Together Again!

Rebecca shares her mother’s after-death-visit with her grandson, Kenny, just before he escorts her into the next world with him.

Rebecca writes:

Kenny and Grandma

Kenny and Grandma

Another instance that happened to me after Kenny’s passing:  My mom gave up her fight for life after Kenny passed. He was the first grandson born in our family and my mom and he were very, very close.  My mom had a liver transplant in 1995 and received a ‘new lease on life’ and was able to enjoy her grandchildren.  When Kenny passed, she gave up the fight to live. She could not understand how this beautiful boy, at 23, passed away and she was still on this Earth.  My mom was hospitalized for about 5 weeks prior to her passing. Two days before she passed, she started talking about Kenny visiting her in the hospital.  My mother was still lucid as she was reciting events that happened when my siblings and I were children – it wasn’t the medicine that had her seeing Kenny is my point.  The last day she spoke was the full day before her passing. When I got to the hospital, I went to her side and held her hand. She opened her eyes and looked right at me, “Rebecca, Kenny’s here, he’s over there standing by the wall, just smiling at me….I think he’s waiting for me.”  She passed away 12 hours later.

After my mom passed, I went to see a Medium. I was told that my mom’s spirit came through and wanted to ‘thank me for singing to her and telling her it was okay to go’ – both of which I did. The Medium explained to me where I was in the hospital room, what side I was standing on and repeated what I had told my mom.  I asked her if anyone was there to greet my mother when she crossed over. The Medium said, “Yes, there were two male spirits – her father and her grandson.” (The grandson would be Kenny)
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Those Yellow Trunks!

The following after-death-communication is from Rebecca, the mother of Kenny, age 23, a brilliant young man who passed in his sleep from an accidental overdose.

“​I was awakened by my younger son and his father, Kevin, at 2:06 am on 7/7/12. Both were telling me that I had to get up and go upstairs.  I refused, I had a strong intuition that something was wrong with one of my children (I have 3).  Reluctantly, I walked upstairs to find 2 people from the Coroner’s office in my living room. I asked what they were doing in my house; I was told that my firstborn child, Kenneth Wayne McCormick III, my son who had graduated USC in 2011 and was living in Los Angeles to pursue his career, was ‘found by his roommates’ at about 7:00 p.m. on 7/6, a Friday evening.  They told me what the scene looked like in his apartment and that’s about all I can recall.  Somehow, later that same evening, I had closed my eyes in exhaustion and suddenly I was walking into my bedroom and there sat Kenny in a chair. I felt myself running to him and with a shriek I cried out, “I knew you wouldn’t leave me Kenny!!” Ken stood up and grabbed me into his arms and said, “Mom, I’m gone now.” The calmness in his voice compared to mine was astonishing.  “What do you mean??”, I screamed to him, “Please, please, Kenny, I can’t do this!! Please will you come back??” He pulled away from me and said, “MOM (his tone was strong, stern) I’ll be back, but not for a long time because SHE said I had a lot of work to do.”

Kenny hugged me, and I felt his head (he had a perfect head), the hug was a “Kenny” hug, a bear-like grasp. He looked right at me and said that he loved me and as I was holding on to him, BAM!!!, I woke up; I was still left with the feeling of his touch. I suddenly heard my daughter say, “Mom what are you doing? You are hugging the chair and nobody is in it.”
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Justin’s Note

Pam had always cleaned the family tile and flooring shop that she and her husband owned. But because of physical pain, Pam was limited to no lifting when they were relocating the store. So Ryan, Pam’s eldest son, was doing the lifting for her. As Ryan lifted stacks of tiles off of the shelf, he noticed a crumbled piece of paper that fell to the floor. The place was a mess, and Ryan had no time to look at it. But, instead of allowing it to stay on the floor as something to be swept up later, something told him he’d better pick it up and look at it. Ryan was sure glad he did!

Dialing his mother back, Ryan said, “Are you coming this way? You might want to come this way. There’s a gift in an envelope on the board!”

By the sound of his voice, Pam knew it had something to do with Justin! (Justin was Pam’s son who had suddenly died in a skateboarding accident, in August, 2010.) With Pam excited by the possibility of seeing something of Justin’s, Joe, Pam’s husband, tried to ease her hopes with comments like, “Well, it could be.” But Pam was not deterred with anything he said. Such is a mother’s unrelenting hope!

