The Terrifying Last 18 Days

Keisha shares the last terrifying days of her mother’s life and the comfort she received along the way.

Keisha writes:
“Hi jade, this is my experience with my mom. Sorry it’s so long, but it tells the whole story of the terrifying last 18 days of her life. Since I wrote this, I also have been experiencing repeating numbers such as 1:11, 11:11, 4:44 and I even unplugged my ihome and the screen was blank all except “11” blinking. When I plugged it back in it went away.”

“My mom passed away on June 29th, 2015. This is by far the worst heartache I have ever experienced. It was a long journey; 18 days in critical care, ups and downs, a complete roller coaster ride of pure hell and emotions that I have never felt in my life before. If you’ve ever been there, you will know exactly what I’m talking about.”
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Heads up! I’m here!

Three years after Jake’s passing, Susan receives a series of after-death communications in one day, letting her know that her husband cares, is still with her and supports her in life’s tough decisions.

Susan writes:
“This morning before walking my dog, I reached for my house key and another of our home keys on a motorcycle keychain fell to the floor. My husband owned, rode and loved his motorcycle.”

“Later in the morning my home phone rang and on my TV, showed my husband’s name and our home phone number. It was just as if it was him calling our phone! I did not pick it up because I was in shock and a little spoofed.”
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Just Passing By…

In this after-death communication, Helena is surprised when her recently deceased daughter-in-law comes for a visit on her television screen.
Helena writes:
“My daughter in law was in the hospital for eleven days before she passed on. I did not get to say goodbye due to former family members being there constantly.”

“About a week ago, Late July, I was watching a movie on TV when her name in blue script floated across the middle of the screen. My husband thought it was some kind of advertising gimmick since my daughter-in-law and I have the same first initial and it was an attempt to target me. However, I pointed out to him that the second initial along with the last name, was not mine. Neither of us knew her middle name since it was Japanese.”
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I’m Closer Than Ever, Mom

In this post, Bridgette writes in to share a few of her after-death communications from her son, Benny Durell, who was murdered in a double homicide. You will see that Durell has neither lost his aliveness nor his ability to communicate in a special way with his mom.

Bridgette writes:
“Hi Jade , my name is Bridgette Booker. I’d like to share my after-death communication . I actually have several and a question about one I believe to be an adc as well, but this is one that I will share now.” Durell's arm in the photo

“My son was killed in a double homicide on Jan 26th, 2015. A couple of weeks after he was buried, I was sitting on my bed taking pictures of my dog. In every picture I took, there was a bright light in it. (I’m still kicking myself because I wasn’t thinking) I would take a picture and there would be a bright light, I would delete it, adjusted the settings, I turned flash on/off, etc. I even adjusted the lamp shade (as you’ll see in this pic). Then, I got up and went to other side of bed, took another picture and the same thing happened! I was aggravated! I threw my phone on bed and went to kitchen to get some iced tea. When I came back, I picked up the phone and took another pic and it was perfect!”
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Never Alone (Revisited)

Right now, I am in the process of making my yearly pilgrimage to Burning Man for the thirteenth year. It’s a place of sheer fun, that’s true. But it is much more. It is a place that teaches me so much… and a place I love because of it.

Lately, I have felt called to pull this 2012 post out of this site’s archives for some reason, to re-post. When I wrote it after Burning Man in 2012, I was still grieving deeply at the time.

So… for whatever reason, I leave this with you. I hope this is meaningful to you in some way, as well.  

With a full heart and exhausted body, I recently returned home from my ten-year anniversary trip to the Black Rock desert, where over 60,000 plus people from all over the world made their pilgrimage this year to be “welcomed home” to Black Rock City. Grateful was I because of the love, beauty and transformation I experienced there. Exhausted, because I didn’t want to close my eyes for one second, for fear I might have missed something completely amazing.
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My Friend, the Honeyeater

In this after-death communication, Anne comes face to face with a beautiful black bird. But when it looked into her eyes, that’s when she knew it was her recently deceased friend.
Anne writes:
HoneyeaterHi. After reading your after-death experiences, I just had to tell you about my experience only yesterday.”

