The Dream That Paid Cash

In this after-death communication that occurred in a dream, Maria was guided to an unlikely place, that resulted in an equally unlikely outcome. Only heaven could have predicted this one.

Maria, a client of mine, is very sensitive to spiritual things. Having both shared the pain from the loss of loved ones to death, within a few weeks of each other, and knowing of my intense interest and connection to the “other side”,  Maria has openly shared with me many of the after-death communications she has received from her departed loved ones. Here is one I could not pass up sharing.

A woman dreaming

A woman dreaming

A few Saturdays ago, in the wee hours of morning, Maria had a dream. In it, she was with her deceased mother and aunt. Also, present in the dream were her living father and brother; all of them were at the same gambling casino together! Not being a gambler herself, Maria stood quietly behind her mother and aunt who were ecstatically playing the slot machines.

Across the casino, Maria saw her brother and father. Strangely, in sharp contrast to her mother and aunt’s excitement, she noticed that her father looked sad, but she didn’t know why. Soon, her dream ended as she woke up for the day.
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Kevin’s Journey into the Light

Last night as I was waiting to drift off to sleep, there Kevin was, smiling at me in my mind’s eye. Apparently, Kevin wants me to share his story with you, as he keeps pushing his way up into the forefront of my thoughts. So, I will tell it to you.

It must have been1986 when we met. He was a costumer in an Italian restaurant I worked at. I was a single mother of two small children when we became friends. Kevin was a kind and loving soul. Besides being a great guy, Kevin was a pilot too.

Once, in a small plane, Kevin took me up into the night sky above our city. It was a warm and clear night. The lights below and above were most beautiful!

After that, I would see him on occasion, but gradually, with me getting married and both of us moving around, we eventually lost contact.
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