When Pam arrived and as she approached the board, with gratitude, she broke down crying, as she discovered what she already knew… that her deceased son, Justin, had left her a note!
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There’s Nothing to Fear

Wes writes the following after-death communication which occurred with his close friend, Miake.

“A few nights after I had moved back home to Forest Ranch, Ca from Eureka Ca, I woke up at 4 am in a frenzy about my very close lady friend, Miake M., whose house I had stayed at for the last three nights of my living in Eureka. I had the strongest intuitive feeling that something was very wrong with her. Where I was staying at my parents house- where I grew up, we had no telephone and cell phones didn’t work that far in the mountains either, so I got in the car and frantically drove three miles down the highway to ‘the phone call spot’ where the cell phone worked at the top of Platte Mountain. I was talking to myself on the way there saying ‘oh God, please don’t let it be so’ and such. When I got to the spot and called, a voice I didn’t recognize picked up. I was practically crying and in a frenzy said, ‘where’s Miake? What’s wrong?’ Only to find out that she was in the hospital in ICU and had swallowed a bottle of Norco in a moment of apparently, overwhelming despair and she was basically brain dead. Anyhow, a few weeks (?) later, I had a dream where I had a ‘phone call from heaven’ and it was her. I remember thinking I had so many questions to ask, but I think I didn’t know where to start.  Before I knew it, she had appeared before me. It was her, but a more perfected version of her, at peace and serene; like all the impurities and layers of negative experience and character traits she’d acquired in life were now gone. Of all the things that could be said, and I was expecting grand insights and tales of what it’s like after life, but all she said to me is this, “There’s nothing to fear. There’s nothing to fear”. I took it as religion is wrong, and the most hell experienced would be in a place where one is ‘burned’ of their impurities… and where they pay the price of any negative they’ve caused in life, and then return to the source as does everyone. Regardless, of my mere mortal perception, it was the best and only thing I suppose I could want to hear, if I could only hear one thing about death and where we go afterwards.”
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Healing From Death

Albana writes to me of her deceased love, Ardit, when he appears in dreams, in two after-death-communications with Albana’s friends.

Yesterday my friend saw Ardit in her dreams. He was staring at a picture of us on the wall, and started crying, saying to her, “We were so beautiful together. How did I go like that and leave her alone?”

On another occasion, a few months later, Albana writes to me, “A strange thing happened. A friend of mine who knew Ardit, just from photos, saw him in her dream. In the dream, Ardit, me and my friend were in a room, but only my friend could see Ardit; I could not. Ardit told my friend, “Tell Albana that I am here with her all the time, and to not cry or be sad for me.” In the dream, I was wearing a pair of shoes, and when I walked they made a lot of noise. Ardit said to my friend, “Please tell Albana to remove those shoes, the noise is driving me crazy!!!!”

Commentary- It is not uncommon for deceased loved ones who want to get a message to the living, to go through other people; friends, family… and even perfect strangers. Perhaps it is the only way they can reach us at the time.
In the first dream, Ardit sorrowfully expresses his perspective on how fragile our existence in this life can be. He shares his regrets about the loss of “what once was”, and “what might have been.” Ardit’s words also point to the shocking eventuality that, even the “once living and full of life,” can so easily depart so suddenly and unexpectedly. Ardit’s words seem to indicate that, he too, is still adjusting to the newness of his death, and what he left behind.
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Business As Usual

The following after-death-communication was sent in by a reader named Nancy.



My husband died on November 14, 1999. On January 10, 2000, I received a phone call from my husband in a dream. It was a lucid dream in which I tried desperately to ask my husband what day it was; I wanted to show proof that he had called. I said “Jack, today is January 10; you died on November 14.” I pled with him to tell me where he was – again, my aim being to prove I spoke with him. His only responses were those of normal conversations we had during his life. He would not respond to my questions; just continued to talk about work, daily tasks of the day, etc. I know in my soul that it was Jack – telling me “business as usual.” This is the most profound occurrence in my life. It is true.

Commentary- Lucid dreaming is a powerful way for deceased loved ones to communicate with us. The lucidity makes it easier for us to remember the messages given to us, when we awaken. Sometimes our loved ones come to give messages that are obvious and outright, while other times their messages are cryptic, symbolic, figurative and/or metaphorical, as in Nancy’s dream. Jack’s message was to assure his wife that the “other side” is not so different from this world, implying to her that he is fine and there is nothing for her to worry about. To her, Jack’s visit made all the difference in the world… this world!

