Celebrity After-Death Communications

Is it possible to experience an after-death communication from an adored deceased celebrity? Why not?

Picture of Singer, David Bowie

Picture of Singer, David Bowie

Liz writes:
“I was on the sofa on my laptop and Billy, my partner, was putting a towel in the laundry when we heard a noise of something falling in our sun-room. We looked in and found the big picture we have on the wall in there, which is a sketching of David Bowie, had fallen off the wall and slipped behind the chair it sits above. It’s held up by 4 of those heavy duty sticky hooks, and has a cord which sits on the hooks.”

“I have often thought that if the hooks fail, the picture would fall and smash on the floor, that’s why we put the extra support of a couple more hooks behind it. It’s a treasured picture I bought for Billy years ago, being a big Bowie fan for years.”

“Strangely, when if fell, it must have just dropped down and slipped behind the chair, so there was no damage. In the unlikely event of all hooks failing together, you’d imagine the picture to fall forward and break on the floor, but not one of the hooks had come unstuck. All 4 hooks were firmly stuck to the wall, meaning that the cord must have snapped or broken – but it hadn’t, it was fully intact! We hung it back up.”

“How could a picture that size and weight launch itself off the 4 hooks on it’s own when nothing had come unstuck or the cord broken?”

“I have a feeling we’ve had a visit from Stevie, Billy’s friend who passed after a brain hemorrhage 2 years ago on Christmas Eve. They’d been best mates since they were in their teens, and Stevie knew how much Billy loved David Bowie … unless we’ve had a visit from David himself!

Commentary- I would have chalked up this after-death communication as just another visit from deceased best friend, Stevie, who knew of Billy’s love for, also deceased singer, David Bowie. However, it was Liz’s afterthought that caught my attention. 

I’ve found that so many times, afterthoughts, even those that seem to be far-fetched or said in jest, are actually something to consider as subconscious material rising to the surface. And, more than often, I’ve found subconscious material to be a clue leading to previously untapped truth.

Liz laughs, but no joke, I’ve heard this happen before. I started hearing about this early on when GriefandMourning.com first began. Although I did hear out the people who wrote to tell me about their experiences with dead celebrities back then, I might have wondered about their imaginations or wishful thinking. You know, similar to the “I was Cleopatra in another life” sort of thing. But after hearing enough of these celebrity after-death visits, I realized that just like our deceased loved ones, for whom we care so much about, beloved celebrities also fall into the mix.

It was only after learning about 1990’s pop singer, Debbie Gibson’s experience with her beloved Liberace, and the mirrored piano of his that she bought, that I began to realize this was really a thing.

Debbie received a call to be a mystery guest on a show with a Psychic Medium and wondered who he was going to even contact, but agreed to be on the show. On the way out the door she heard something fall to the floor and noticed that it was one of the mirrored parts from the piano. For some reason, she put it in her purse. 

When she got to the studio, she and the medium couldn’t see each other, as their backs were to each other. She had never heard of this medium before. When he began his reading, he stopped mid sentence to say, “I’m getting something about a piano.” Then, “Surely, you couldn’t have brought a piano with you?” “Well, actually…” and she went on to tell him that she brought a sentimental piece of a piano with her. Immediately he named Liberace and that he had a message for her. Liberace wanted her to know that he is around her and was watching over her and the piano. After that, Debbie realized his continued presence.

As people in this life may develop a meaningful relationship and affinity for a celebrity of some sort, those artists do the same for their fans as a whole. Making people smile is what they have always known and are used to. Perhaps some of them are still trying to do that. 

Although I’ve never experienced a celebrity visitation, I do believe it to be possible. After all, dead celebrities are spirits too.

And maybe this classic “picture falling off the wall” was just an after-death communication from Stevie. Maybe it was David Bowie. But, even more amazing to think about is… maybe it was both! 

My gut tells me… it was probably both! Yeah, that feels right!


7 thoughts on “Celebrity After-Death Communications

  1. Liz James on said:

    Thanks Jade, nicely put, and still to this day that picture has not fallen down again. Also, the lights that flashed in our living room daily since Stevie passed stopped after Bowie dropped off the wall! So whether that was Stevie’s departure message, or Bowie’s, hi, I’m acknowledging your message, we have to ponder. All in all, it was certainly an event!

  2. Eric Willden on said:

    Cool story, pretty amazing all the picture hardware was still intact.

  3. Something to think on. I suppose we could be visited by anyone from the beyond. I guess there is already, at least a one way connection already established with those artists and celebrities we feel affinity for.
    Thanks for sharing the story.

  4. I do believe that celebrities can visit us. I believe that Tom Petty paid me a visit. I have had profound ADC visits in the form of dreams – less that 5 my entire life and they have always been from immediate family members. Mr. Petty broke the pattern for me. I have been a fan of his since I was a teenager. He is the only person (that I did not know on a personal level) who’s passing had cause a bit of grief and depression for me. Saturday house cleaning days are alwaysfilled with TPHB music. I have an mp3 player loaded with his music that I run to. I’m glad that Tom is still around and checking in on his fans.

  5. Sonya Anew on said:

    Hi. I do believe celebrities may contact us, especially if they inspired us in some significant or spiritual way through their performances and work. My daughter shares the same birthday as the late Matthew Adam Garber (the child Mary Poppins star) who actually passed away four years before I was born at the age of 21. I was somehow prompted to watch Mary Poppins and remembering my late father with whom I watched it when I was my other daughter’s age. Then I started looking back at the stars. I realized that both Matthew Garber’s and my daughter’s birthday are coming up. I devoted a video to his birthday on tiktok and in 3 days, it has amassed close to 9K views and over 200 likes, my most successful tiktok video to date. I felt Matthew’s presence thanking me for remembering him and helping others to remember him.

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