the ways they communicate. You’re in the right place. She is letting you know that she will never leave you. Could love do anything else?
I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it’s so difficult. Among those other lives lost to me, I just lost a beloved kitty today and about to lose another cat soon. But the truth is, no life is truly ever lost as they remain with us in a way that we can’t completely comprehend in this physical realm.
May you be blessed in your sacred time of grief.
Thanks for reaching out. Take care of yourself and know that she meant what she said. 🙂 You’ll see her again. Hugs, jade
Hi. My name is Jarrod and I just want to share my experience that I had earlier this morning on Friday 4th October 2019 (4/10/19), round about 3:00am or so? So I was on my phone just casually going through my settings and changing a few things around and had been doing this since about 10:00/11:00pm the night before. I was sitting on my bed, in my room and it was quiet. No one was up apart from myself and I started hearing strange noises here and there? But that’s not what the problem was… I didn’t really take much not of the strange sounds as it could have been anything? So I continued to do things on my phone etc and I think about 3:00am or something like that? Out of nowhere, I felt this really fast gust off wind just go past/through me as I was sitting on my bed and it freaked me out as it was my first time experiencing something like this. Could you maybe clarify what this was and what it meant, please? Also, I did have my fan on but what I felt, felt nothing like the fan wind! This was fast as if it were a windy day with wind blowing by.
Thank you loads,
Thanks for sharing your experience, Jarrod. It does sound supernatural, for sure. I wonder if you have a departed loved one who was trying to get your attention? Do you?
Yes, I have a lot of loved ones who have passed and the night before, i was talking about them and one in particular who come to mind was my nan who i love and miss dearly! I just got so freaked out but felt like it meant no harm. Thank you for the clarification, Jade. If i may… Do you do personal readings for free? Just that i want answers as to what it was that I felt? And if my family want to communicate? Thank you so much…
It makes sense that it was Nan, or one of the others you were focused on. 🙂 You can tell the difference as to whether it’s a good spirit or bad one. It’s obvious. It sounds like she was just letting you know that she was aware of your conversation about her and she is with you, loving you as well.
Believe me, I do a lot of things for the sake of this site for free, but I don’t do personal readings very much, unless those from beyond seek me out. Many times, they will come through in my commentary to a post that people submit to me though. That is common.
You’re welcome.
Sorry for the late message, Jade. Yes, that’s what i was thinking? Because the night before, I did mention my nan in a conversation and also, dad told me that it could have been from talking about nan that i experienced what i did? But I just want some clarification as to what it was that I felt and if there’s any way to communicate, possibly?
Thank you loads,
Your dad is right. When we focus on our departed, many time they show us that they are aware of us as a sign for us to know that they still exist and are still with us, loving us from the other side. Not much more to know from them. You can learn ways to communicate with them, I used to teach that online class, but it definitely takes clearing a space for that to happen. Usually, there is a lot in the way of communication between us and them and what is there is mostly us. We easily get in our own way of most everything we try to do. 😉
I have a lot of stuff inter-mixed on my side. Check it out if you want to learn more. It’s a fascinating subject. I’m glad you got to have this experience first hand. Very powerful. 🙂
Thanks for reading and writing your experience. Being open to it goes a long way too.
Thank you so much Jade for your wise words as it honestly has put my mind at ease and knowing that what i felt was a good thing. I hope more moments like the one i had, happen more often? Thank you loads once again, Jade. Keep up the good work you do = ).
Thank you for your kind words, Jarrod.
Being a humble, open, sensitive person while having the desire to receive them, I’m sure you will get many more signs and after-death communications from beyond. And, it will amaze you!:) Let me know when the next one comes.
Yes, that is for sure. That is so right and i definitely will let you know when the next occurance happens, Jade. Thank you so so much, again = ). Means a lot
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My mom died about a year ago an we was very very close but weird things are happening now as I sit in my living room a cool breeze is keep coming to me an now I am confuse. I cant think anymore an i ca t sleep and i am very light headed an also i feel like things are touching me!! What is this a sign of because now it is starting to scare me! Is my mother trying to tell me something that I can’t comprehend what an why I am feeling like this!! I need to know quick! I go to the doctor tom but has a illness came upon me that I dont know about I need to know at your best can u tell me why? I just feel weird thank u!!
Hi Ossie,
First of all, my condolences about your mom. Hugs.
Many do experience after-death communications that can include an unexplainable breeze, as well as the feeling of being touched, among many more experiences. This happens mainly for our departed loved ones to comfort us and let us know that they survived the grave and that they want us to know they are still with us. Not often are there any messages more important than these.
The light headedness, confusion and lack of sleep could be something akin to anxiety because you are telling me that you are starting to get scared. For me, although it can seem to be strange or unexplainable at the time for these things to happen, I personally do not feel fear when I receive them or when I hear others have received them as I know there is more to existence than what we experience in this life. It’s happened to me a lot and I’ve see many things so having experiences like that do not frighten me at all, nor do I think these experiences are of anything impure. I think these unexplainable experiences are amazing and point to a continued life beyond the grave. They give me comfort, personally.
Having said all of this, I am not a doctor and do not know if you are having symptoms that require medical help. If you think you might have a medical issue, please see a doctor. I wish only the best for you.