“I’m Not So Far Away!”

In an after-death-communication, Justin magically says, “Hello” to his mother from the world beyond.

For fifteen years, of Justin’s almost 22 years of life, Justin enjoyed playing “Magic” card
games with his two brothers, Cameron, Daeton, and his father, Paul. After his death, Justin’s mother, Pam, began driving his car. Over a three-year period, she has cleaned out his car repeatedly. Just when she thought she had cleaned it out completely, a “Magic” card would mysteriously show up. Sometimes they have been found in a place she had just cleaned! One another occasion, a “Magic” card dropped on Pam from someplace above her. Pam can’t imagine there could be another card to find, but a few months go by and one shows up again! Pam is elated each time she finds something which reminds her of Justin. She knows it is his way of saying, “Hello! I’m not so far away.”

The last time she cleaned out the car, she found one of his guitar pics!

Commentary- Many times, tangible objects, having to do with the deceased will show up as a reminder of them. Sometimes it is clear that what is being experienced is an after-death-communication. Sometimes… it’s subtle, and therefore; not so clear… so we chalk it up to our imagination or wishful thinking. We may be afraid to believe, for fear we had just been fooling ourselves with such notions. 

The brain is a physical organ that only knows of a finite existence, ending in the death of the body. Why would a brain believe anything outside of its experience, without having an open mind? It most likely wouldn’t, hence the disbelievers. But for those who have experienced themselves beyond brains and bodies, a continuation of life after death is a “No Brainer!” Pardon the pun!
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“The Mix” by J.V.

It was just another weekend up at the cabin that Pam and Joe planned to entertain their friends. But because of a fluke allergic reaction to an antibiotic, Pam was unable to attend, so Joe went ahead instead. Also… not so coincidentally, Justin, Pam’s son, being blown off by his friends, was left at home as well. Nevertheless, the circumstances of events enabled mother and son to spend one last precious weekend on Earth together.

The date was Saturday, August 28, 2010, when Pam noticed an infected cut from a skateboard injury on Justin’s leg. It was when Pam attempted to doctor her son’s wounds, over Justin’s adamant objections, that the following conversation took place…

Justin, who was just a few weeks from his 22nd birthday, teased his mother, “You don’t think I’m going to get out of here without a few bumps and scrapes, do you?” To that, Pam replied, “Justin! The 30-year-old version of you wants you to take care of yourself!”

“Mom?” Seeming to somehow know he needed to deliver this message, Justin said, “When I die… I want you to donate my organs.” “Well, when I die”, Pam chuckled, “I want you to donate my body to a cadaver lab and save some money!” Pam’s doctoring never happened that day, but an important conversation had.

JustinIt was 4:30 pm the next day, Sunday, August 29, 2010, that Justin handed his mother a Cd he made for her, entitled “The Mix” by J.V., Sweetness for Peace of Mind.” (The songs were a mix of Justin’s favorite tunes; a Cd that would become a most precious gift to a grieving, but grateful mother.)

Shortly after giving his mother this gift, Justin left the house to literally go – head-on into the skateboarding accident that would eventually claim his life.
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Signaling the End of Grief

In an after-death communication, Christian sends a clear signal that it’s time for me to move on with my life.

It was in the wee hours of the morning, on June 9th, 2013, that a strange noise sounded in my house! Wondering what it could possibly be, it was discovered to be the ringtone on my phone! But… what a horrible sound it was that had replaced the beautiful ringtone that was Christian, playing guitar on one of the songs he had created, and played so well.

Confused by what had happened, I grabbed my phone to change the annoying ringtone back to “Skies”, the peaceful melody that reminded me of Christian, every time my phone rang.

I admit, I felt a little hurt and insulted to think that Christian would just remove his ringtone from my phone, as if to say… “Get on with your life, already!!”

Okay… so it had already been 3 years and 70 days since Christian’s death, but I was still experiencing grief. Not painful grief, at this point, but grief, nonetheless. Since Christian’s death had been such a big deal to me, deep sorrow was something I had expected to feel over the loss of him, until the day I died.

My phone rang again. It was the same annoying ringtone that woke me up, just hours earlier that day. Patiently, I changed it back again. I tested the “Skies” ringtone, but it was nowhere to be found. NOWHERE!!! I wondered why…
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Love Continues On…

After the tragic accident and eventual passing of her beloved boyfriend, Ardit, 19-year-old Albana, is comforted when she receives several messages from Ardit, in a dream.

