For your consideration…
Category Archives: Thoughts
The Authentic Self
It’s not always about being cowardly as you raise up the white flag in surrender. It’s not always about ending the long battle in defeat with your head hung low in shame.
Surrender may be about courageously getting off your “high horse” for the possibility of seeing another point of view.
And sometimes… surrendering the old perception for this fresh new point of view is exactly what is needed for your greatest and highest good.
Death and Life
What is death about?
Journey into the unknown
Growth and progression
Living and learning
Endless Possibilites
Loving and caring for those we love
Finding peace
Discovering who we really are
Life after death
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Life and Death
What is life about?
Journey into the unknown
Growth and progression
Living and learning
Endless Possibilities
Loving and caring for those we love
Finding peace
Discovering who we really are
Death after life
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50 ways to Cope with Stress
No Regrets…
Bridge of Forgiveness
“He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass…”
-George Herbert
It is the nature of human beings to make mistakes. We all do it.
To not forgive another for their mistakes is to condemn and imprison them in our own thinking of them.
But in this thinking, who is really the condemned prisoner? And who holds the key to our release? Them or us?
Tomorrow never comes…
Really and truly, there is no actual tomorrow. There is only this moment made up of a string of NOW’s.
We live like there is a future out there somewhere, that we can put off our lives until tomorrow, but every NOW is the future we are living into. Make the best of it, be your best self and while you’re at it… just to be BRAVE and BOLD for the moment and live life like your hair’s on fire!
Thoughts Become Things…
Our Innocence
The House by the Side of the Road
This poem represents the human experience, and in it, the varying cast of characters that share the stage of life with us. As fellow travelers crossing over to “stage right” or “stage left”, we assume that our roles have been permanently cast. With our character and lines already set, we have forgotten that we are only actors playing a part.
As actors following yesterday’s scripts, we could allow our negative opinions and left-over prejudices and attitudes to dictate how we will treat another. Or, with the continual conscious choice of love, kindness, tolerance and compassion, we could change the script of this world, thereby, making this stage a better place for life to play out.
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The Seed
The Beautiful Unfolding of YOU!
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin
Whatever you may encounter on your journey through life, face it with strength and courage.
It is often fear of the unknown that keeps us frozen and stuck in the safety of what we have already known. And ironically, being afraid to go forward, we run the risk of risking ourselves.
So, with eyes, arms, hearts and minds wide open, bravely risk unfolding to continually become the most beautiful blossom you were meant to be.