And also, this might also be just plain and simple grief. These symptoms are common. And, your mom might be trying to comfort you, too. 🙂 Many blessing. I hope you start to feel better. Keep me posted. You can write me at to correspond personally to me.
Liz, I feel this frequently. I have spent a few years trying to find someone who actually felt the same thing. I have felt this gust of wind, smelled scents and have felt like a spiritual breath was breathing spoken words into me–into my nostrils. I actually do NOT want this experience and wish I didn’t have it. I’m just being honest. What other people may regard as being God’s Holy Spirit, a miracle, or another spirit is an experience I wish I didn’t have. I hope you don’t experience it anymore. I first experienced it the day before I went to a Mass service. At the time, a strong gust of wind blew into my face and smelled like the incense that the Catholic Church I was going to used. After this, I felt like God had told me that the subject of “forgiveness” would be discussed at this upcoming Mass service. I thought that I had just had a supernatural experience–but I didn’t take the message about discussion of forgiveness at the Mass too seriously. The next day, I realized it was Father’s Day–June 16, 2013–so I expected the priest to discuss the relationship between a father and a child and the importance of being a father, etc., because it was Father’s Day, after all. However, the first person who went up to the podium to read from the Bible began reading from 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13. This section is about the Lord’s message to King David after David killed Bathsheba’s husband to make her his wife. The Lord delivers this message to David through a prophet named Nathan who tells him how much the Lord has done for him and how much David has sinned greatly against the Lord by killing Bathsheba’s husband to make her his wife. The LORD tells David what the consequences for his sin are–and David realizes how much he has sinned against the Lord. David tells Nathan this–and Nathan tells him, “The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die.”
The next reading was from Luke 7:36-50 and was about the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and anointed them with ointment. Jesus tells a parable to a Pharisee who criticized the woman for touching Jesus. The parable is about two people who were in debt to a creditor. One person’s debt was small and the other person’s debt was large. Neither person could repay the creditor–so the creditor forgave the debt each person owed. He goes on to explain that person whose larger debt was forgiven by the creditor will love the creditor more. He says that the woman who washed his feet has shown great love by doing what she did–and her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great love. He also explains that alternatively, the “[…] one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” He tells the woman that her faith has saved her and to go in peace.
Both sections taught about forgiveness. The readings were selected from a collection of Daily Readings. You can find these in the Catholic app “Laudate.” Click on “Daily Readings & Saint of the Day”. At the very bottom of the screen, click on “Select date”. You can enter June 16, 2013 and after you enter a date, click on the backward arrow at the top of the screen to go back. This time, a list of links will appear for June 16, 2013. Click on “Daily Readings” and the daily reading for June 16, 2013 will appear. I’m sure you could google the daily reading in the Laudate’s for June 16, 2013 if you wanted to.
After I realized that I had just witnessed a miracle while sitting in the pews of the church that day–I was blown away. The gust of wind, the scent of the incense that I smelled out of nowhere, the message from God that told me forgiveness would be discussed during the next Mass. On the day of Mass, I remembered that it was Father’s Day and had expected the priest to talk about Fathers, etc.–but instead, forgiveness was discussed. As soon as the first person began reading about King David, the Lord and Nathan in the Bible, I realized that I had just experienced a miracle.
Even though this seems like a wonderful experience, many of my experiences are miserable to deal with. I actually do not want this experience, like I said before. I think God has been unfair in how he has treated me–and he’s been cruel. I’m just being honest about how I feel and don’t want to be preached to right now. I’m amazed that I have actually found one person who has experienced a simpler version of what I have experienced–and if you think what I have described sounds awesome, it’s not. I don’t wish for anyone to experience what I experience. My reasons would take too long to explain–and most people still don’t understand. What I feel and sense are more complicated than what you experienced. I feel and sense inaudible words being breathed into me. I have smelled certain scents when I wasn’t around anything that smelled like these scents. I have seen some events happen after I was foretold about them. I hope the first time you experienced this wind is the only time that you have have this experience. I wish I didn’t have it. I’m not a particularly strong spiritual person. I think God is trying to humble me–but this has gone on for years and I just want to live my life and move forward instead of constantly have to worry about every forewarning and test I feel I’m told. It’s exhausting. If you (or anyone reading this and can relate) wants to talk, please respond.
Thanks for sharing.🙂
I had a dream two nights ago that a friend who had passed was looking at me and I was yelling at her to stop looking at me . I woke up with a feeling someone was going to pass . Then last night I woke in the middle night to what felt like a freezing wind blowing over me and under my blanket . When I opened my eyes no wind and everything was calm . Then I received I call this morning that a good friend who I haven’t seen in many years had passed llast night . It’s not the first time I have felt the wind through my body . It happened many years ago and I was in deep sleep and woke to what felt like cyclone winds running through me . Only for seconds I think . I couldn’t move and I couldn’t open my eyes . Then it just disappeared.
That’s amazing. Thanks for sharing and, sorry for your loss. Hugs.
i think i felt this same thing when I was presence in the spirit of YHWH, i felt someone was blowing a cold wind on my nostrils or face and no matter how much i hide my face i still felt it. today i still feel it but very less, i feel it more when i grieve or feel deeply sad about life and certain situations.
All the while my breath [is] in me, and the spirit of G_D [is] in my nostrils;
Job 27:3