It was mid August when Albana contacted me with her dream visitation and a question. The email read in part: “I saw a dream last night. I was in my grandparents’ room with my mum. In the bed, there was a little baby of 3 months. The baby was talking to us, and said our name.” Surprised by this, Albana suddenly asked, “Who are you?” The baby answered, saying, “I am Ardit!” (Ardit was her boyfriend who died 3 weeks earlier!)

Then, Albana asked me, “Is this a dream or real sign from him? During the time since his death, I have seen him in other dreams, saying to me that he loves me, he is fine, and begged me to forgive him. Help me to understand please.”

(In a reply to Albana, I write, in part)
“Hello Albana,
I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like this is a sign. There may be some symbolism involved also. I would need more background information to determine what symbolism was being used. Like for example, the 3-month-old baby saying he was your boyfriend that died 3 weeks ago. If the death time would have been longer than 3 weeks, I would consider reincarnation, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
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The Mysterious Singing Bird

In an after-death communication, I am comforted when a mysterious bird lands on my front porch to serenade me with its beautiful songs.

It was Friday, May 28th, 2010, a day I remember well. It was two month after Christian’s death and I was still very raw with emotion from his shocking and untimely departure. I was alone in the house at the time, sitting on the couch… just crying my eyes out. My grief was so severe, I thought I might have been having a nervous breakdown at the time. I remember wondering if I would have to be hospitalized for my despondency and suicidal thoughts. The pain was exhausting.

Suddenly, without any explanation, a calm stillness fell over me. It was very noticeable. I stopped crying, and for that brief time, I felt no pain whatsoever. Taking advantage of this blessed reprieve, I laid my head down to get some much needed peaceful rest.

As I drifted off into the stillness, I could tell that I was neither asleep, nor awake… but very conscious still. I could feel Christian trying to communicate with me. His presence was strong. I know he was trying to comfort me, but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Concentrating hard to discern his message to me, I listened intently. And, as I listened, I was brought out of this twilight state and into the awakening awareness of an unusual, but sweet sound of a bird singing. Perplexed at what I was hearing, for it was so close to me, I got up to see what it was.

The Mysterious Singing Bird and my cat

The Mysterious Singing Bird and my cat

Just outside my glass storm door, a beautiful bird sang to me as he sat on my front porch! It was amazing! This bird just sat there, while me and my cat looked and listened to its lovely songs. He even let me get some close-up pictures! He stayed for about 2 hours, just looking cute, while singing away. Then, without further ado, this beautiful sweet bird flew up to the roof, then off to the side of my yard and out of sight.

Grateful for this Godsend, I smiled.

Ceramic Bird Gift from Christian

Ceramic Bird Gift from Christian

As I sat on my couch, scratching my head about what had just happened, and how this was even possible, my eyes were directed to the fireplace. There, inconspicuously positioned, a ceramic bird sat, perched upon the mantle’s ledge. Confused, I thought, “What a coincidence!”

Then, I remembered… just one month before his death, Christian gave me this ceramic bird for a gift!!!

Commentary- Christian, trying to communicate and comfort me, put the symbol of the ceramic bird he had just given me, to good use. Tying the ceramic bird together with the real bird was a very nice touch on his part. It is true; the singing bird did comfort me by getting my mind off of my grief for a while. But… perhaps even more of a comfort to me was to know that Christian was alive and well, and had just come for one of his reassuring visits!

This serenading bird has never returned, but it made me smile that day. Even now, whenever I think about this mysterious bird, it still makes me smile, as, 3 years later, smiling has become much easier for me. 

More Pictures-

My cat watching the audacity of that bird

My cat watching the audacity of that bird

singing bird

The singing bird

Singing Bird

The singing bird

Higher-Self Communication

There are times in our lives when we want or need to talk to a particular person in order to complete something of importance, BUT, actually doing so… may seem too difficult for us, if even impossible. Reasons for this lack of communication may include:

  • Not knowing the person well enough, so approaching them could be awkward or even embarrassing.
  • We speak different languages.
  • We’ve lost contact, with no way of locating them.
  • This person may live too far away, and maybe, even so far away that they are no longer on this planet.
  • The person we want or need to speak to isn’t in a good position to be contacted by us, or… if we did contact them, perhaps they would refuse to speak to us, or hear our message.
  • Or maybe… it is even our own pride that prevents us from speaking with them.
  • The one we want to speak to is an animal.