“My friend died only a few days ago, and yesterday I was sitting, watching TV when a beautiful black bird, which I think is a Black Honeyeater, appeared on the back of my patio chair with a worm in its mouth.”
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“Don’t Worry Mama”

In this before-death and after-death communication, we see that our loved ones can visit us before, AS WELL AS after their passing. 
Valley writes-
Brian“Jade, I’m not sure if my communication is ADC but rather BDC. I lost my 34 year-old son Last November. He died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. We are still reeling with shock. He was your typical young healthy active man in his prime. Two months before he died, I had the most vivid dream. I felt like he was right there talking to me. I can still remember every detail. The colors were the brightest I’d ever seen. All he said was, “Don’t worry mama, everything will be alright.”

“Do you think that was a communication?”
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Best of Buddies

Shortly after Dustin passes on, Guardian of the Galaxy, it is revealed that he and Ashton, Dustin’s faithful dog and best friend, are reunited in the afterlife, as Ashton prepares to run into his master’s arms again.

Pat writes:
“Ashton was Dustin’s dog from the time we picked him up at a shelter many years back. He was a shepherd/husky mix…about 96 lbs. They were best friends. They slept together and Dustin walked him everyday. They were the best of buddies.”

“The past year or so, Ashton had been going down hill. He was 13 years-old and had hip dysplasia. He was on special food and three different types of pain meds. He was losing his muscle tone in his hind legs and having a hard time walking. Still he hung on like a trooper.”

“For the past year, I would meet my neighbor, Lori, outside and over the fence, we would give Ashton his meds hidden in dog food to eat. This was always at 2:30 pm.”
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“Guardian of the Galaxy”

In this after-death communication, Dustin is resourceful in finding a variety of creative ways to let his loved ones know that he is very much alive and still involved in their everyday lives.


In memory of Dustin Koch 1988 – 2015

Pat shares:
“My 26 year-old son Dustin, died in a horrible car accident on June 30, 2015. That same day, my sister who lives 1,000 miles away, said that a very tame bunny showed up outside her patio door watching her inside cats. I did read some memories of Dustin on his face book page after it was posted he had died. One memory from a co-worker was of him chasing a bunny rabbit around a tree, which the workers named Bugs. He was a security officer at Six Flags theme park and known as ”Guardian of Gate 6″. I sent my sister the memory of the rabbit. She did not know of this before. Nor did I. Then, she emailed me to say the bunny has gone from her patio. It took about a week. In it’s place she found a plastic heart. Her son also managed to get two tickets to the Packer Tribute on the 18th. It was sold out and none were available. She wondered if this was Dustin’s doing.”
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Cocoon to Butterfly

Holly receives a symbolic after-death communication from her father who recently passed away. His essence took the form of a beautiful fluttering butterfly, this sign given for Holly and her Mother to know he has not forgotten them.
Holly writes:
“My dad, Gary Harris, passed away last week on July 6, 2015. A butterfly landed on my mom’s head the day he died.”

“The next day one circled around me, over and over, making me giggle.  I feel that this is my dad but haven’t felt anything since.  This is a picture of the butterfly that kept flying around me.  It kept sitting on the porch, just like my dad did.” Continue reading

“Tell Laura I Love Her”

Laura shares a variety of interesting after-death communications received from her father, Maurice, who passed away in 2013, letting her know that he is always with her… even now.

Maurice "Mo"“My Dad passed away two years ago on June 4, 2013. We have had numerous visits from him. I know it’s him. We were readying his house for rent and he visited several times. Turned lights on and off. Flipped a breaker switch once when it should have never flipped. Turned off a radio we were listening to while working in his house. It’s an actual lever that needs to be pushed down to turn it off. I have seen blue butterflies that would keep hanging around me. My Mom has Alzheimer’s and no longer speaks intelligibly and the nurses at the nursing home said that on the morning that Dad died, my Mom said out loud, “I’m never going to see you again.” I’m pretty sure he visited to her before he left.”
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Just Beyond this Realm

Paula shares some after-death communications from her recently departed son, James. As it turns out, James has not gone, he is with his family; helping them, comforting them and teaching them that he still lives, just beyond this realm.

“My dear son, James, passed away seven weeks ago tomorrow and since his passing our family have had several experiences that we believe are ADC’s.”

“A few days after my son passed, his younger brother (my younger son), had a vivid dream; in the dream, James told his brother he could keep his musical equipment and to look after his health.”