But, it’s possible that this is the most difficult one of all…

  • It could be that the issues between the two are so sticky, that every attempt to sort things through leaves those involved with an attitude of defensiveness and frustration, causing both to walk away while throwing their arms up in the air in sheer resignation!

You may have experienced this before. Completely discouraged by the many attempts to communicate, but to no avail, and now… you’ve finally given up the thought and hope that this issue between the two of you could ever be rectified.

But… whatever the circumstances are, it ends the same; you are left with the sense of the incompletion that continually hangs over your head, just begging to be resolved and put to rest.

More than likely, what you really wanted or needed to tell this person was something that you never got a chance to say; for example: to give an apology, to ask or accept forgiveness, to straighten something out, to make a request or to give them your love and/or blessings? Or maybe, you just wanted to be heard and were uncertain that you ever were in the past.
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Still here…

Christian's Gmail Thumbnail

Christian’s Gmail Thumbnail

Around 2 months ago when I was looking through my gmail, I noticed something strange about my thumbnail picture on the left hand-side of the screen. It wasn’t my picture anymore! As I put my cursor on it, it expanded the picture and I was able to see that, although dark, it was a picture I’d seen before of Christian playing his guitar. This was a familiar site that represented him well.

Deciding to change it back to my picture, I clicked on the thumbnail photo and selected, “change picture.” Then, I went into the pictures on my laptop and chose the one of me I wanted. When I checked back on my gmail account, JadeGmailThumbnailit was my picture again.

It wasn’t until a week or so later that I put the cursor on top of my thumbnail picture with the intention of expanding it. When I did, there it was! Christian’s picture again in the expanded image!

After that, when I was on this site, I noticed that if I put my cursor over the “google plus” icon on the upper left side of the page, there was Christian’s picture also! I guess this is fitting, since this whole website/blog is pretty much inspired and dedicated to the memory of him. Having his picture show up was interesting to me. I guess this is just Christian’s way of telling me that he is always with me and a reminder that he is close by.

Out of Body Experiences

out of body experience

out of body experience

Have you ever had a dream so real that you thought you were actually there? Have you ever felt a tingling feeling or vibration, followed by a sensation of floating out of your body as you drifted off for a nap? Have you ever found yourself consciously aware and interacting inside a dream, as opposed to watching the usual non-sensical images flash by behind your eyelids? If so, you may have had an out-of-body experience!

It is said that 1 out of 10 people have had, at least one OBE in their lifetime, while others in that same group have experienced this phenomenon many times. The truth is, although waking OBE’s are more rare, compared to those occurring in a sleep state, it is quite common for anyone to experience an OBE in a sleep state, it’s just that, 1) we don’t always remember them, and 2) if we do, we often pass the OBE off as a really clear and vivid dream, if left undistinguished.
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Simple Pleasures

In this after-death communication, Elizabeth gets a surprise visitation when she wakes from her nap on one unsuspecting day,  .

Materializing Spirit

Materializing Spirit

One late afternoon while watching the television in her study, 88-year-old Elizabeth drifted off for a nap. Later, when waking up, but still in that fuzzy state of mind that exists between dreams and wakening, she opened her eyes to see the solid full-body profile of a man facing the dimming light still shining through her living room window. In the next room, only 15 feet away from her, she could hardly believe what she was seeing! Looking closer, she realized that the man her eyes were now sharply fixed upon, was her late husband, Robert, who had died just a few years earlier.

There he was, smiling, as he proudly put on that old favorite jacket he had always worn and loved, but had left behind, along with his body. Elizabeth, seeing the joy in Robert’s face as he donned his old favorite rag, and how fondly he remembered it, was glad that she hadn’t given it away to the thrift shop after his death. Then, within seconds, Robert began to fade, until he disappeared completely.

Commentary- The hypnogogic state is that hazy fuzzy state that is experienced just between sleep and waking. It is rather like the portal that connects this world with the next. Because of the blended realities in this portal, this is a prime time for visions and visitations from another world.

It was appropriate that Robert was facing away from Elizabeth, as not to scare her to death by looking directly at her. But it is possible, because of his lack of attention, that Robert wasn’t aware that Elizabeth was awake and watching him, or even there, for that matter, as his focus was solely on his old favorite jacket.

Although this after-dead communication was short and sweet, it was enough to let Elizabeth know that her beloved husband, was existing somewhere, just beyond this realm, and still enjoying the simple pleasures that this life provided.