“James was an excellent musician and a couple of years ago he filmed some blues guitar tutorials which he initially put out on YouTube.  He then took them down so that they could only be viewed by him on his private YouTube account.  His lovely wife and myself were desperate to find these videos of him singing, talking and playing his guitar, but alas, we did not know his password and had all but given up.  My daughter was using my laptop a couple of weeks ago and needed to go online; like me, she always uses google chrome, however, on this occasion, without even thinking she clicked on internet explorer and began to access google mail.  In doing so James’ google email account appeared and when she clicked on it, she immediately got access to his gmail account (James was never in the habit of saving his passwords).  As we looked through his emails, there were only two senders; a free online learning site which he subscribed to and emails from YouTube.  When we opened one of the emails from YouTube, it said something about his account and there was a link.  I clicked on the link and a message came up saying this was a private account and could only be accessed by the account holder.  Nevertheless, I clicked on the black YouTube box (after all, what had I got to lose) and to my amazement, I found a total of 21 videos that my son had recorded.  I felt that I had discovered a treasure chest and felt strongly that James had given us a gift.”
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Love Never Dies

In a series of after-death communication dream visitations, Sadgunnan convinces Sanjita that he is alive, well and still continues to watch over his best friend.

Sanjita writes:

Sanjita's best friend, Sadgunnan

Sanjita’s best friend, Sadgunnan

“It’s been a year and 7 months since my best friend, Sadgunnan, passed away. I had known him for the past 8 years. We hung out and were there for each other always. Besides God, he always protected me in many ways. We did have ups and downs, unlike other friendships, but despite the situations, we somehow got back in contact with each other.”

“It’s was a few months back in 2013, that we both got busy with our lives and hardly met up with each other, called or even texted. There was a time he wanted to meet me, but I was so caught up with my work that I couldn’t meet him. My answer was always “next time”… and when the next time came that I wanted to tell him, “we’ll meet up”, I received a phone call from his good friend telling me that Sadgunnan met with an accident, was in coma for a week and had passed away. I was deeply shocked. I could not believe or accept his death. I wasn’t able to attend his funeral, as well and had thoughts in my mind like, “That’s it!! I have lost him and will not get the chance to meet him again”. I thought of him and our memories, cried myself to sleep a lot, and blamed myself for not seeing him when he was alive.”
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Mimi’s Heaven

Before Lisa’s mother, Mimi, passes through the veil to the “other side”, she promises her daughter that she will comfort her by showing her where she is in heaven. In this after-death communication and out-of-body experience, this promise is made manifest.

“When my mother, Mimi, passed away, my entire world was ripped away from me. As I left the hospital for the last time and followed her wishes to go home to be with my son, Kevin, I remember that I literally felt her leave this Earth. Crushed by the realization that she was gone, time stopped for me. Everything seemed like a blur. It was just as though I’d fallen into a black hole and was falling into the darkness below me. I had no will to even try to grab the sides to stop myself. I was so lost, and felt so alone in this world without her. I had no sense of time; not whether it was night or day.”

“I remember only fragments- like my son, Kevin, speaking softly on the phone to my dad, saying things like, “No, she’s not eating anything” or “I haven’t seen her sleep at all yet.” I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I’d never see her again. I remember being with her and sitting with her as we talked for hours. My son told me to record her, so I would have a recording of her voice, forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to play it back and listen to us together for the last time. It was too sad.”
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The Gift

In this after-death communication, Carolynn receives an unexpected gift for her newest grandchild, from Julie, Carolynn’s deceased neighbor and friend.

Carolynn and her family lived in the same cul-de-sac as Julie for many years before Carolynn dropped off a plate of homemade English Toffee, and an invitation to attend a church social with her. Although Julie was of a different religion, she gladly accepted Carolynn’s invitation, and the many invitations that followed, allowing them to become good friends over the years.

One day, early on, Carolynn mentioned the roast she was making for Sunday dinner. Julie confessed that she no longer cooked for one, since her husband’s death, just 5 years earlier. Carolynn’s mind drifted off to the memory of her mother-in-law, Betty. While she was living, Betty had the compassionate practice of taking Sunday dinner to a widower in her church, every Sunday. Inspired by this, Carolynn asked Julie if she could do the same for her. Julie gladly accepted.

One day, Carolynn noticed that Julie, with her swollen ankles, could not easily walk down the driveway to retrieve her newspaper. So Carolynn, volunteered to bring Julie’s paper to her door. In gratitude of Carolynn’s efforts to go above and beyond, Julie would always say, “I don’t know anyone nicer than you!” But, Carolynn, having received so much from Julie, throughout the years, would tell you that she was just as nice.
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